Latest Message March 15th 2011

Jesus spoke to Christina on Tuesday the 15th March 2011

My little one, I bless you and give you this message for the world – a world that has rejected and found fault with the Love and Mercy which I have offered. I have called the world’s inhabitants to respond to My many messages and to those of My Immaculate Mother.

I am your Lord, the Lord of Life. I desire you listen and take to heart every word I tell you today through the messenger of My Sacred Heart. Your world will witness many disasters from earthquakes to mudslides, hail storms, and tornados beyond natural proportions.

The devastation of such painful destruction which you are now witnessing in Japan will also take place in the Americas, Europe and Asia.

The four angels of the Apocalypse are at the corners of the earth. The censer is burning. The chalice is overflowing.

The world as you know it is being plunged into the depths of its own sin. I desire you purge yourselves of sin through the sacrament of Penance.

Forgive your enemy. Turn with open hearts to Me while you still have time. My dear people, as the arising of him who is anti of Christ is with you, and his powers are suffocating and blinding many, many of My people, I tell you listen and do as I ask you for the good of souls.

I have told you the waters of death move quickly: many are being blinded and caught in the web in the evil: and many merry in its seduction. I request you pray, pray and return to the Fold of Life through Me, otherwise you will experience and get caught in the evil web.

I call you to ensure that every home have the picture of My Mother with the great promise I have given Her as She pleads for each one of you Her children.

Pray before this picture and have My cross depicted in your homes, Look at it and plead through My merits for your souls. Unite with My Immaculate Mother in the prayer of the Rosary offered from the heart. Through meditating on its Mysteries, permit the Rosary to become a living reality for the benefit of your souls. It will be a means of great protection for you. I bestow upon you this day great graces and healing of heart.

I desire you permit me pierce your souls so that I can renew life in the souls of many once again.

My people, there are many false prophets in your midst. Do not enter their camp but pray for them that they may receive the light of Truth. Otherwise, through the power of the evil one you, too, may experience blindness and fail to recognise Truth.

My vicar in the See of Peter is in great danger and there are those who yearn to bring his reign to an end. Pray, pray for him for he is despised by some among those who surround him.

It saddens My Heart that true reparation has not been made for the sins of immorality against the innocents. Death will follow the failure to carry out true reparation for such acts.

My Mother has pleaded for parents to unite with their families in the prayer of consecration that was written by My son Gerard. I guided his every word in this consecration prayer so that it would serve as a means of great protection for the youth, and especially against suicide. Today I must warn you that there is much to befall the world through each one of you being subjected to the workings of anti Christ.

It saddens Me that the time is upon you for those who desire to trample upon and destroy Christianity and enforce upon you an ungodly existence. Many, to their shame, have already truned from Me and united themselves with all that is anti of Me.

My people your safety exists only in bearing My Life. Those of you, My people, who are filled with pride and self-will and desire to take from My Mother’s Houses which I had placed for the protection of souls, will endure My wrath. Those of you who have rejected My Mother’s Houses and My poor messenger will endure My justice because of the souls who are and will be led away from Truth through your actions.

My messenger has been persecuted beyond your understanding. I desire you uphold her and take care of her every need for the time is fast approaching when you will need her and the guidance I give you through her.

The evil spirits rebel against her and My dear brother Gerard. How pleasing they are before My Heavenly Father. I am well pleased in them. Their loyalty will be repaid before My Father. My people, I want to prepare you for the many disasters that are about to devour your world. There will be many cries for help, but you can only receive help through the Life in Me. If you choose to be like the foolish virgins, then you will receive their reward – I cannot help you. The deterioration of the world as you know it – of which My Mother has many times warned you - has begun. Soon there will be many parts of the world unrecognizable. But for those of you who have taken to heart the truth of My call for your protection, you have nothing to fear – even in the midst of ever-unthinkable evil befalling your world. The Americas, Europe and Asia are about to experience great earthquakes with much destruction and death – death forever for many. The weather will become even more changeable. What you have witnessed in the death of many forms of wildlife is merely a warning of the death coming to humanity as a consequence of sin and denial of Me.

My people, be at peace. My peace I impart to you this day. I desire you fill My Mother’s Houses and pray. Only in that way will you receive the graces needed. Uphold My Mother’s Houses with great joy through prayer and their upkeep. Do it with an open heart and joy in your offering. Your money will soon be of little use to you. I will guide you through My messenger if you permit Me. Some of you will have hearts full of wrong judgement as many times before. Do not draw down upon yourself judgement in My Justice. Cling to My Mercy. I desire mercy for each one of My people throughout the world, not My Justice.

I bless you in the Fountain of Grace in My Sacred Heart, in My Father through Me, His Beloved Son and in the working of the Holy Spirit. Amen.                           HOME PAGE