9.11 HELP!!
The Warning to America and the World
God is Love, sometimes Tough Love
First look at the Quatrain 2.79;
La barbe crespe & noire par engin, The beard frizzled & black through aircraft
Subjuguera la gent cruelle & fiere; subdues the nation cruel and proud,
Le grand Chryen ostera du longin, The great Chyren will free from a vast distance
Tous les captifs par Seline baniere all the captives from the lunar banner.
On September 10, 2001 I mailed out 4 packets of information to Christian groups,
the ones overseas were to Fatima centers, explaining what is going on and asking
for help, the bill for shipping the 4 packets was $ 6.66. At the site below for the
Dictionary you'll also find the receipt from the Post Office. Now the key word from the
first 2 lines is "engin" which has several meanings, and I've enclosed the page from
the dictionary so go look for yourself, engin translation. But also in aviation the word
"engin" can mean aircraft. Thus he was shown or told the events of 9/11. How could
he do that? The answer is simple, who was his teacher? He said it was God, and
from Revelation's it was the lamb who was sacrificed and found worthy to open the
seals, Jesus. Chyren is another name for me it is tied together in Quatrain 6.27 and
8.54 and refers to the captives that I prayed for in Kabul, also I was told that He
had heard the prayers of those in captivity, the lunar banner is the emblem for Islam.
Here are some more Quatrains about this subject, you can look at the 3rd and 4th
letters to the Pope, to see them being used.
Quatrain 4.43
Seront ouys au ceil les armes battre, Shall hear in (the) sky weapons fighting,
Celuy an mefme les diuns ennemis; that same year the divines (clergy) enemies;
Voudront loix sainctes injustement debatre (they) want unjustly to debate (the) Holy laws,
Par foudre & guerre bien croyans a mort mis. By thunderbolts & war many believers put to death.
I sent the first set of laws to the Pope in July of 2001, this will also come into play when the
2 witnesses walk the earth. There are many other Quatrains that talk about this time, "when
the cycle of the centuries is renewed", etc., I'll discuss those in another chapter.
Many will not want to hear this, though I have heard similar versions from others. This is a
warning from our Father, the Creator, and if you think He is happy with the nation that He
has given the most to, you are mistaken. Before we look at the numbers and what they
tell us about the future lets look at our shortcomings.
So roughly 3 thousand people died on 9/11, or more correctly 3 thousand sacred
vessels died, but the souls of the people still live. Now what condition are they in, for
that is the real question. How are their 401k plans, their retirement savings, pension
plans looking? Not to good, If the judgment were today less than 10% would make
the cut. Fortunately its not, but for a thousand or so they'll be with the 19 terrorists for
eternity. So if you had a friend, relative, or loved one who left us on 9/11, I would pray
for them. A good example are the 7 fireman who rode the building down with Josephine.
They all thought they were going to die, and how many asked for Jesus Christ's mercy?
In the interview I saw, only 1 mentioned it. They (the Trinity) were saddened by how few,
even though they knew they were going to die soon, were to proud still or foolish to ask
for mercy. Remember the 2 who were crucified with Jesus, one asked for help and was
saved, and the other, well he is with the terrorists. You need to ask yourself, where do
I want to be in a 1000 years, there are only 2 answers. John Lennon was a fool, and
didn't know what he was talking about. Imagine there is a Heaven above us and a Hell
below us. It is easy if you open your heart to see the love all around us, think long term
not just for the moment. There are plenty of signs all around, the Shroud of Turin, which
is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. All of the miracles done all over the world.
Wars and problems are the way He chastises us for our bad behavior, just like a
parent with a child. This is what Jacinta one of the Fatima seers was told, and if you look
in the Bible when God got mad with the Jews He would raise up trouble for His wayward
people. A good example is the prophet Jeremiah, he told Israel what they didn't want to
hear and then raised up a pagan to overthrow the Israelites. Then when Nebachandeser
got to full of himself, God caused him to wake up in a field a babbling idiot. God is not
choosing Osama bin Laden because He thinks he is great, He is using him to do His
work. We used Afghanistan for our own purposes in the 1980's to stop Soviet expansion,
Norman Shwartzkof even helped train Osama bin Laden. Plus do you think God wants to
see Osama bin Laden succeed, of course not, and Islam is not going to dominate the
world, it is going to fade away, but that story is for the next book. Then when that war
was over, we walked away instead of helping Afghanistan recover. I realize we sent them
food, but we should have done much more, similar to the Marshall plan after WW II, we
forgot the lesson from WW I, where we left the German people in abject poverty and Hitler
rose to power and started an even worse war. The 2 main adversaries, the Japanese
and Germans were both rebuilt and our now 2 of our closest allies. We also have the
failed policy of the Gulf War which still haunts us.
The United States of America is the most powerful nation on earth because God
wished it to be so. Our strength first comes from Him, then it is our freedom and
diversity of people all living as one, as He intended, and as it used to be long ago.
We are at a point in Human history where He is going to draw us back together
and enlighten us as we move into the third Millennium. They (Trinity) are going to
lay out in front of us in the clearest of terms that this is Their world, that They made
it, and that it is going to be Their way, period. You'll be free to choose, but this century
will, by the end, be where everyone worships God, the Father, the Son and Shekhina
the Holy Spirit. The false and misguided religions will be gone, the 3 religions that
have grown out of the Old Testament shall become one, and the world shall live in
peace. But between here and there is a bumpy ride.
God intends to humble the U.S. for our wayward ways. I've heard people complain
when they've heard this, doesn't the spoiled child always complain when they
don't get their way. Ask yourself some simple questions;
1) do you have a relationship with God, the Father, Son, and Shekhina the Holy Spirit
2) do you love your neighbors as yourself
3) do you pray daily
4) do you help others
5) do you go to Mass once a week
Everyone is capable of the first 4, unless you're totally incapacitated and can no
longer think. If you can pray than you can also help others by praying for others.
Mother Theresa mentioned offering up your suffering for others. The greatest
gifts are not money or things that others see you do, but it is what you do for
others that our Father sees, for He sees everything and with a good relationship
with Them, They will forget our mistakes and remember the good things we've
done. They don't make it too hard for anyone, all are welcome.
The U.S. needs to give far more than it does, we barely scratch the surface of
what we could be doing. We need to end the need for abortion except for in the
rarest of cases. Not by legislation or overturning Roe Vs. Wade but by prayer
and love and a change of our spirits back to Them. We need to end capital
punishment, for this is a greater sin. Why, because a human being is a fully
consecrated being with a soul which maybe salvageable. If they remain in
prison and we help them to see the light. I'll talk more about the justice
system later. The unborn child is a sacred vessel and it is only our naivete
and poor understanding of the sacred vessel that allows some to terminate
a child. On judgment day there will be no aborted fetuses there, but the sin
of there termination will have to have been dealt with. Also, all those who
support capital punishment are murderers, for revenge is the Lords, and you
will have to have asked for forgiveness from the Lord or it will be counted
against you. We need to bring God back into our lives, the Bible will be
taught in all schools in the U.S. and the world. We need to show Them
more respect, stop using Their names in vane, etc..
Now by the numbers, the number 11 is very prominent with the day (11th)
and the first flight was number 11, and the twin towers looking like 11, plus
many other ways to reach 11 have been talked about. Then it was flight 77
that hit the pentagon, and there were 19 terrorists. The flight that crashed in
Pennsylvania was flight 93 which has a personnel meaning about working
together. Before I discuss the numbers further lets look at a Quatrain 1.91;
Les dieux seront aux humains apparence,
The Gods shall to the Humans appear,
Ce qu'ilz seront auteurs de grand conflict;
that only They shall author the great war;
Avant ciel veu serain, espee & lance
Before (the) sky's view serene, (from) weapons and rockets,
Que vers main gauche sera plus grand
That towards the left hand side will be (the) most great affliction.
The Gods are the Father, Son, and Shekhina the Holy Spirit, They have let it be
known before that They use wars to punish us, and will again until we change.
Now the destruction that is predicted on the left side, is first in this conflict with
Afghanistan, on my map of the world the U.S. is on the left side. They are already
a pile of rubble from 20 years of fighting. But there is another conflict coming and
on my map of the world, China is to the left of the U.S. I'll talk more about this with
the war Quatrains in another book.
The number 11 is a huge number for our side, it is for them that I'm building
a foundation which they will continue. They being the 2 who will come to fulfill
the 11th chapter in the book of Revelation. For They (Trinity) shall raise up twin
towers from America and place them over the whole world, and they shall be
hated. There will be many pseudo Christians who will hate them and many
who claim to know the Bible who will hate them and speak all sorts of lies and
profanity about them. For it is written in Matt. 21-23 that some will claim to
speak for the Lord but they do not do the will of the Father. Also in the 11th
chapter of the book of Rev. where it talks about their death, it says the world
will party and exchange gifts because they were tormented by them. Then in
verse 11.11 it states that after 3 and a half days they will rise up from where
they fell for the people had left them. What is Their will? That we love our
neighbor as we love ourselves.
Now the twin towers and the pentagon represent what many in America worship
most, the twin petty powers of money and military might. Do you think the 2
servants are going to preach that greed is good, and that might makes right.
If you do not heed Their warnings, the day will come as I have been told that in a
single day the U.S. will loose more people than in all the wars we have fought to
that day. The Creator wants to bring us back together to the time before the
tower of Babel when we were one and all spoke the same language, and the
Church is going to be out front in this matter, instead the bureaucracy is the last
in line and slowing everything down. We need to make changes in what we
think is important and how we use what we have been given.
Now about flight 77 hitting the pentagon, it is interesting that in July I sent the
Pope a letter which contained some of the new truths and laws about the earth. I
am the second and also the seventh, as in 2 - 7s and it has been a goal of mine
since childhood to get rid of all the militaries on the earth. One of the laws
was the formal statement of a prophecy by Jesus Christ that one day we will
teach war no more. For I have stated that there are to be no standing armies,
navies, or airforces for anyone. You can call it mutually assured wimpiness,
I think the chance is very slim to none that you will listen in my lifetime.
Also flight 77 was the last flight, and I am the last one, it was the 4th flight to
take off, now lets look at Quatrain 4.77, I've said that one of my names in the
Quatrains is Selin;
1st 2 lines Selin king, Italy peaceful, kingdoms
united by the Christian king of the world
The number 19 is a number associated with me as I am the one mentioned in
the last half of the 19th chapter and many in power both in the military and
business leaders will not like me because they don't see the big picture. Also
the number 93, the flight where people worked together to save others, I met
some important people in 93 that if we work together we can save a lot of
Now about Tough Love, we are spoiled and greedy over here in the U.S. and
there are going to be changes, think about it, pray for guidance on the subject.
Basically we were spanked, and are going back to Afghanistan to do what we
should have done over a decade ago. I read what one woman said, it was
cruel if God did this, and that she was glad she is a pagan. So blind, that she
doesn't see that she is a part of the problem. There will be changes. Well how
many Afghans died helping us in the 80's, and how many more died after we
left, after using them, we got off easy. Plus I think most people would agree
that Bin Laden needed to be put out of business in Afghanistan, and one day,
everywhere. The bottom line is, if you think what is going on is random, then
you think like a monkey and not the way God thinks.