From 8/91 to 11/02
August 25, 1991 "Dear Children! Today also I invite you to
now as never before when my plan has begun to be realized. Satan is
strong and wants to sweep away plans of peace and joy and make you
think that my Son is not strong in his decisions. Therefore, I call
all of you, dear children to pray and fast still more firmly. I
invite you to realize through the secrets I began in Fatima may be
fulfilled. I call you, dear children, to grasp the importance of my
coming and the seriousness of the situation. I want to save all
souls and present them to God. Therefore, let us pray that
everything I have begun be fully realized. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
September 25, 1991 "Dear children! Today in a special way I invite
you all to prayer and renunciation. For now as never before Satan
wants to show the world his shameful face by which he wants to
seduce as many people as possible onto the way of death and sin.
Therefore, dear children, help my Immaculate Heart to triumph in the
sinful world. I beseech all of you to offer prayers and sacrifices
for my intentions so I can present them to God for what is most
necessary. Forget your desires, dear children, and pray for what God
desires, and not for what you desire. Thank you for having responded
to my call."
October 25, 1991 “Dear children! Pray! Pray! Pray!”
November 25, 1991 "Dear Children! This time also I am inviting you
to prayer. Pray that you might be able to comprehend what God
desires to tell you through my presence and through the messages I
am giving you. I desire to draw you ever closer to Jesus and to His
wounded heart that you might be able to comprehend the immeasurable
love which gave itself for each one of you. Therefore, dear
children, pray that from your heart would flow a fountain of love to
every person both to the one who hates you and to the one who
despises you. That way you will be able through Jesus' love to
overcome all the misery in this world of sorrows, which is without
hope for those who do not know Jesus. I am with you and I love you
with the immeasurable love of Jesus. Thank you for all your
sacrifices and prayers. Pray so I might be able to help you still
more. Your prayers are necessary to me. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
December 25, 1991 "Dear children! Today in a special way I bring the
little Jesus to you, that He may bless you with His blessing of
peace and love. Dear children, do not forget that this is a grace
which many people neither understand nor accept. Therefore, you who
have said that you are mine, and seek my help, give all of yourself.
First of all, give your love and example in your families. You say
that Christmas is a family feast. Therefore, dear children, put God
in the first place in your families, so that He may give you peace
and may protect you not only from war, but also in peace protect you
from every satanic attack. When God is with you, you have
everything. But when you do not want Him, then you are miserable and
lost, and you do not know on whose side you are. Therefore, dear
children, decide for God. Then you will get everything. Thank you
for having responded to my call."
January 25, 1992 "Dear Children! Today, I am inviting you to a
renewal of prayer in your families so that way every family will
become a joy to my son Jesus. Therefore, dear children, pray and
seek more time for Jesus and then you will be able to understand and
accept everything, even the most difficult sicknesses and crosses. I
am with you and I desire to take you into my heart and protect you,
but you have not yet decided. Therefore, dear children, I am seeking
for you to pray, so through prayer you would allow me to help you.
Pray, my dear little children, so prayer becomes your daily bread.
Thank you for having responded to my call."
February 25, 1992 "Dear children! Today I invite you to draw still
closer to God through prayer. Only that way will I be able to help
you and to protect you from every attack of Satan. I am with you and
I intercede for you with God, that He protect you. But I need your
prayers and your - "Yes." You get lost easily in material and human
things, and forget that God is your greatest friend. Therefore, my
dear little children, draw close to God so He may protect you and
guard you from every evil. Thank you for having responded to my
March 25, 1992 "Dear children! Today as never before I invite you to
live my messages and to put them into practice in your life. I have
come to you to help you and, therefore, I invite you to change your
life because you have taken a path of misery, a path of ruin. When I
told you: convert, pray, fast, be reconciled, you took these
messages superficially. You started to live them and then you
stopped, because it was difficult for you. No, dear children, when
something is good, you have to persevere in the good and not think:
God does not see me, He is not listening, He is not helping. And so
you have gone away from God and from me because of your miserable
interest. I wanted to create of you an oasis of peace, love and
goodness. God wanted you, with your love and with His help, to do
miracles and, thus, give an example. Therefore, here is what I say
to you: Satan is playing with you and with your souls and I cannot
help you because you are far away from my heart. Therefore, pray,
live my messages and then you will see the miracles of God's love in
your everyday life. Thank you for having responded to my call."
April 25, 1992 "Dear children! Today also I invite you to prayer.
Only by prayer and fasting can war be stopped. Therefore, my dear
little children, pray and by your life give witness that you are
mine and that you belong to me, because Satan wishes in these
turbulent days to seduce as many souls as possible. Therefore, I
invite you to decide for God and He will protect you and show you
what you should do and which path to take. I invite all those who
have said "yes" to me to renew their consecration to my Son Jesus
and to His Heart and to me so we can take you more intensely as
instruments of peace in this unpeaceful world. Medjugorje is a sign
to all of you and a call to pray and live the days of grace that God
is giving you. Therefore, dear children, accept the call to prayer
with seriousness. I am with you and your suffering is also mine.
Thank you for having responded to my call."
May 25, 1992 "Dear children! Today also I invite you to prayer, so
that through prayer you come still nearer to God. I am with you and
I desire to lead you on the path to salvation that Jesus gives you.
From day to day, I am nearer to you although you are not aware of it
and you do not want to admit that you are only linked to me in a
small way with your few prayers. When trials and problems arise, you
say, "O God! O Mother! Where are you?" As for me, I only wait for
your "Yes" to present to Jesus for Him to fill you with His grace.
That is why, once more, please accept my call and start to pray in a
new way until prayer becomes joy to you. Then you will discover that
God is all-powerful in your daily life. I am with you and I am
waiting for you. Thank you for having responded to my call."
June 25, 1992 "Dear children! Today I am happy, even if in my heart
there is still a little sadness for all those who have started on
this path and then have left it. My presence here is to take you on
a new path, the path to salvation. This is why I call you, day after
day to conversion. But if you do not pray, you cannot say that you
are on the way to being converted. I pray for you and I intercede to
God for peace; first peace in your hearts and also peace around you,
so that God may be your peace. Thank you for having responded to my
July 25, 1992 "Dear children! Today also I invite you to prayer, a
prayer of joy so that in these sad days no one amongst you may feel
sadness in prayer, but a joyful meeting with God His Creator. Pray,
little children, to be able to come closer to me and to feel through
prayer what it is I desire from you. I am with you and each day I
bless you with my maternal blessing so that Our Lord may fill you
abundantly with His grace for your daily life. Give thanks to God
for the grace of my being able to be with you because I assure you
it is a great grace. Thank you for having responded to my call."
August 25, 1992 "Dear children! Today I desire to tell you that I
love you. I love you with my maternal love and I invite you to open
yourselves completely to me so that, through each one of you, I can
convert and save this world which is full of sin and bad things.
That is why, my dear little children, you should open yourselves
completely to me so that I may carry you always further toward the
marvelous love of God the Creator who reveals Himself to you from
day to day. I am with you and I wish to reveal to you and show you
the God who loves you. Thank you for having responded to my call."
September 25, 1992 "Dear children! Today again I would like to say
to you that I am with you also in these troubled days during which
Satan wishes to destroy all that my Son Jesus and I are building. He
desires especially to destroy your souls. He wants to take you away
as far as possible from the Christian life and from the commandments
that the Church calls you to live. Satan wishes to destroy
everything that is holy in you and around you. This is why, little
children, pray, pray, pray to be able to grasp all that God is
giving you through my coming. Thank you for having responded to my
October 25, 1992 "Dear children! I invite you to prayer now when
Satan is strong and wishes to make as many souls as possible his
own. Pray, dear children, and have more trust in me because I am
here in order to help you and to guide you on a new path toward a
new life. Therefore, dear little children, listen and live what I
tell you because it is important for you when I shall not be with
you any longer that you remember my words and all that I told you. I
call you to begin to change your life from the beginning and that
you decide for conversion not with words but with your life. Thank
you for having responded to my call."
November 25, 1992 "Dear Children! Today, more than ever, I am
calling you to pray. May your life become a continuous prayer.
Without love you cannot pray. That is why I am calling you to love
God, the Creator of your lives, above everything else. Then you will
come to know God and will love Him in everything as He loves you.
Dear children, it is a grace that I am with you. That is why you
should accept and live my messages for your own good. I love you and
that is why I am with you, in order to teach you and to lead you to
a new life of conversion and renunciation. Only in this way will you
discover God and all that which now seems so far away from you.
Therefore, my dear children, pray. Thank you for having responded to
my call."
December 25, 1992 "Dear children! I desire to place all of you under
my mantle and protect you from all satanic attacks. Today is a day
of peace, but in the whole world there is a great lack of peace.
That is why I call you all to build a new world of peace with me
through prayer. This I cannot do without you, and this is why I call
all of you with my motherly love and God will do the rest. So, open
yourselves to God's plan and to His designs to be able to cooperate
with Him for peace and for everything that is good. Do not forget
that your life does not belong to you, but is a gift with which you
must bring joy to others and lead them to eternal life. May the
tenderness of the little Jesus always accompany you. Thank you for
having responded to my call."
January 25, 1993 "Dear children! Today I call you to accept and live
my messages with seriousness. These days are the days when you need
to decide for God, for peace and for the good. May every hatred and
jealousy disappear from your life and your thoughts, and may there
only dwell love for God and for your neighbor. Thus, and only thus
shall you be able to discern the signs of the time. I am with you
and I guide you into a new time, a time which God gives you as grace
so that you may get to know him more. Thank you for having responded
to my call."
February 25, 1993 "Dear children! Today I bless you with my motherly
blessing and I invite you all to conversion. I wish that each of you
decide for a change of life and that each of you works more in the
Church not through words and thoughts but through example, so that
your life may be a joyful testimony for Jesus. You cannot say that
you are converted, because your life must become a daily conversion.
In order to understand what you have to do, little children, pray
and God will give you what you completely have to do, and where you
have to change. I am with you and place you all under my mantle.
Thank you for having responded to my call."
March 25, 1993 "Dear children! Today like never I call you to pray
for peace, for peace in your hearts, peace in your families and
peace in the whole world, because Satan wants war, wants lack of
peace, wants to destroy all which is good. Therefore, dear children,
pray, pray, pray. Thank you for having responded to my call."
April 25, 1993 "Dear children! Today I invite you all to awaken your
hearts to love. Go into nature and look how nature is awakening and
it will be a help to you to open your hearts to the love of God, the
Creator. I desire you to awaken love in your families so that where
there is unrest and hatred, love will reign and when there is love
in your hearts then there is also prayer. And, dear children, do not
forget that I am with you and I am helping you with my prayer that
God may give you the strength to love. I bless and love you with my
motherly love. Thank you for having responded to my call."
May 25, 1993 "Dear children! Today I invite you to open yourselves
to God by means of prayer so the Holy Spirit may begin to work
miracles in you and through you. I am with you and I intercede
before God for each one of you because, dear children, each one of
you is important in my plan of salvation. I invite you to be
carriers of good and peace. God can give you peace only if you
convert and pray. Therefore, my dear little children, pray, pray,
pray and do that which the Holy Spirit inspires you. Thank you for
having responded to my call."
June 25, 1993 "Dear children! Today I also rejoice at your presence
here. I bless you with my motherly blessing and intercede for each
one of you before God. I call you anew to live my messages and to
put them into life and practice. I am with you and bless all of you
day by day. Dear children, these are special times and, therefore, I
am with you to love and protect you; to protect your hearts from
Satan and to bring you all closer to the heart of my Son, Jesus.
Thank you for having responded to my call."
July 25, 1993 "Dear children! I thank you for your prayers and for
the love you show toward me. I invite you to decide to pray for my
intentions. Dear children, offer novenas, making sacrifices wherein
you feel the most bound. I want your life to be bound to me. I am
your Mother, little children, and I do not want Satan to deceive you
for He wants to lead you the wrong way, but he cannot if you do not
permit him. Therefore, little children, renew prayer in your hearts,
and then you will understand my call and my live desire to help you.
Thank you for having responded to my call."
August 25, 1993 "Dear children! I want you to understand that I am
your Mother, that I want to help you and call you to prayer. Only by
prayer can you understand and accept my messages and practice them
in your life. Read Sacred Scripture, live it, and pray to understand
the signs of the times. This is a special time, therefore, I am with
you to draw you close to my heart and the heart of my Son, Jesus.
Dear little children, I want you to be children of the light and not
of the darkness. Therefore, live what I am telling you. Thank you
for having responded to my call."
September 25, 1993 "Dear children! I am your Mother and I invite you
to come closer to God through prayer because only He is your peace,
your savior. Therefore, little children, do not seek comfort in
material things, but rather seek God. I am praying for you and I
intercede before God for each individual. I am looking for your
prayers that you accept me and accept my messages as in the first
days of the apparitions and only then when you open your hearts and
pray will miracles happen. Thank you for having responded to my
October 25, 1993 "Dear children! These years I have been calling you
to pray, to live what I am telling you, but you are living my
messages a little. You talk, but do not live, that is why little
children, this war is lasting so long. I invite you to open
yourselves to God and in your hearts to live with God, living the
good and giving witness to my messages. I love you and wish to
protect you from every evil, but you do not desire it. Dear
children, I cannot help you if you do not live God's commandments,
if you do not live the mass, if you do not give up sin. I invite you
to be apostles of love and goodness. In this world of unrest give
witness to God and God's love, and God will bless you and give you
what you seek from Him. Thank you for having responded to my call."
November 25, 1993 "Dear children! I invite you in this time like
never before to prepare for the coming of Jesus. Let little Jesus
reign in your hearts and only then when Jesus is your friend will
you be happy. It will not be difficult for you either to pray or
offer sacrifices or to witness Jesus' greatness in your life because
He will give you strength and joy in this time. I am close to you by
my intercession and prayer and I love and bless all of you. Thank
you for having responded to my call."
December 25, 1993 "Dear children! Today i rejoice with the little
Jesus and I desire that Jesus' joy may enter into every heart.
Little children, with the message I give you a blessing with my son
Jesus, so that in every heart peace may reign. I love you, little
children, and I invite all of your to come closer to me by means of
prayer. You talk and talk but do not pray. Therefore, little
children, decide for prayer. Only in this way will you be happy and
God will give your what you seek from Him. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
January 25,1994 "Dear children! You are all my children. I love you.
But, little children, you must not forget that without prayer you
cannot be close to me. In these times Satan wants to create disorder
in your hearts and in your families. Little children, do not give
in. You should not allow him to lead you and your life. I love you
and intercede before God for you. Little children, pray. Thank you
for having responded to my call."
February 25, 1994 "Dear children! Today I thank you for your
prayers. All of you have helped me so that this war may end as soon
as possible. I am close to you and I pray for each one of you and I
beg you: pray, pray, pray. Only through prayer can we defeat evil
and protect all that Satan wants to destroy in your lives. I am your
Mother and I love you all equally, and I intercede for you before
God. Thank you for having responded to my call."
March 25, 1994 "Dear children! Today I rejoice with you and I invite
you to open yourselves to me, and become an instrument in my hands
for the salvation of the world. I desire, little children, that all
of you who have felt the odor of holiness through these messages
which I am giving you to carry, to carry it into this world, hungry
for God and God's love. I thank you all for having responded in such
a number and I bless you all with my motherly blessing. Thank you
for having responded to my call."
April 25, 1994 "Dear children! Today I invite you to decide to pray
according to my intention. Little children, I invite each one of you
to help my plan to be realized through this parish. Now I invite you
in a special way, little children, to decide to go along the way of
holiness. Only this way will you be close to me. I love you and I
desire to conduct you all with me to Paradise. But, if you do not
pray and if you are not humble and obedient to the messages which I
am giving you, I cannot help you. Thank you for having responded to
my call."
May 25, 1994 "Dear children! I invite you all to have more trust in
me and to live my messages more deeply. I am with you and I
intercede before God for you but also I wait for your hearts to open
up to my messages. Rejoice because God loves you and gives you the
possibility to convert every day and to believe more in God the
Creator. Thank you having responded to my call."
June 25, 1994 "Dear children! Today I rejoice in my heart in seeing
you all present here. I bless you and I call you all to decide to
live my messages which I give you here. I desire, little children,
to guide you all to Jesus because He is your salvation. Therefore,
little children, the more you pray the more you will be mine and of
my Son, Jesus. I bless you all with my motherly blessing and I thank
you for having responded to my call."
July 25, 1994 "Dear children! Today I invite you to decide to give
time patiently for prayer. Little children, you cannot say you are
mine and that you have experienced conversion through my messages if
you are not ready to give time to God every day. I am close to you
and I bless you all. Little children, do not forget that if you do
not pray you are not close to me, nor are you close to the Holy
Spirit who leads you along the path to holiness. Thank you for
having responded to my call."
August 25, 1994 "Dear children! Today I am united with you in prayer
in a special way, praying for the gift of the presence of my most
beloved son in your home country. Pray, little children, for the
health of my most beloved son, who suffers, and whom I have chosen
for these times. I pray and intercede before my Son, Jesus, so that
the dream that your fathers had may be fulfilled. Pray, little
children, in a special way, because Satan is strong and wants to
destroy hope in your heart. I bless you. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
September 25, 1994 "Dear children! I rejoice with you and I invite
you to prayer. Little children, pray for my intention. Your prayers
are necessary to me, through which I desire to bring you closer to
God. He is your salvation. God sends me to help you and to guide you
towards paradise, which is your goal. Therefore, little children,
pray, pray, pray. Thank you for having responded to my call."
October 25, 1994 "Dear children! I am with you and I rejoice today
because the Most High has granted me to be with you and to teach you
and to guide you on the path of perfection. Little children, I wish
you to be a beautiful bouquet of flowers which I wish to present to
God for the day of All Saints. I invite you to open yourselves and
to live, taking the saints as an example. Mother Church has chosen
them, that they may be an impulse for your daily life. Thank you for
having responded to my call!"
November 25, 1994 "Dear children! Today I call you to prayer. I am
with you and I love you all. I am your Mother and I wish that your
hearts be similar to my heart. Little children, without prayer you
cannot live and say that you are mine. Prayer is joy. Prayer is what
the human heart desires. Therefore, get closer, little children, to
my Immaculate Heart and you will discover God. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
December 25, 1994 "Dear children! Today I rejoice with you and I am
praying with you for peace: peace in your hearts, peace in your
families, peace in your desires, peace in the whole world. May the
King of Peace bless you today and give your peace. I bless you and I
carry each one of your in my heart. Thank you for having responded
to my call."
January 25, 1995 "Dear children! I invite you to open the door of
your heart to Jesus as the flower opens itself to the sun. Jesus
desires to fill your hearts with peace and joy. You cannot, little
children, realize peace if your are not at peace with Jesus.
Therefore, I invite you to confession so Jesus may be your truth and
peace. So, little children, pray to have the strength to realize
what I am telling you. I am with your and I love your. Thank you for
having responded to my call."
February 25, 1995 "Dear children! Today I invite you to become
missionaries of my messages, which I am giving here through this
place that is dear to me. God has allowed me to stay this long with
you and therefore, little children, I invite you to live with love
the messages I give and to transmit them to the whole world, so that
a river of love flows to people who are full of hatred and without
peace. I invite you, little children, to become peace where there is
no peace and light where there is darkness, so that each heart
accepts the light and the way of salvation. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
March 25, 1995 "Dear Children! Today I invite you to live the peace
in your hearts and families. There is no peace, little children,
where there is no prayer and there is no love, where there is no
faith. Therefore, little children, I invite you all, to decide again
today for conversion. I am close to you and I invite you all, little
children, into my embrace to help you, but you do not want and in
this way, Satan is tempting you, and in the smallest thing, your
faith disappears. This is why little children, pray and through
prayer, you will have blessing and peace. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
April 25, 1995 "Dear children! Today I call you to love. Little
children, without love you can neither live with God nor with
brother. Therefore, I call all of you to open your hearts to the
love of God that is so great and open to each one of you. God, out
of love for man, has sent me among you to show you the path of
salvation, the path of love. If you do not first love God, then you
will neither be able to love neighbor nor the one you hate.
Therefore, little children, pray and through prayer you will
discover love. Thank you for having responded to my call."
May 25, 1995 "Dear Children! I invite you, little children, to help
me through your prayers so that as many hearts as possible come
close to my Immaculate Heart. Satan is strong and with all his
forces wants to bring closer the most people possible to himself and
to sin. That is why he is on the prowl to snatch more every moment.
I beg you, little children, pray and help me to help you. I am your
mother and I love you and that is why I wish to help you. Thank you
for having responded to my call."
June 25, 1995 "Dear Children! Today I am happy to see you in such
great numbers, that you have responded and have come to live my
messages. I invite you, little children, to be my joyful carriers of
peace in this troubled world. Pray for peace so that as soon as
possible a time of peace, which my heart waits impatiently for, may
reign. I am near to you, little children, and intercede for every
one of you before the Most High. I bless you with my motherly
blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call."
July 25, 1995 "Dear children! Today I invite you to prayer because
only in prayer can you understand my coming here. The Holy Spirit
will enlighten you to understand that you must convert. Little
children, I wish to make of you a most beautiful bouquet prepared
for eternity but you do not accept the way of conversion, the way of
salvation that I am offering you through these apparitions. Little
children, pray, convert your hearts and come closer to me. May good
overcome evil. I love you and bless you. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
August 25, 1995 "Dear children! Today I invite you to prayer. Let
prayer be life for you. A family cannot say that it is in peace if
it does not pray. Therefore, let your morning begin with morning
prayer, and the evening end with thanksgiving. Little children, I am
with you, and I love you and I bless you and I wish for every one of
you to be in my embrace. You cannot be in my embrace if you are not
ready to pray every day. Thank you for having responded to my call."
September 25, 1995 "Dear Children! Today I invite you to fall in
love with the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Adore Him, little
children, in your Parishes and in this way you will be united with
the entire world. Jesus will become your friend and you will not
talk of Him like someone whom you barely know. Unity with Him will
be a joy for you and you will become witnesses to the love of Jesus
that He has for every creature. Little children, when you adore
Jesus you are also close to me. Thank you for having responded to my
October 25, 1995 "Dear Children! Today I invite you to go into
nature because there you will meet God the Creator. Today I invite
you, little children, to thank God for all that He gives you. In
thanking Him you will discover the Most High and all the goods that
surround you. Little children, God is great and His love for every
creature is great. Therefore, pray to be able to understand the love
and goodness of God. In the goodness and the love of God the
Creator, I also am with you as a gift. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
November 25, 1995 "Dear Children! Today I invite you that each of
you begin again to love, in the first place, God who saved and
redeemed each of you, and then brothers and sisters in your
proximity. Without love, little children, you cannot grow in
holiness and cannot do good deeds. Therefore, little children, pray
without ceasing that God reveals His love to you. I have invited all
of you to unite yourselves with me and to love. Today I am with you
and invite you to discover love in your hearts and in the families.
For God to live in your hearts, you must love. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
December 25, 1995 "Dear Children! Today I also rejoice with you and
I bring you little Jesus, so that He may bless you. I invite you,
dear children, so that your life may be united with Him. Jesus is
the King of Peace and only He can give you the peace that you seek.
I am with you and I present you to Jesus in a special way, now in
this new time in which one should decide for Him. This time is the
time of grace. Thank you for having responded to my call."
January 25, 1996 "Dear Children! Today I invite you to decide for
peace. Pray that God give you the true peace. Live peace in your
hearts and you will understand, dear children, that peace is the
gift of God. Dear children, without love you cannot live peace. The
fruit of peace is love and the fruit of love is forgiveness. I am
with you and I invite all of you, little children, that before all
else forgive in the family and then you will be able to forgive
others. Thank you for having responded to my call."
February 25, 1996 "Dear children! Today I invite you to conversion.
This is the most important message that I have given you here.
Little children, I wish that each of you become a carrier of my
messages. I invite you, little children, to live the messages that I
have given you over these years. This time is a time of grace.
Especially now, when the Church also is inviting you to prayer and
conversion. I also, little children, invite you to live my messages
that I have given you during the time since I appear here. Thank you
for having responded to my call."
March 25, 1996 "Dear children! I invite you to decide again to love
God above all else. In this time when due to the spirit of
consumerism one forgets what it means to love and to cherish true
values, I invite you again, little children, to put God in the first
place in your life. Do not let Satan attract you through material
things but, little children, decide for God who is freedom and love.
Choose life and not death of the soul, little children, and in this
time when you meditate upon the suffering and death of Jesus I
invite you to decide for life which blossomed through the
Resurrection, and that your life may be renewed today through
conversion that shall lead you to eternal life. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
April 25, 1996 "Dear children! Today I invite you again to put
prayer in the first place in your families. Little children, when
God is in the first place, then you will, in all that you do, seek
the will of God. In this way your daily conversion will become
easier. Little children, seek with humility that which is not in
order in your hearts, and you shall understand what you have to do.
Conversion will become a daily duty that you will do with joy.
Little children, I am with you, I bless you all and I invite you to
become my witnesses by prayer and personal conversion. Thank you for
having responded to my call."
May 25, 1996 "Dear children! Today I wish to thank you for all your
prayers and sacrifices that you, during this month which is
consecrated to me, have offered to me. Little children, I also wish
that you all become active during this time that is through me
connected to heaven in a special way. Pray in order to understand
that you all, through your life and your example, ought to
collaborate in the work of salvation. Little children, I wish that
all people convert and see me and my son, Jesus, in you. I will
intercede for you and help you to become the light. In helping the
other, your soul will also find salvation. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
June 25, 1996 "Dear children! Today I thank you for all the
sacrifices you have offered me these days. Little children, I invite
you to open yourselves to me and to decide for conversion. Your
hearts, little children, are still not completely open to me and
therefore, I invite you again to open to prayer so that in prayer
the Holy Spirit will help you, that your hearts become of flesh and
not of stone. Little children, thank you for having responded to my
call and for having decided to walk with me toward holiness."
July 25, 1996 "Dear children! Today I invite you to decide every day
for God. Little children, you speak much about God, but you witness
little with your life. Therefore, little children, decide for
conversion, that your life may be true before God, so that in the
truth of your life you witness the beauty God gave you. Little
children, I invite you again to decide for prayer because through
prayer, you will be able to live the conversion. Each one of you
shall become in the simplicity, similar to a child which is open to
the love of the Father. Thank you for having responded to my call."
August 25, 1996 "Dear children! Listen, because I wish to speak to
you and to invite you to have more faith and trust in God, who loves
you immeasurably. Little children, you do not know how to live in
the grace of God, that is why I call you all anew, to carry the word
of God in your heart and in thoughts. Little children, place the
Sacred Scripture in a visible place in your family, and read and
live it. Teach your children, because if you are not an example to
them, children depart into godlessness. Reflect and pray and then
God will be born in your heart and your heart will be joyous. Thank
you for having for responded to my call."
September 25, 1996 "Dear children! Today I invite you to offer your
crosses and suffering for my intentions. Little children, I am your
mother and I wish to help you by seeking for you the grace from God.
Little children, offer your sufferings as a gift to God so they
become a most beautiful flower of joy. That is why, little children,
pray that you may understand that suffering can become joy and the
cross the way of joy. Thank you for having for responded to my
October 25, 1996 "Dear children! Today I invite you to open
yourselves to God the Creator, so that He changes you. Little
children, you are dear to me. I love you all and I call you to be
closer to me and that your love towards my Immaculate Heart be more
fervent. I wish to renew you and lead you with my Heart to the Heart
of Jesus, which still today suffers for you and calls you to
conversion and renewal. Through you, I wish to renew the world.
Comprehend, little children, that you are today the salt of the
earth and the light of the world. Little children, I invite you and
I love you and in a special way implore: Convert!" Thank you for
having responded to my call."
November 25, 1996 "Dear children! Today, again, I invite you to
pray, so that through prayer, fasting and small sacrifices you may
prepare yourselves for the coming of Jesus. May this time, little
children, be a time of grace for you. Use every moment and do good,
for only in this way will you feel the birth of Jesus in your
hearts. If with your life you give an example and become a sign of
God's love, joy will prevail in the hearts of men. Thank you for
having responded to my call."
December 25, 1996 "Dear children! Today I am with you in a special
way, holding little Jesus in my lap and I invite you, little
children, to open yourselves to His call. He calls you to joy.
Little children, joyfully live the messages of the Gospel, which I
am repeating in the time since I am with you. Little children, I am
your Mother and I desire to reveal to you the God of love and the
God of peace. I do not desire for your life to be in sadness but
that it be realized in joy for eternity, according to the Gospel.
Only in this way will your life have meaning. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
JANUARY 25, 1997 "Dear children! I invite you to reflect about your
future. You are creating a new world without God, only with your own
strength and that is why you are unsatisfied and without joy in the
heart. This time is my time and that is why, little children, I
invite you again to pray. When you find unity with God, you will
feel hunger for the word of God and your heart, little children,
will overflow with joy. You will witness God's love wherever you
are. I bless you and I repeat to you that I am with you to help you.
Thank you for having responded to my call."
FEBRUARY 25, 1997 "Dear children! Today I invite you in a special
way to open yourselves to God the Creator and to become active. I
invite you, little children, to see at this time who needs your
spiritual or material help. By your example, little children, you
will be the extended hands of God, which humanity is seeking. Only
in this way will you understand, that you are called to witness and
to become joyful carriers of God's word and of His love. Thank you
for having responded to my call."
MARCH 25, 1997 "Dear children! Today, in a special way, I invite you
to take the cross in the hands and to meditate on the wounds of
Jesus. Ask of Jesus to heal your wounds, which you, dear children,
during your life sustained because of your sins or the sins of your
parents. Only in this way, dear children, you will understand that
the world is in need of healing of faith in God the Creator. By
Jesus' passion and death on the cross, you will understand that only
through prayer you, too, can become true apostles of faith; when, in
simplicity and prayer, you live faith which is a gift. Thank you for
having responded to my call."
APRIL 25, 1997 "Dear children! Today I call you to have your life be
connected with God the Creator, because only in this way will your
life have meaning and you will comprehend that God is love. God
sends me to you out of love, that I may help you to comprehend that
without Him there is no future or joy and, above all, there is no
eternal salvation. Little children, I call you to leave sin and to
accept prayer at all times, that you may in prayer come to know the
meaning of your life. God gives Himself to him who seeks Him. Thank
you for having responded to my call."
MAY 25, 1997 "Dear children! Today I invite you to glorify God and
for the Name of God to be holy in your hearts and in your life.
Little children, when you are in the holiness of God, He is with you
and gives you peace and joy which come only from God through prayer.
That is why, little children, renew prayer in your families and your
heart will glorify the holy Name of God and heaven will reign in
your heart. I am close to you and I intercede for you before God.
Thank you for having responded to my call."
JUNE 25, 1997 "Dear children! Today I am with you in a special way
and I bring you my motherly blessing of peace. I pray for you and I
intercede for you before God, so that you may comprehend that each
of you is a carrier of peace. You cannot have peace if your heart is
not at peace with God. That is why, little children, pray, pray,
pray, because prayer is the foundation of your peace. Open your
heart and give time to God so that He will be your friend. When true
friendship with God is realized, no storm can destroy it. Thank you
for having responded to my call."
JULY 25, 1997 "Dear children! Today I invite you to respond to my
call to prayer. I desire, dear children, that during this time you
find a corner for personal prayer. I desire to lead you towards
prayer with the heart. Only in this way will you comprehend that
your life is empty without prayer. You will discover the meaning of
your life when you discover God in prayer. That is why, little
children, open the door of your heart and you will comprehend that
prayer is joy without which you cannot live. Thank you for having
responded to my call.
AUGUST 25, 1997 "Dear children! God gives me this time as a gift to
you, so that I may instruct and lead you on the path of salvation.
Dear children, now you do not comprehend this grace, but soon a time
will come when you will lament for these messages. That is why,
little children, live all of the words which I have given you
through this time of grace and renew prayer, until prayer becomes a
joy for you. Especially, I call all those who have consecrated
themselves to my Immaculate Heart to become an example to others. I
call all priests and religious brothers and sisters to pray the
rosary and to teach others to pray. The rosary, little children, is
especially dear to me. Through the rosary open your heart to me and
I am able to help you. Thank you for having responded to my call."
SEPTEMBER 25, 1997 "Dear children! Today I call you to comprehend
that without love you cannot comprehend that God needs to be in the
first place in your life. That is why, little children, I call you
all to love, not with a human but with God's love. In this way, your
life will be more beautiful and without an interest. You will
comprehend that God gives Himself to you in the simplest way out of
love. Little children, so that you may comprehend my words which I
give you out of love, pray, pray, pray and you will be able to
accept others with love and to forgive all who have done evil to
you. Respond with prayer; prayer is a fruit of love towards God the
Creator. Thank you for having responded to my call."
OCTOBER 25, 1997 "Dear children! Also today I am with you and I call
all of you to renew yourselves by living my messages. Little
children, may prayer be life for you and may you be an example to
others. Little children, I desire for you to become carriers of
peace and of God's joy to today's world without peace. That is why,
little children, pray, pray, pray! I am with you and I bless you
with my motherly peace. Thank you for having responded to my call."
NOVEMBER 25, 1997 "Dear children! Today I invite you to comprehend
your Christian vocation. Little children, I led and am leading you
through this time of grace, that you may become conscious of your
Christian vocation. Holy martyrs died witnessing: I am a Christian
and love God over everything. Little children, today also I invite
you to rejoice and be joyful Christians, responsible and conscious
that God called you in a special way to be joyfully extended hands
toward those who do not believe, and that through the example of
your life, they may receive faith and love for God. Therefore, pray,
pray, pray that your heart may open and be sensitive for the Word of
God. Thank you for having responded to my call."
DECEMBER 25, 1997 "Dear children! Also today I rejoice with you and
I call you to the good. I desire that each of you reflect and carry
peace in your heart and say: I want to put God in the first place in
my life. In this way, little children, each of you will become holy.
Little children, tell everyone, I want the good for you and he will
respond with the good and, little children, good will come to dwell
in the heart of each man. Little children, tonight I bring to you
the good of my Son who gave His life to save you. That is why,
little children, rejoice and extend your hands to Jesus who is only
good. Thank you for having responded to my call."
JANUARY 25, 1998 "Dear children! Today again I call all of you to
prayer. Only with prayer, dear children, will your heart change,
become better, and be more sensitive to the Word of God. Little
children, do not permit Satan to pull you apart and to do with you
what he wants. I call you to be responsible and determined and to
consecrate each day to God in prayer. May Holy Mass, little
children, not be a habit for you, but life. By living Holy Mass each
day, you will feel the need for holiness and you will grow in
holiness. I am close to you and intercede before God for each of
you, so that He may give you strength to change your heart. Thank
you for having responded to my call."
FEBRUARY 25, 1998 "Dear children! Also today I am with you and I,
again, call all of you to come closer to me through your prayers. In
a special way, I call you to renunciation in this time of grace.
Little children, meditate on and live, through your little
sacrifices, the passion and death of Jesus for each of you. Only if
you come closer to Jesus will you comprehend the immeasurable love
He has for each of you. Through prayer and your renunciation you
will become more open to the gift of faith and love towards the
Church and the people who are around you. I love you and bless you.
Thank you for having responded to my call."
MARCH 25, 1998 "Dear children! Also today I call you to fasting and
renunciation. Little children, renounce that which hinders you from
being closer to Jesus. In a special way I call you: Pray, because
only through prayer will you be able to overcome your will and
discover the will of God even in the smallest things. By your daily
life, little children, you will become an example and witness that
you live for Jesus or against Him and His will. Little children, I
desire that you become apostles of love. By loving, little children,
it will be recognized that you are mine. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
APRIL 25, 1998 "Dear children! Today I call you, through prayer, to
open yourselves to God as a flower opens itself to the rays of the
morning sun. Little children, do not be afraid. I am with you and I
intercede before God for each of you so that your heart receives the
gift of conversion. Only in this way, little children, will you
comprehend the importance of grace in these times and God will
become nearer to you. Thank you for having responded to my call."
MAY 25, 1998 "Dear children! Today I call you, through prayer and
sacrifice, to prepare yourselves for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Little children, this is a time of grace and so, again, I call you
to decide for God the Creator. Allow Him to transform and change
you. May your heart be prepared to listen to, and live, everything
which the Holy Spirit has in His plan for each of you. Little
children, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you on the way of truth and
salvation towards eternal life. Thank you for having responded to my
JUNE 25, 1998 "Dear children! Today I desire to thank you for living
my messages. I bless you all with my motherly blessing and I bring
you all before my Son Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my
JULY 25, 1998 "Dear children! Today, little children, I invite you,
through prayer, to be with Jesus, so that through a personal
experience of prayer you may be able to discover the beauty of God's
creatures. You cannot speak or witness about prayer, if you do not
pray. That is why, little children, in the silence of the heart,
remain with Jesus, so that He may change and transform you with His
love. This, little children, is a time of grace for you. Make good
use of it for your personal conversion, because when you have God,
you have everything. Thank you for having responded to my call."
AUGUST 25, 1998 "Dear children! Today I invite you to come still
closer to me through prayer. Little children, I am your mother, I
love you and I desire that each of you be saved and thus be with me
in Heaven. That is why, little children, pray, pray, pray until your
life becomes prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call."
SEPTEMBER 25, 1998 "Dear children! Today, I call you to become my
witnesses by living the faith of your fathers. Little children, you
seek signs and messages and do not see that, with every morning
sunrise, God calls you to convert and to return to the way of truth
and salvation. You speak much, little children, but you work little
on your conversion. That is why, convert and start to live my
messages, not with your words but with your life. In this way,
little children, you will have the strength to decide for the true
conversion of the heart. Thank you for having responded to my call."
OCTOBER 25, 1998 "Dear children! Today I call you to come closer to
my Immaculate Heart. I call you to renew in your families the fervor
of the first days when I called you to fasting, prayer and
conversion. Little children, you accepted my messages with open
hearts, although you did not know what prayer was. Today, I call you
to open yourselves completely to me so that I may transform you and
lead you to the heart of my son Jesus, so that He can fill you with
His love. Only in this way, little children, will you find true
peace - the peace that only God gives you. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
NOVEMBER 25, 1998 "Dear children! Today I call you to prepare
yourselves for the coming of Jesus. In a special way, prepare your
hearts. May holy Confession be the first act of conversion for you
and then, dear children, decide for holiness. May your conversion
and decision for holiness begin today and not tomorrow. Little
children, I call you all to the way of salvation and I desire to
show you the way to Heaven. That is why, little children, be mine
and decide with me for holiness. Little children, accept prayer with
seriousness and pray, pray, pray. Thank you for having responded to
my call."
DECEMBER 25, 1998 "Dear children! In this Christmas joy I desire to
bless you with my blessing. In a special way, little children, I
give you the blessing of little Jesus. May He fill you with His
peace. Today, little children, you do not have peace and yet you
yearn for it. That is why, with my Son Jesus, on this day I call you
to pray, pray, pray, because without prayer you do not have joy or
peace or a future. Yearn for peace and seek it, for God is true
peace. Thank you for having responded to my call."
ANNUAL APPARITION TO JAKOV ON DECEMBER 25, 1998 After the apparition
which began at 11.50 a.m. and lasted 12 minutes, Jakov wrote:
"Our Lady came joyful. She greeted me, as always, with 'Praised be
Jesus!' She spoke to me about the secrets and afterwards gave me
this message:"
'Dear children! Today, on the birthday of my Son, my heart is filled
with immeasurable joy, love and peace. As your mother, I desire for
each of you to feel that same joy, peace and love in the heart. That
is why do not be afraid to open your heart and to completely
surrender yourself to Jesus, because only in this way can He enter
into your heart and fill it with love, peace and joy. I bless you
with my motherly blessing.'
Jakov prayed with his family. He prepared himself for the apparition
with Confession and Holy Mass. After the apparition, he cried for a
JANUARY 25, 1999 "Dear children! I again invite you to prayer. You
have no excuse to work more because nature still lies in deep sleep.
Open yourselves in prayer. Renew prayer in your families. Put Holy
Scripture in a visible place in your families, read it, reflect on
it and learn how God loves His people. His love shows itself also in
present times because He sends me to call you upon the path of
salvation. Thank you for having responded to my call."
FEBRUARY 25, 1999 "Dear children! Also today I am with you in a
special way contemplating and living the passion of Jesus in my
heart. Little children, open your hearts and give me everything that
is in them: joys, sorrows and each, even the smallest, pain, that I
may offer them to Jesus; so that with His immeasurable love, He may
burn and transform your sorrows into the joy of His resurrection.
That is why, I now call you in a special way, little children, for
your hearts to open to prayer, so that through prayer you may become
friends of Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call."
MARCH 25, 1999 "Dear children! I call you to prayer with the heart.
In a special way, little children, I call you to pray for conversion
of sinners, for those who pierce my heart and the heart of my Son
Jesus with the sword of hatred and daily blasphemies. Let us pray,
little children, for all those who do not desire to come to know the
love of God, even though they are in the Church. Let us pray that
they convert, so that the Church may resurrect in love. Only with
love and prayer, little children, can you live this time which is
given to you for conversion. Place God in the first place, then the
risen Jesus will become your friend. Thank you for having responded
to my call."
APRIL 25, 1999 "Dear children! Also today I call you to prayer.
Little children, be joyful carriers of peace and love in this
peaceless world. By fasting and prayer, witness that you are mine
and that you live my messages. Pray and seek! I am praying and
interceding for you before God that you convert; that your life and
behavior always be Christian. Thank you for having responded to my
MAY 25, 1999 "Dear children! Also today I call you to convert and to
more firmly believe in God. Children, you seek peace and pray in
different ways, but you have not yet given your hearts to God for
Him to fill them with His love. So, I am with you to teach you and
to bring you closer to the love of God. If you love God above all
else, it will be easy for you to pray and to open your hearts to
Him. Thank you for having responded to my call."
JUNE 25, 1999 "Dear children! Today I thank you for living and
witnessing my messages with your life. Little children, be strong
and pray so that prayer may give you strength and joy. Only in this
way will each of you be mine and I will lead you on the way of
salvation. Little children, pray and with your life witness my
presence here. May each day be a joyful witness for you of God's
love. Thank you for having responded to my call."
JULY 25, 1999 "Dear children! Also today I rejoice with you and I
call you all to prayer with the heart. I call all of you, little
children, to give thanks to God here with me for the graces which He
gives to you through me. I desire for you to comprehend that I want
to realize here, not only a place of prayer but also a meeting of
hearts. I desire for my, Jesus' and your heart to become one heart
of love and peace. That is why, little children, pray and rejoice
over everything that God does here, despite that Satan provokes
quarrels and unrest. I am with you and I lead you all on the way of
love. Thank you for having responded to my call."
AUGUST 25, 1999 "Dear children! Also today I call you to give glory
to God the Creator in the colors of nature. He speaks to you also
through the smallest flower about His beauty and the depth of love
with which He has created you. Little children, may prayer flow from
your hearts like fresh water from a spring. May the wheat fields
speak to you about the mercy of God towards every creature. That is
why, renew prayer of thanksgiving for everything He gives you. Thank
you for having responded to my call."
SEPTEMBER 25, 1999 "Dear children! Today again I call you to become
carriers of my peace. In a special way, now when it is being said
that God is far away, He has truly never been nearer to you. I call
you to renew prayer in your families by reading the Sacred Scripture
and to experience joy in meeting with God who infinitely loves His
creatures. Thank you for having responded to my call."
OCTOBER 25, 1999 "Dear children! Do not forget: this is a time of
grace; that is why, pray, pray, pray! Thank you for having responded
to my call."
NOVEMBER 25, 1999 "Dear children! Also today I call you to prayer.
In this time of grace, may the cross be a sign-post of love and
unity for you through which true peace comes. That is why, little
children, pray especially at this time that little Jesus, the
Creator of peace, may be born in your hearts. Only through prayer
will you become my apostles of peace in this world without peace.
That is why, pray until prayer becomes a joy for you. Thank you for
having responded to my call."
DECEMBER 25, 1999 "Dear children! This is the time of grace. Little
children, today in a special way with little Jesus, whom I hold in
my embrace, I am giving you the possibility to decide for peace.
Through your 'yes' for peace and your decision for God, a new
possibility for peace is opened. Only in this way, little children,
this century will be for you a time of peace and well-being.
Therefore, put little newborn Jesus in the first place in your life
and He will lead you on the way of salvation. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
JANUARY 25, 2000 "Dear children! I call you, little children, to
pray without ceasing. If you pray, you are closer to God and He will
lead you on the way of peace and salvation. That is why I call you
today to give peace to others. Only in God is there true peace. Open
your hearts and become those who give a gift of peace and others
will discover peace in you and through you and in this way you will
witness God's peace and love which He gives you. Thank you for
having responded to my call."
FEBRUARY 25, 2000 "Dear children! Wake up from the sleep of unbelief
and sin, because this is a time of grace which God gives you. Use
this time and seek the grace of healing of your heart from God, so
that you may see God and man with the heart. Pray in a special way
for those who have not come to know God's love, and witness with
your life so that they also can come to know God and His
immeasurable love. Thank you for having responded to my call."
Do not seek peace and happiness in vain, in the wrong places and in
wrong things. Do not permit your hearts to become hard by loving
vanity. Invoke the name of my Son. Receive Him in your heart. Only
in the name of my Son will you experience true happiness and true
peace in your heart. Only in this way will you come to know the love
of God and spread it further. I am calling you to be my apostles."
The apparition started at 9:55 a. m. and lasted about 5 minutes. Our
Lady prayed over everyone and blessed everyone. Mirjana especially
recommended the sick. This time Our Lady did not say anything about
the secrets.
MARCH 25, 2000 "Dear children! Pray and make good use of this time,
because this is a time of grace. I am with you and I intercede for
each one of you before God, for your heart to open to God and to
God's love. Little children, pray without ceasing, until prayer
becomes a joy for you. Thank you for having responded to my call."
APRIL 25, 2000 Message of April 25, 2000 "Dear children! Also today
I call you to conversion. You are concerned too much about material
things and little about spiritual ones. Open your hearts and start
again to work more on your personal conversion. Decide everyday to
dedicate time to God and to prayer until prayer becomes a joyful
meeting with God for you. Only in this way will your life have
meaning and with joy you will contemplate eternal life. Thank you
for having responded to my call." 04/2000
MAY 25, 2000 "Dear children! I rejoice with you and in this time of
grace I call you to spiritual renewal. Pray, little children, that
the Holy Spirit may come to dwell in you in fullness, so that you
may be able to witness in joy to all those who are far from faith.
Especially, little children, pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit
so that in the spirit of love, every day and in each situation, you
may be closer to your fellow-man; and that in wisdom and love you
may overcome every difficulty. I am with you and I intercede for
each of you before Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my
JUNE 25, 2000 "Dear children! Today I call you to prayer. The one
who prays is not afraid of the future. Little children do not
forget, I am with you and I love you all. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
JULY 25, 2000 "Dear children! Do not forget that you are here on
earth on the way to eternity and that your home is in Heaven. That
is why, little children, be open to God’s love and leave egoism and
sin. May your joy be only in discovering God in daily prayer. That
is why, make good use of this time and pray, pray, pray; and God is
near to you in prayer and through prayer. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
AUGUST 25, 2000 "Dear children! I desire to share my joy with you.
In my Immaculate Heart I feel that there are many of those who have
drawn closer to me and are, in a special way, carrying the victory
of my Immaculate Heart in their hearts by praying and converting. I
desire to thank you and to inspire you to work even more for God and
His kingdom with love and the power of the Holy Spirit. I am with
you and I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
September 25, 2000 "Dear children! Today I call you to open
yourselves to prayer. May prayer become joy for you. Renew prayer in
your families and form prayer groups. In this way, you will
experience joy in prayer and togetherness. All those who pray and
are members of prayer groups are open to God’s will in their hearts
and joyfully witness God’s love. I am with you, I carry all of you
in my heart and I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for
having responded to my call."
OCTOBER 25, 2000 "Dear children! Today I desire to open my motherly
heart to you and to call you all to pray for my intentions. I desire
to renew prayer with you and to call you to fast which I desire to
offer to my Son Jesus for the coming of a new time – a time of
spring. In this Jubilee year many hearts have opened to me and the
Church is being renewed in the Spirit. I rejoice with you and I
thank God for this gift; and you, little children, I call to pray,
pray, pray – until prayer becomes a joy for you. Thank you for
having responded to my call."
November 25, 2000 "Dear children! Today when Heaven is near to you
in a special way, I call you to prayer so that through prayer you
place God in the first place. Little children, today I am near you
and I bless each of you with my motherly blessing so that you have
the strength and love for all the people you meet in your earthly
life and that you can give God’s love. I rejoice with you and I
desire to tell you that your brother Slavko has been born into
Heaven and intercedes for you. Thank you for having responded to my
December 25, 2000 "Dear children! Today when God granted to me that
I can be with you, with little Jesus in my arms, I rejoice with you
and I give thanks to God for everything He has done in this Jubilee
year. I thank God especially for all the vocations of those who said
‘yes’ to God completely. I bless you all with my blessing and the
blessing of the newborn Jesus. I pray for all of you for joy to be
born in your hearts so that in joy you too carry the joy I have
today. In this Child I bring to you the Savior of the your hearts
and the One who calls you to the holiness of life. Thank you for
having responded to my call."
Annual apparition to Jakov Colo, December 25, 2000. At the last
daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12, 1998, Our Lady said
to him that he will have an apparition once a year on December 25,
for Christmas. It was like that this year. The apparition began at
3:20 pm and lasted 10 minutes. Our Lady came joyful with baby Jesus
in her arms. She blessed everyone and gave a message:
"Dear children! Today when Jesus is born and by His birth brings
immeasurable joy, love and peace, I call you, in a special way to
say your ‘yes’ to Jesus. Open your hearts so that Jesus enters into
them, comes to dwell in them and starts to work through you. Only in
this way will you be able to comprehend the true beauty of God’s
love, joy and peace. Dear children, rejoice in the birth of Jesus
and pray for all those hearts that have not opened to Jesus so that
Jesus may enter into each of their hearts and may start working
through them – so that every person would be an example of a true
person through whom God works."
January 25, 2001 "Dear children! Today I call you to renew prayer
and fasting with even greater enthusiasm until prayer becomes a joy
for you. Little children, the one who prays is not afraid of the
future and the one who fasts is not afraid of evil. Once again, I
repeat to you: only through prayer and fasting also wars can be
stopped – wars of your unbelief and fear for the future. I am with
you and am teaching you little children: your peace and hope are in
God. That is why draw closer to God and put Him in the first place
in your life. Thank you for having responded to my call."
February 25, 2001 "Dear children! This is a time of grace. That is
why pray, pray, pray until you comprehend God’s love for each of
you. Thank you for having responded to my call."
March 25, 2001 "Dear children! Also today I call you to open
yourselves to prayer. Little children, you live in a time in which
God gives great graces but you do not know how to make good use of
them. You are concerned about everything else, but the least for the
soul and spiritual life. Awaken from the tired sleep of your soul
and say yes to God with all your strength. Decide for conversion and
holiness. I am with you, little children, and I call you to
perfection of your soul and of everything you do. Thank you for
having responded to my call."
April 25, 2001 "Dear children! Also today, I call you to prayer.
Little children, prayer works miracles. When you are tired and sick
and you do not know the meaning of your life, take the Rosary and
pray; pray until prayer becomes for you a joyful meeting with your
Savior. I am with you, little children, and I intercede and pray for
you. Thank you for having responded to my call."
May 25, 2001 "Dear children! At this time of grace, I call you to
prayer. Little children, you work much but without God’s blessing.
Bless and seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to lead you at this
time so that you may comprehend and live in the grace of this time.
Convert, little children, and kneel in the silence of your hearts.
Put God in the center of your being so that, in that way, you can
witness in joy the beauty that God continually gives in your life.
Thank you for having responded to my call."
June 25, 2001 "Dear children! I am with you and I bless you all with
my motherly blessing. Especially today when God gives you abundant
graces, pray and seek God through me. God gives you great graces,
that is why, little children make good use of this time of grace and
come closer to my heart so that I can lead you to my Son Jesus.
Thank you for having responded to my call."
July 25, 2001 "Dear children! In this time of grace, I call you to
come even closer to God through your personal prayer. Make good use
of the time of rest and give your soul and your eyes rest in God.
Find peace in nature and you will discover God the Creator Whom you
will be able to give thanks to for all creatures; then you will find
joy in your heart. Thank you for having responded to my call."
August 25, 2001 "Dear children! Today I call all of you to decide
for holiness. May for you, little children, always in your thoughts
and in each situation holiness be in the first place, in work and in
speech. In this way, you will also put it into practice; little by
little, step by step, prayer and a decision for holiness will enter
into your family. Be real with yourselves and do not bind yourselves
to material things but to God. And do not forget, little children,
that your life is as passing as a flower. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
September 25, 2001 "Dear children! Also today I call you to prayer,
especially today when Satan wants war and hatred. I call you anew,
little children: pray and fast that God may give you peace. Witness
peace to every heart and be carriers of peace in this world without
peace. I am with you and intercede before God for each of you. And
you do not be afraid because the one who prays is not afraid of evil
and has no hatred in the heart. Thank you for having responded to my
October 25, 2001 "Dear children! Also today I call you to pray from
your whole heart and to love each other. Little children, you are
chosen to witness peace and joy. If there is no peace, pray and you
will receive it. Through you and your prayer, little children, peace
will begin to flow through the world. That is why, little children,
pray, pray, pray, because prayer works miracles in human hearts and
in the world. I am with you and I thank God for each of you who has
accepted and lives prayer with seriousness. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
November 25, 2001 "Dear children! In this time of grace,
I call you anew to prayer. Little children, pray and prepare your
hearts for the coming of the King of Peace, that with His blessing
He may give peace to the whole world. Peacelessness has begun to
reign in hearts and hatred reigns in the world. That is why, you who
live my messages be the light and extended hands to this faithless
world that all may come to know the God of Love. Do not forget,
little children, I am with you and bless you all.Thank you for
having responded to my call."
December 25, 2001 "Dear children! I call you today and encourage you
to prayer for peace. Especially today I call you, carrying the
newborn Jesus in my arms for you, to unite with Him through prayer
and to become a sign to this peaceless world. Encourage each other,
little children, to prayer and love. May your faith be an
encouragement to others to believe and to love more. I bless you all
and call you to be closer to my heart and to the heart of little
Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call."
Annual Apparition to Jakov on December 25th 2001
At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998,
Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a
year, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was
this year. The apparition began at 3:30 pm and lasted 5 minutes. Our
Lady gave the following message:
"Dear Children, today when Jesus is born anew for you, in a special
way, I want to call you to conversion. Pray, pray, pray for the
conversion of your heart, so that Jesus may be born in you all and
may dwell in you and come to reign over your entire being. Thank you
for having responded to the call."
January 25, 2002 "Dear children! At this time while
you are still looking back to the past year I call you, little
children, to look deeply into your heart and to decide to be
closer to God and to prayer. Little children, you are still
attached to earthly things and little to spiritual life. May my
call today also be an encouragement to you to decide for God and
for daily conversion. You cannot be converted, little children,
if you do not abandon sins and do not decide for love towards God
and neighbor. Thank you for having responded to my call."
February 25, 2002 "Dear children! In this time of
grace, I call you to become friends of Jesus. Pray for peace in
your hearts and work for your personal conversion. Little
children, only in this way will you be able to become witnesses
of peace and of the love of Jesus in the world. Open yourselves
to prayer so that prayer becomes a need for you. Be converted,
little children, and work so that as many souls as possible may
come to know Jesus and His love. I am close to you and I bless
you all. Thank you for having responded to my call."
03/18/2002 - The Annual Apparition of Our Lady to Mirjana Soldo
on March 18, 2002
March 18, 2002 - The visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had daily
apparitions from June 24th 1981 to December 25th 1982. During the
last daily apparition, Our Lady gave her the 10th secret, and
told her that she would appear to her once a year, on the 18th of
March. It has been this way through the years.
This year several thousand pilgrims gathered to pray the Rosary,
which began at 8:45 a.m. at the Cenacolo Community in Medjugorje.
The apparition lasted from 9:27 a.m. to 9:34 a.m. and Our Lady
gave the following message.
"Dear Children! As a mother I implore you, open your heart and
offer it to me, and fear nothing. I will be with you and will
teach you how to put Jesus in the first place. I will teach you
to love Him and to belong to Him completely. Comprehend, dear
children, that without my Son there is no salvation. You should
become aware that He is your beginning and your end. Only with
this awareness can you be happy and merit eternal life. As your
mother I desire this for you. Thank you for having responded to
my call."
March 25, 2002 "Dear children! Today I call you to
unite with Jesus in prayer. Open your heart to Him and give Him
everything that is in it: joys, sorrows and illnesses. May this
be a time of grace for you. Pray, little children, and may every
moment belong to Jesus. I am with you and I intercede for you.
Thank you for having responded to my call." 03/2002
April 25, 2002 "Dear children! Rejoice with me in this
time of spring when all nature is awakening and your hearts long
for change. Open yourselves, little children, and pray. Do not
forget that I am with you and I desire to take you all to my Son
that He may give you the gift of sincere love towards God and
everything that is from Him. Open yourselves to prayer and seek a
conversion of your hearts from God; everything else He sees and
provides. Thank you for having responded to my call." 04/2002
May 25, 2002 "Dear children! Today I call you to put
prayer in the first place in your life. Pray and may prayer,
little children, be a joy for you. I am with you and intercede
for all of you, and you, little children, be joyful carriers of
my messages. May your life with me be joy. Thank you for having
responded to my call."
June 25, 2002 "Dear children! Today I pray for you and
with you that the Holy Spirit may help you and increase your
faith, so that you may accept even more the messages that I am
giving you here in this holy place. Little children, comprehend
that this is a time of grace for each of you; and with me, little
children, you are secure. I desire to lead you all on the way of
holiness. Live my messages and put into life every word that I
am giving you. May they be precious to you because they come
from heaven. Thank you for having responded to my call."
06/25/2002 - The visionary Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez had her regular
annual apparition on June 25th, 2002. According to the
visionaries, Vicka, Marija and Ivan continue to have daily
apparitions, and Mirjana, Ivanka and Jakov have an annual
At Her last daily apparition on May 7, 1985, Our Lady confided to
Ivanka the 10th secret and told her that she would have an
apparition once a year on the anniversary of the apparitions. It
was that way also this year. The apparition lasted 6 minutes.
Ivanka had the apparition at home in the presence of her family,
her husband and her three children. Our Lady gave the following
message: "Dear Children, do not tire of prayer. Pray for peace,
peace, peace."
Our Lady related to Ivanka some new details about her life. She
gave us her motherly blessing. Our Lady was joyful.
July 25, 2002 "Dear children! Today I rejoice with
your patron saint and call you to be open to God’s will, so that
in you and through you, faith may grow in the people you meet in
your everyday life. Little children, pray until prayer becomes
joy for you. Ask your holy protectors to help you grow in love
towards God. Thank you for having responded to my call."
August 25, 2002 "Dear children! Also today I am with
you in prayer so that God gives you an even stronger faith.
Little children, your faith is small and you are not even aware
how much, despite this, you are not ready to seek the gift of
faith from God. That is why I am with you, little children, to
help you comprehend my messages and put them into life. Pray,
pray, pray and only in faith and through prayer your soul will
find peace and the world will find joy to be with God. Thank you
for having responded to my call."
September 25, 2002 "Dear children! Also in this
peaceless time, I call you to prayer. Little children, pray for
peace so that in the world every person would feel love towards
peace. Only when the soul finds peace in God, it feels content
and love will begin to flow in the world. And in a special way,
little children, you are called to live and witness peace – peace
in your hearts and families – and, through you, peace will also
begin to flow in the world. Thank you for having responded to my
October 25, 2002 "Dear children! Also today I call you
to prayer. Little children, believe that by simple prayer
miracles can be worked. Through your prayer you open your heart
to God and He works miracles in your life. By looking at the
fruits, your heart fills with joy and gratitude to God for
everything He does in your life and, through you, also to others.
Pray and believe little children, God gives you graces and you do
not see them. Pray and you will see them. May your day be filled
with prayer and thanksgiving for everything that God gives you.
Thank you for having responded to my call."
November 25, 2002 "Dear children! I call you also today to
conversion. Open your heart to God, little children, through Holy
Confession and prepare your soul so that little Jesus can be born
anew in your heart. Permit Him to transform you and lead you on
the way of peace and joy. Little children, decide for prayer.
Especially now, in this time of grace, may your heart yearn for
prayer. I am close to you and intercede before God for all of
you. Thank you for having responded to my call."