Marie Julie Jahenny Remedies for Our Times
The times she Spoke of during her life 1850-1941 are clearly unfolding before our eyes. Our Lord gave her many remedies for the problems we will face
in the years to come and will only grow in severity as the war continues to escalate. What we have seen over the last 20 years is a foreshadowing of what
is to come. Our Lord foretold all that will happen and has given us many answers to the problems we face. Though most do not care or want to go their
own way. Below are the last 2 pages from this free PDF booklet which has become hard to find in a hard copy; 66 pg. booklet
Here is my News Website; and for phones;
Here is another free book here in PDF format;
Texts of Marie-Julie's Ecstasies in Chronological Order A Selection of Approved Theologians, Saints and
Catholic Mystics that have Predicted the Coming Chastisements, the Great Monarch, and the Angelic Pontiff