The following is the latest experience given
to Christina by Our Lady Queen
of Peace on March 29th 2009

The birth-pangs are over. The world is handed over to the anti- Christ.

Civil war will break out in the United States and many will fight and kill each other. 'Nests' of foreigners have already been placed in the U.S. Christina was shown a scene of what will take place, the weapons being used and the blood flowing. The horror was over powering for her. Christina was then allowed to witness the explosion of a bomb which will be dropped on America. Its impact was horrific. She was shown that an earthquake will follow some time later. (She, herself believes that the earthquake will be a direct consequence of the bomb.)

The events in the U.S. will also filter throughout Europe and then throughout the world. A great suppression will come about…

Many, including Church authorities will go willingly in union with the anti-Christ because of the control he wields. Christina was shown how God desires to protect the handing on of the faith throughout the times that are to follow. Christina was shown how the Holy Father is suffering. There is much rebellion and hatred against him even within the Church. She was then shown the global Church descending into a great blackness and exuding misty vapour. This scene was surrounded by a multitude of angry demons wanting to get rid of the Church and Christianity.

Christina was then shown Blessed Michael, clad in red and gold and holding his sword upright. Behind him could be seen Our Blessed Lady and a multitude of angels in red, in haste to do battle with the adversary.

Pestilence will accompany the civil war and the suppression. Mosquitoes will carry all kinds of new diseases. Locusts such as have never been seen before will form a plague; it will seem as those themselves have an evil intent, almost as if they have an awareness that they are to wreak destruction.

Christina understands that if people in the US wish to gain the graces of protection as invited by Our Blessed Lady, they should be in the state of grace and draw from God's graces through Her promise by going to pray frequently in Her Chain Houses and upholding them -now, beforehand- as it will be too late for them when these events have begun to happen.

As messenger, Christina says it is heartbreaking for her to give this message and yet she has no option but to do so. She gives it in response to Our Blessed Lady despite her knowing that she will be mocked and ridiculed for doing so. However, it is up to each one to choose whether they accept or reject it.


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