Last Update 9/12/2024 is for phones          (Français Texte)    by Tim Bernard   

                                                                   SACRÉ(sacred) CŒUR(heart) Publications copyright ©1997-2024. Thank you to those who created 12,742 page views in August.

                                                                   My Writings/ Videos  Updated 5/6      A few Books worth reading        Help support this site   say a prayer 

      My Writings/ Videos       

An Intro to 27 Years of Walking Through the Gauntlet 

This letter was sent to all the Bishops in France April 2024

REPENT the 3rd letter to Pope Francis    3/16/24

Marie Julie Jahenny Remedies for Our Times      8/9

Update from Paris, Spiritual Warfare Prayer & Fasting can Change the World    5  min.     7/19/23

Letter sent to all the French Bishops 9/2022    

Update from Paris on Prophecies, Sacre Coure Basilica, 1999, the Eucharist and more   9 min.   8/15

SacreCoureMedia    my Rumble channel

My YouTube Channel   updated 8/15/22

God sows the seeds in the 20th Century, and the days of Noah began  updated 9/28/2022

Update August 2022 from Paris on Prophecies, Sacre Coure Basilica, 1999, the Eucharist and more      8/15

Open Letter Sent to All the Bishops in the USA    7/26

1 of the Best Homilies I have Heard from Medugorje February 2021           3/1

Medugorje February 2021 video

A Hand Delivered Note to Pope Francis on the Church and Notre Dame and the Future   2/13/20

Ltr to Archbishop of Paris -- Notre Dame the Roof and the Future      2/8/20

Fr Leon's Medugorje Testimony Prayer Miracles Visions and more Prayer

The Eucharist the Bread of Life in Scripture, Prophecy, History and the Future                 

Mary Magdalen Prophecies in the Bible in History in Cathedrals, Nostradamus and more         

Abraham the Prophecies Then and Now      

FREE WILL the 2nd Letter to Pope Francis  

Fatima May 13th 100 year Anniversary and other Bible Prophecies          5/13/17

5777 Year of the Sword, Bible Prophecy, Fulfilled, Unfolding & Coming and more            4/23

Easter 2017 Endtime Prophecy Jesus the Eucharist and Miracles            

Who is Afraid of the devil, Spiritual Warfare the First Sunday of Lent readings             3/10/17

2017 Superbowl Halftime Indoctrination by satan and his puppet Lady Gaga, Apostasy, Prophecy, & Naive Children of Light                         2/8/17

Virgin Mary in Medugorje a short Defense Prophecy Miracles and Pray Pray Pray       7/29

7_25_2016 Beyond the Headlines Prophecy, War, Bohemian Grove, RNC Convention, Politics, Culture, Economics, social engineering, election, and more

Updated 3/2016 The Mark on the Forehead and the Hand explained by the Virgin Mary   3/5/2016

Letter The Cross and Free Will to Archbishop Sartan 3 -23 -2015

Embrace the Cross and Bear Witness to the Truth a Letter Pope Francis 2-14-2015   

The Woman Clothed with the Sun   8/29  15 min.

Here Must Appear the Constancy of the Saints. Warnings about the mark of the Beast and the Beasts from the book of Revelation  8/17 15 min.

Spiritual Warfare the Battle with the devil and his servants                    17 min.

Why Am I Still Weeping the Blood is Flowing & the Apostasy is growing    21  min.    7/28

The Sword the Blood and the Wall where Scripture Prophecy and Life are Colliding  7/20

There Will Be Peace the Virgin Mary's promise to the World from Fr. Gobbi    10 min.     7/11

Marie-Julie Jahenny 1850-1941 The Stigmatist and the Future French King 

Archived videos of the Virgin Mary's Prophecies, warnings and solutions

DNA the Divine Molecule video   17 min. 

New old World Order and their Eugenics Operation  A letter sent to all U.S. Bishops  

A response to an author downplaying the sex scandal                             

The Truth and the Light a letter to Vatican Cardinal Turkson  

 A Letter sent to all the U. S. Bishops          

A Letter to the Pope written in St. Peter's Square

The Comfortable Cross        

View Seattle U. a "Catholic" school paper   

Working Together in Preparation for the Storm   

Some Signs of the Times       

The Rosa Mystica  apparitions from Montichiari & Fontinelle

A Few Thoughts on the Time mag. NWO article  2/12

 Table of Contents  

   Click on the Chapters (white letters) and use your back button or the links at the end of the chapters to navigate.            

EVERYTHING HAS ITS TIME                         Ecclesiastes  3.1-8    

A WALK IN THE STARS              a story about the Creators laboratory 

DNA the Divine Molecule     brief discussion

A WALK THRU TIME    a quick walk thru time      

ABRAHAM             the first king, the covenant  

Jacob becomes Israel                           rough draft   

JOSEPH      the 2nd king, his story related to today  

MOSES     the 3rd king, his story related to today

DAVID      the 4th king, his story related to today

OLD TESTAMENT PROPHETS                    Elijah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, ...

JESUS CHRIST       the Messiah and 5th king         


JOAN of ARC      her story and go to the Basilica (pictures)

MICHEL NOSTRADAMUS 7 chapters Bio &1568 "Les Propheties"

The Education        17 chapters starts in 1960s and goes through 1999

ALTAR OF TEARS           story about the altar

The Church and other visionaries 11 chapters Fatima, Garabandal, etc.

2001 and 2002 Chapters        13 chapters    9-11, Europe, etc.

Other New Chapters through 2006  12 chapters

2006-7 Chapters and articles

a few Miscellaneous articles 2008

MY PROPHECIES AND WARNINGS          predictions and warnings   

TOMORROW               a brief talk about the future   

LAWS AND TRUTHS                  Laws and truths for the 3rd millennium

The Bible     King James Version from 1611 & The New American Standard

BOOK OF REVELATION        Book of Revelation

PEACE PLAN              God's simple Peace Plan

Links to other Christian and Marian sites


The Bible verses are from the King James Version 1611 edtion, I am using the 1568 edition of Les Propheties by Michel Nostradamus,  For translation I'm using Le Robert & Collins Super Senior, a Cassell's French Dictionaries along with a Le Robert Dictionnaire Historique De La Langue Francaise. Latin and other's are from the University of Montana Library.  I have pictures in Jesus, Joan of Arc, Alaska, Michel Nostradamus, Altar of Tears, Fatima, Forty two, Sept. 11, and France 2001 so far.  (must be less than10 lines and no anonymous  e-mails and please put the word Jesus in the subject line to get past the spam filter. Thanks

  This is a FREE site where you can read what I have written, copy the chapters for your own personnel use, or for educational purposes, & articles, you can not copyright or in any way try to hinder the FREE access and use of this material by the public. If used for an article you must list this URL and author.  You may not publish more than 7 pages without written approval. All rights are reserved.                      Please Pass this URL, Web site on

           T Bernard     

            Box  189                             

          Sauk Centre, MN    56378   





















       Articles & Archives

 For secular news stories go to my site; Big Sky Free Press,

Last update 9/12 ; Big Sky Free Press for Phones

Others Writings, Videos and Prophecies    updated     7/25

[English Audio] - Father Savvas Agioritis: What is to Come for Those Who are Inoculated with covid 1984 jab

Tell Bishops to Stop Enabling the Illegal Invasion of Our Nation

Heaven's Peace Plan - The First Five Saturdays asked by Our of Fatima.


Feast of the Holy Name of Mary

The Battle of Vienna and the Holy Name of Mary

How the Blessed Virgin Mary helped save the West from Manichean heresy and Muslim conquest

Is September 12 a solemnity, feast, or memorial?

St. Ailbhe

Saint Guy of Anderlecht, Hermit and Pilgrim

Cardinal Müller: "There Is No Contrast Between Old And New Liturgy"

Nuncio Eterović: “Already in the Old Testament, God the Father entrusted the people with the Ten Commandments”

In Quito, welcoming Christ

Single-Celibacy and Consecrated-Virginity Part 2

Archbishop Chaput, former UK prime minister join free speech advocates condemning ban on X in Brazil

Fr. Albert Boudaud, Papua New Guinea’s oldest missionary

The Only Way to Remove a Demon

One of Satan’s most pernicious lies is that nobody will be in hell

‘Into the future’ - German synodal path organizer calls for ‘aggiornamento’

FrancisPlane from East Timor has multi-religious prayer cards in every seat

Trump is ahead of Harris among Catholics who attend mass daily

NY Auxiliary Bishop Edmund J. Whalen writes letter after Kamala White House dumps juvenal illegals into the same visa pool as foreign religious, making it impossible for any to work in the U.S.

Robert F Kennedy is bringing Desert Father mysticism to US election – it’s needed  

Founder of Congressional Family Caucus Stresses Importance of Marriage, Children

Sen. Hawley warns nuclear family is 'under assault,' paints faith as unifying force in the US

Great Hypocrisy: The 'Scandal' Surrounding Abbé Pierre

South Carolina Court Strips Families of Educational Freedom

Muslim-born politician in Switzerland shoots image of Our Lady and Baby Jesus, resigns after backlash

‘End of an era’: China abruptly ends all international adoptions without explanation

President Trump, you must be pro-life if you want to defeat wokeness

Judge Rejects Planned Parenthood Request to Block Indiana Abortion Ban 

More media claims infanticide isn’t happening. Here’s what the data says.

Late-Term Abortion: 5 Facts Harris, Liberal Media Want to Conceal

Eight Babies From Tim Walz’s State “Were Left to Die” After They Survived Abortions

Kamala Harris is pushing the most extreme abortion agenda in US history

Report: ‘Gargantuan amounts’ of funds to pay for abortions ‘funneled’ instead to ‘vague’ political efforts

Islamist commander confiscates 500 acres of land from Christian farmers in Syria: report

Scottish police slammed for letting ‘transgender’ male rapists ‘self-declare’ that they are women

Gay marriage and surrogacy: Purchasing children and eradicating society            9/12


St. Paphnutius

Saint John Gabriel Perboyre, Martyr

Saint Cyprian’s Story

A saint for all souls (in purgatory)

Jesus King of All Nations, Protector Against Hurricanes

The Blessed Virgin Mary is the crown jewel of God’s creation

Bishop: Young People Eager to Rediscover the Old Rites

Defending the Traditional Mass with Just Arguments -- Theological and Legal - by Father Claude Barthe

FULL STORY: Here's why Bishop Strickland was canceled

Cultural Fragmentation and the Need for a New Catholic Renaissance

Cardinal Parolin Denies Involvement in Rumoured Restriction of Latin Mass

Augustinian friars return to Walsingham at Catholic National Shrine for first time since Reformation

'You can't just pretend nothing happened'

Subprioress Leaves Poor Clares of Belorado

Judge closes case sparked by Indian diocese’s marriage rules

Leading Cardinal blames apostate Catholics for decline of Christian Europe

Accusations against Francis' Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops

Canceled in China

Pastors, Don’t Let Your Churches Remain Unaware Of What Lies Ahead

Watchdog: ICE unable to find HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of illegal immigrant CHILDREN set loose under Biden

We Have A Responsibility To Speak Up And Act Against The Evil We See Today

‘God Was With Us on the Stairwell’: A Hero of 9/11 Finds His Vocation

Islam’s Centuries-Old War Against Christianity: France on the Brink of Collapse

Baby survives attempted abortion in Indiana, state health department reports

The first-ever Safe Haven Baby Box is still saving babies today

How the CARE Act would protect pro-life pregnancy centers to continue their crucial work

“I Feel Like a Negro Out of Line” – Bevelyn Williams Gets 40 Months in Prison for Protesting Outside an Abortion Clinic

The March for Life in London shone a beam of light for a nation lost in fog of moral relativism

Trump mentions this Ralph Northam abortion stunner during the debate.

New Pro-Life video exposes disturbing connection between abortion, organ harvesting, and vaccine development

Missouri Supreme Court reverses ruling that invalidated pro-abortion ballot initiative

Do Pro-Lifers Care About Actions or Words?

Killing until birth? - Kamala Harris does not want to answer this question

Judge refuses to halt sale of city-owned property to Planned Parenthood for $10

Muslim Migrant Politician Desecrates Holy Christian Symbols, Exposing Islam’s War on Christianity While Europe Bows in Surrender

Families sue Colorado school district forcing kids to share bedrooms with ‘transgender’ students

Kamala Harris’ Radicalism Is So Extreme Even CNN’s Erin Burnett Was Shocked That Harris Supported Taxpayer-Funded trans Surgeries For Illegals

Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for their support of abortion, ‘LGBTQ+,’ and IVF         9/11


Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, Confessor

St. Nicholas of Tolentino never relaxed his life of prayer and penance despite Satan’s scourgings

First International Eucharistic Congress in Ecuador

80 Years Ago: What Would the Amoris-Laetitia Pope Do With Him?

St. Salvius of Albi

Saint Thomas of Villanova’s Story

Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko, Conscripted Priest, and Martyr for Conscience

Relaunched: Install Ugly Windows in Notre Dame Cathedral

Pope Francis to come to Paris for the reopening of Notre-Dame

Bishop Strickland apologizes for closing churches during COVID: ‘I was duped’

Decrease Jesus, Deform The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Arlington Carmelites Reject "Reconciliation Offer" - Unacceptable Conditions

Catholic Priests from Fujian Mobilized for “Patriotic Education” in Xinjiang after visit from Chicom FrancisBishop Vincent Zhan Silu

Iraqi bishops’ standoff now at ‘higher ecclesiastical court’, cardinal says

The subtle Catholic spirituality vying with the dangerous darkness in Pope Francis’s ‘peripheries’

Rector of Barcelona Seminary: "Too Many Conservative Seminarians"

Single-Celibacy and Consecrated-Virginity Part 1

Becoming like Martha

Why did the CCHD amp up spending while contributions were dropping?

How does the Revenue for the NGO the Catholic Charities nearly quadruple since the Biden Administration took over?

Where resilient Christians grow up

Street preacher mysteriously shot in the brain reflects on 'miracle' recovery: 'Should be dead'

Trump wishes the Virgin Mary a happy birthday, and the left has a cow

Russell Brand shares powerful 'journey' to Christ with Tucker Carlson

James Earl Jones, acclaimed actor and Catholic convert, dies at 93 (Photos)

Is Religion a Force for the Good?

Shooting at Our Lady and Christ: Even Bishops Criticize Green Politician

Nice: “Angry man” throws knife at woman in Catholic church, destroys statues – arrest

The Hour Is More Urgent Than We Realize

Israel is evicting one of the last Christian families near the birthplace of our Lord Jesus

Weaponizing “School Choice” to Control ALL Education

More Christians were murdered in Soviet gulags than Jews in Nazi concentration camps – why is the anti-Christian holocaust never taught in history books?

New movie on Ronald Reagan all but leaves out Pope St. John Paul II

Don’t Be Silent: The 1st Amendment Was To Keep Government Out Of The Church, Not The Church Out Of Government

Hundreds attend funeral for baby found dead at recycling center

65 Million Babies Have Been Killed in Abortions, We Must Honor Their Lives

Cassaundra refused abortion after rape and has no regrets

Americans Nationwide Will Participate in Prayer for Our Country on October 6

Couple share gratitude that abortion pill ‘reversal’ saved their baby

Nonprofits Sue IRS Alleging Political Speech Rules Not Applied Equally

83 Christian Schools Have Ties With Planned Parenthood, Big Abortion

Catholic teaching is clear: Voting for a pro-abortion measure is a mortal sin

Christians who betrayed their faith and pushed abortion-tainted COVID-19 vaccines should repent for perpetuating mass murder

DeSantis calls out Florida Republicans who have yet to condem radical abortion amendment

‘Cannibalism’ and ‘forced breeding camps’: Professors fearmonger about future without abortion

Hollywood steps up efforts to portray abortion in compelling fashion to sway public opinion

How you can help us Stop Euthanasia DEAD

Myths and truths about suicide and prevention

‘We’re Pushing Back’: Southern California City Takes On The State In Battle For Parental Rights

Minor girls labeled “transphobic” after speaking out against LGBT boys using their locker rooms

LGBT activists turn on Trudeau, urge him to resign because he’s putting ‘queer people at risk’

Bishop "Apologises" to Homosexuals: "We Caused Trauma"

German Diocese Blesses "Transition" of Gender Confused People               9/10


The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

On this Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary we celebrate the coming of Christ with great joy

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

Visiting Mary: Grace Abounds at These Marian Shrines

St. Peter Claver

Peter Claver’s Untiring Fidelity

Saint Cloud or Clodoald, Confessor

Saints Cloud, Corbinian and Hadrian

How Miracles Help Us

10 Thoughts from St. Alberto Hurtado to change the world

Saul Alinsky and Archbishop Sheen Square Off on EWTN

Again: A Knife in a French Church

How laypeople in this diocese helped put Eucharistic adoration in every parish and school

These religious sisters have a very unusual mission


African Bishops: Western Regimes "Send Us Missionaries of Evil"

Too Smart to Believe There is a Devil?

The Father of Lies

Benedict XVI: An Apologia for a ‘Smaller Church’

Bishop Strickland: St. Pius X was a holy, wise pope who upheld the deposit of faith

Calling Catholics ‘Weird’ Is Not New

The Novus Ordo Was Decadent from the Beginning - Quotes

Pope starts East Timor trip in shadow of abuse scandal involving revered members of country’s clergy

Virginia parish adds ‘sensory Mass’ for neurodiverse Catholics

Indonesia: A Small Island Has Almost as Many Seminarians as Spain

Bishop Strickland: Women who veil at Mass remind us that church is a ‘sacred place’

Lourdes Grotto closes – and reopens in a flash after flooding forces closure

A message to ponder from Mirjana – “The number of unbelievers is getting bigger. I feel deeply sorry for them. They do not know what awaits them.”

The Symbolism of the Priestly Biretta

Thanks, but no thanks: Francis’s support of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church rebuffed

Florida case may highlight sentencing disparity in Catholic parish theft

We must reject secular culture’s nihilism and its terror of life’s mysterious alchemy of love and pain

'Series of attacks on Christians': Apartment complex bans using the word 'Bible'

Of Course There Is a Place for the Bible in the Classroom

A Little Hatred Might Yet Save Us

'Extend that tyranny to all citizens': Holy war erupts over taxes on Christians

Since ‘God Instituted Government,’ Christians Cannot Be Disengaged from Voting

America’s Top Exorcist Releases Prayer Consecrating the 2024 Election to the Virgin Mary

Scandinavia Bans ‘Blasphemy’ (Guess for Which Religion’s Sake?)

‘The Fabian Strategy’: A Determined And Patient Attack To Bring Socialism To The West

Pastor Says Christians Can’t Vote for Kamala’s Abortion Agenda: Jesus “is Going to Hold us Accountable for How We Vote”

Cardinal Müller suggests ‘anti-Catholic forces’ pushing pro-abortion Agenda 2030 in the Synod

97% of Cases Biden/Harris Filed on Abortion Violence Targeted Pro-Life Americans

Alaska judge strikes down state law that allowed only physicians to commit abortions

Kamala Harris Doesn’t “Trust Women” When She Attacks Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Missouri judge rewrites abortion ballot language to favor ACLU and Planned Parenthood

'She was to share a bed with a boy who identified as a girl': Schools sued for violating parental rights

'Transgender' males in conservative Indonesia praise Pope Francis for pro-LGBT 'message'

TAKEN: California Took Away a Widow’s Teenage Daughter to Transition Her 

Secret Service to send agents to LGBTQ summit at Disney despite scrutiny after assassination attempt

LGBT TERROR IN THE CLASSROOM: Georgia School Shooter was 'Bullied' for Being Homosexual

Missouri parents keep fighting to get sexually explicit books out of hostile school district

Lawsuit Claims Snapchat Enables Sextortion of Children

OnlyFans Pays Out $5.32 BILLION To Content Makers In 2023

Canada wants to add DEI measures to globalist WHO pandemic treaty             9/9


Saint Rosalia, Virgin

St. Eleutherius

Blessed Claudio Granzotto’s Story

Mother Teresa, thirst reflected and satisfied

Archangel Michael Statue Will be Largest Christian Monument Worldwide

Benedict Tried Warning Us About Apostasy Led By Francis

Did Vatican II Accept Liberalism?

International Eucharistic Congress starts Sunday in Ecuador

'The people of God want shepherds and not functionaries or state clergy'

Card. Gracias to lead the study group on nunciatures

Quimper: The First Mass after the Expulsion of the FSSP

Catholic archbishops lament Western LGBT indoctrination making its way into Africa

Francis Signs Diabolical New Agreement

Atheist filmmaker converts while researching the Shroud of Turin

New Catholic skilled-trades college comes to Midwest

Shrine of Fatima Organises Meeting with Heretic

“Confirmed arson attacks on churches for anti-Christian reasons are increasing throughout France”

Dozens Of Bullets Were Just Fired At A Famous Pastor’s Home. Sadly, This Was NOT An Isolated Incident.

Irish Inquiry Finds ‘Truly Shocking’ Level Of Sexual Abuse At Church-Run Schools

Making A Difference In Jesus’ Name: The Christians Standing To Protect Children In The Public Square

"Climate [& COVID] Dogmatism...Francis Has Found a Substitute for the Catholic Faith": The Francis-Confession, the Francis Unforgivable Sin & FRANCIS CREED

Vatican Killer Robot Warning – Fr. Mark Goring, CC

Lawsuit: "Victim" Was Over 30 When Father Rosica Allegedly Fondled His Genitalia

Notre Dame grad starts nonprofit to help young men kick their pornography addiction

The Scientific Community Admits To Rampant Fraud, So Why Does Much Of The Church Treat ‘Science’ As Infallible?

Premature baby born at 25 weeks during family vacation doing well

Community Honors Dead Baby Found Abandoned in Recycling Center

The Hyde Amendment has saved the lives of millions – and abortion proponents want it gone

Medical Experts Warn IVF Results in Destroying Human Embryos

The disturbing reality of egg donation is being exposed

Harris Leads Trump With Catholics Despite Supporting Abortions Up to Birth

Florida investigating abortion amendment signatures for fraud

College student discovers 40 siblings conceived from same sperm donor

FETUS LIVES MATTER: Kommie Harris and Walz are both radical abortion extremists who support genocide by killing 3rd term fetuses and babies on their day of birth (op-ed)

The disturbing reality of egg donation is being exposed

The horrifying link between abortion and vaccine development

Video exposes the disturbing creation of the fetal cell lines used by the medical industry

They Want to Eliminate Doctors From Assisted Suicide so Anyone Can Kill Patients

Father Wallner: "Our culture of freedom does not exist in Islam"

Scandinavia Bans ‘Blasphemy’ (Guess for Which Religion’s Sake?)

Gang rape: 78 percent of suspects have foreign roots

GENDER WARS: Irish teacher ARRESTED for refusing to address male student as “she/her”

Toronto-area Catholic school hid ‘trans’ identity of 10-year-old girl from her parents

Federal Appeals Court Clears Way for Florida to Enforce Ban on Gender Transitioning Minors

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital promotes contraception, LGBT lifestyle: report

Vermont Christian School Fights Sports Ban for Affirming That ‘Boys Are Boys and Girls Are Girls’

Canada wants to add DEI measures to globalist WHO pandemic treaty

5 companies that are scaling back DEI, LGBT advocacy  

Schönborn: "There Is No Correct Answer to Homosexual Blessings"  it is NO       9/6


Saint Lawrence Justinian, Patriarch

St. Teresa of Calcutta

Pray Like Mother Teresa

This was Mother Teresa’s final letter before she died

Mother Teresa, A Heavenly Friend, Intercessor and Mentor

Swiss Bishop: "Latin Mass Has Deep Prayers, Expresses Christ's Centrality Better"

An Apostolic people undaunted to defy crowds and the modern world: that’s what a Latin Mass pilgrimage is all about

The Innovation of the “Vocation Director.”

‘Embodied’ Worship Boosted Orthodox Churches During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Man confesses to arson at French church - is in custody

Shock in Ireland as inquiry reveals scale of new child sexual abuse cases at Catholic religious schools

Priest urges Catholics to reject Pope Francis’ ‘synodal’ program that seeks to ‘destroy’ the Church

Power in Weakness

Take the risk of following Christ; do not fear ‘the night of failure’, Pope declares on last day in Indonesia

Trump campaign announces relaunch of 'Catholics for Trump' coalition

New report details constant stream of killings in Nigeria

Report: Thousands of Christians ‘Deliberately Targeted’ for Death in Nigeria

Islamic Money Fuels Antisemitism at Top Jesuit University

Students at prestigious DC Georgetown university call for intifada

Francis to Muslims, "Inherited Religious Rites Must be Protected"

Pope Francis tells Indonesian clergy not to ‘proselytize’ non-Catholics

The Current Muslim Conquest of Europe and the Role of Ribat

Have You Heard About The “Ring Of Fire” Rosh Hashanah Eclipse That Is Coming In October?

Two Male Employees of the Vatican Bank Enter into a Pseudo-Marriage

Satan destroys people’s faith by convincing them neither he nor hell exist

Say What? Venezuelan Dictator Maduro Has Moved Christmas to October by Decree – Absurd Move Comes as Repression on Dissent Goes Into Overdrive

This is Diego. His Mom Was Having an Abortion When She Changed Her Mind and Saved His Life

Defendants speak out after one-year anniversary of FACE Act convictions

CDC Admits Abortion Pill Reversal Is Safe for Women

Study: Babies with Trisomy 13 are being given more of a chance at life… and living longer

Singer Who Regrets Her Abortion Writes Powerful Song About Pain and Redemption

Wife, Mother, Grandmother…and Pro-Life Prisoner

Not Voting for Trump Won’t Stop Abortion

Kamala Harris Put This 89-Year-Old Concentration Camp Survivor in Prison for Protesting Abortion

INTERVIEW: Five young Catholics explain why they are pro-life activists and marching for the unborn  

Pregnancy center in North Carolina vandalized over Labor Day weekend

Female progressive in Clergyface reimagines Jesus Christ as an abortion mill worker

Popular German podcasters face €250k fine for referring to ‘transgender’ man with male pronouns

Ripple Effects: Appeals Court Sides with Florida to Protect Kids from Medical Mutilation

Harvard offers ‘Queer Education’ course criticizing heterosexual, ‘cisgender privilege’

Transvestite Employed by Parish & the Parish Priest Force Girl to Have Abortion

Polish festival promotes sex work as ‘a way to make a decent living’

Dozens of states urge federal appeals court to unblock child sex change ban           9/5


Saint Rose of Viterbo, Virgin

Andre Grasset, Canada’s First Beatus, Martyr in the September Massacres

Mother Teresa’s “quick novena”

How this Canadian mystic is connected to St. Cecilia

Dina Belanger’s Unrelenting Quest for Perfection

Benedict XVI in Paris: The intellectual journey of “God’s thinker”

Bishop Celebrates Latin Mass in a Cathedral (Pictures) - Traditionis Custodes R.I.P

"YES, I am Roman Catholic and love the 'Old Mass'"

Is it biblical to say Mary is a co-redeemer with Christ?

5 Bible verses for when you feel pulled in all directions

A Rector of an Austrian Seminary: "We Don't Need Priests for the Sacraments"???

How a missionary priest in the Archdiocese of Salzburg is simply deported

Arson suspected in devastating fire at 19th century Catholic church in France

Spain: Government Shuns Archbishop

WATCH: The Divine “Spark of Life” FLASH That Happens At Conception!

What Did You Leave To Follow Christ?

To soundtrack of xylophones and drums, Africans debate limits of inculturation

Catholic private school serving working-class families has to close due to Labour’s VAT change

Is the German Bishops’ Conference trivialising radical Islam?

Francis Prays to Same God as Muslims, Omits Trintiy and Sign of Cross

Did Francis Steal the Election?

Vatican bank’s ban on married couples puts latter-day ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in a bind

‘Bow Down or Else’: In Our Nation, The Pressure To Conform Is Growing Greater By The Day

President Trump: “Our Country Is Missing a Lot of Religion”

Coach Joe Kennedy fears for religious liberty, says God uses 'least likely' people

The push for a European ecclesial assembly

Catholic Strategist Promotes Stewardship Approach to Foreign Policy

When People Sincerely Seek God, It Can Impact An Entire Nation

Texas A&M campus revival event draws nearly 1,500 students to worship Jesus; 62 baptized

The quiet majesty of the married life

‘Sacred work’: US Surgeon General urges more support and respect for parents in society

W.Va. Lawmaker Aims to Ban Euthanasia in State Constitution: ‘We Want to Send a Message’

Indiana Abortions Drop 98% as Abortion Ban Saves Babies

Baby girl named ‘Miracle’ graduates NICU after birth at 23 weeks

Premature Baby Who Doctors Thought Would Never Walk Now Loves to Dance 

New Mexico man charged with attempting to ram car into pro-life activist

Kamala Harris’ FBI Fails to Report Child Sex Crimes, But Prosecutes Pro-Lifers 

Poll reaffirms even most ‘pro-choice’ Americans support restricting majority of abortions

Radical Abortion Activists Have Raised $48 Million to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth in Florida 

West Virginia Fights Back Against Euthanasia, Calls Canada’s MAiD ‘A Fancy Way Of Saying They’re Killing Their Own Citizens’

101 New Jersey Residents Die in Assisted Suicide Last Year 

The Global Left Shares a Playbook with Islam

In sub-Saharan Africa, 16,200,000 Christians have been forcibly displaced by Islamic jihadis

Meet the Detransitioner Suing Planned Parenthood

Canadian man faces second trial over pro-family flyers handed out at 2016 Toronto ‘Pride’ march

USA and European Union Want Exception to Criminalisation of Child Pornography

‘Abbott Elementary’ Star Sheryl Lee Ralph Lectures Fans Over 40 to ‘Respect’ Children’s Pronouns

It’s come to this: School girls labeled ‘transphobic’ for opposing boys in their locker rooms

HHS Uses ‘Suicide Prevention Month’ to Push Child Gender Transitions

Two Dudes Named as “8 Incredible Canadian Women” by Woke ELLE Magazine

Nashville Shooter’s Journal Reveals Dark Side of Transgender Orthodoxy                    9/4


Saint Pius X, Pope

Pope Saint Gregory the Great

Gregory the Great, a Pope for All Seasons

Gregory the Great - Consul of God, praedicator, servus servorum Dei

Why is St. Gregory the Great often depicted with a dove?

Saint Seraphia and Saint Sabina

Pope St. Pius X Defended the Church against the Rising Tide of Modernism

Venerable Mary of Agreda in Mystical City of God: "In humility she [Virgin Mary] was invincible..Lord has not elevated me to the dignity of being His own mother to be served, but to be the servant of all, & of you [Joseph] especially"

The Fashion Warned Against at Fatima

Priest runs into burning church: “I wanted to evacuate the Blessed Sacrament!”

Priest Braves Floods to Save Blessed Sacrament (Video)

Blessed Carlo Acutis comes home for special Eucharistic Festival at Westminster Cathedral

Indonesian Catholics: “Children of Saint Francis Xavier”


France: Suicidal Bishop Closes Down His Best Parish

Benedict's Anchor

Crocodile tears: How East Timor became an unlikely Catholic stronghold

The Ancient Church of the East in China: A Missionary Perspective

What is the Church like in Indonesia?

FrancisEffect: Indonesia is home to world's largest seminary, which still only ordains 20 men per year and is shrinking

Sex Cults in Seminaries: To Obey or Break Away?

Cardinal Zuppi: The Church Shall Not Oppose the Oligarchs

US bishops highlight lack of ‘dignity’ in modern economy this ‘Labor Day’

Yale divinity students forced to read from witch’s ‘spell’ at orientation

A God and a Country of Second Chances

Dangerous France: Presbytery Robbed During Sunday Eucharist

Mass Conversions of Hindus Escalates Persecution of Indian Christians

British Christians Fight to Buy a Remote Scottish Island and Prevent a Radical Islamic Cleric From Establishing a Mini-Islamic State

Today in history: Christian slave turned commander defends Albania from Islamic takeover

Pregnant British archer wins bronze at Paralympics

Texas Abortion Ban Saves Tens of Thousands of Babies, Zero Women Have Died

She was supposed to have an abortion and lost an arm and half of her legs

Premature baby born in emergency C-section is home after 300 days

Abortion Bans are Saving Babies, Not Denying Women Health Care

The Satanic Roots of Abortion: Just Another Form of Rebellion

Bishop Strickland laments Trump’s IVF support: We are ‘without a profoundly pro-life candidate’

No, silent prayer is not ‘reproductive coercion’ just because someone questions the motive

If You Think Trump Is The Abortion Extremist, You’ve Bought Democrat Propaganda

Denmark and Norway relax abortion laws as Europe hurtles toward demographic suicide

The Sad Reasons Americans Give For Not Having Kids

Ideology of political Islam has become the mainstream of Islam

Hamas Admits Murdering Hostages, Releases Video of Them, Threatens to Post Their Last Messages Before They Executed Them

Police arrest Irish teacher who refuses to give up on his job or give in to ‘trans’ agenda

Hundreds of doctors resign from British Medical Association for its support of LGBT child mutilations

Newspaper Releases Full Copy of Nashville Trans Shooter’s ‘Manifesto’         9/3


Saint Stephen, King of Hungary

St. Ingrid of Sweden

Blessed John Francis Burté’s and Companions’ Stories

Saint Giles, Abbot

Andre Grasset, Canada’s First Beatus, Martyr in the September Massacres

St. Gregory the Great’s advice for married couples

Traditionis Custodes R.I.P.: Diocesan Parish with All (!) Masses in the Roman Rite Continues

Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical  promoting labor and condemning socialism: Rerum Novarum

Latin Mass Society’s Walsingham Pilgrimage seen from a tent on the ground

God is willing to wait a long time for us to repent

Labor is an invitation to share in God’s work and Jesus’ redemptive mission

Paris: Forty Years ago a Heroic Fighter for the Roman Rite Died

U.S. Catholic bishops on Labor Day: Honor ‘human dignity of all who labor’

Bishop Strickland: Catholics cannot support Democrats because they are the 'party of death'

Another Catholic Church Burned Down in France

Pope Francis begins historic apostolic journey to Southeast Asia and Oceania

Canadian bishop faces probe over Rosica assault allegations

The Spirit of Paul VI Is a False Spirit and, like All False Spirits, It Is Unconsciously Cruel

“When the salt loses its taste, …..The question of truth in the thicket of relativism!”

When People Sincerely Seek God, It Can Impact An Entire Nation

Canadian bishop faces probe over Rosica assault allegations

Archbishop: "Danger of Schism in Rome, Already Completed in Germany"

Outrage as Vatican drops ‘Before Christ’ for ‘Before Common Era’

‘Natural burial’ option debuts in Archdiocese of Chicago

New Catholic rite for the Amazon to enter 3-year ‘experimental phase’

Archdiocese of Lanciano: Beach Eucharists on the Adriatic Coast – "Bring Your Own Towel"

Catholic college students in Michigan should avoid greasy Jesuit Bobby Karle and his FrancisYoga

Religion Goes Digital: Playing Gods, Becoming Gods, Building Gods

Archbishop: "Danger of Schism in Rome, Already Completed in Germany"

Dr. Rist on Francis's heretical Amoris Laetitia:“What it all amounts to is readmitting consequentialism/situation ethics by the back door & giving it another name (i.e. discernment)”

Immigration: The Pope versus the General

Specola: Francis Paints a Gloomy Picture

'An effort to suffocate': Experts warn of emerging threats in America's religious freedom battle

As Evil Men Use The World Stage To Mock And Attack Christians, Our Command To Preach Doesn’t Change

Top Myths DEBUNKED: Abortion survivors

Sylvester Stallone reveals he survived an abortion – and he’s one of thousands

One of the first babies saved by a Safe Haven law is grown up and speaking out

Catholics need to know fight for unborn is shifting ‘ominously’ into international law as UN scolds Poland

Football star Harrison Butker calls on JD Vance and Republicans to be more committed to protecting life

Pro-Family Activists Strike Back Against Illegal Practices in Massachusetts Legislature

Court lets Biden-Harris HHS withhold Title X funds from TN because it didn’t counsel for abortion

Most of today’s vaccines are developed with ABORTED FETAL CELL LINES – Here’s the full list

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk is subverting democracy to push abortion on Poland

So, Planned Butcherhood Isn’t Taking Any More Government Money?  

Abortion facility escort assaulted pro-life counselor… but police arrested the victim

The Satanic Roots of Abortion: Just Another Form of Rebellion

Democrats Call Woman a “Heroine” for Killing Her Baby in an Abortion

The Sad Truth About IVF

New Australian study challenges the rise of euthanasia

Pakistan: Man gets life in prison for desecrating the Qur’an

Islamic State’s genocide was not limited to killing and enslaving Yazidis, Christians and other communities − it also erased their heritage

Wyoming Republican governor sued for firing doctor who supported ban on child ‘sex changes’

State’s Supreme Court Upholds School District’s Policy Of Not Requiring Disclosure Of Child’s Transgender Status To Parents

Homosexual Pregnancy: Swiss Bishops in Ecstasy

US, EU demand exceptions to criminalization of child pornography in UN treaty            9/2


Saints Joseph of Arimathea’s and Nicodemus’ Story

Saint Rose of Lima, Virgin

St. Rumon

Saint Jeanne Jugan’s Story

Saint Raymund Nonnatus, Cardinal

Augustine: The Great Wanderer of God

God showered St. Rose of Lima with miraculous gifts and favors from her infancy

St Teresa of Ávila’s remains still incorrupt after tomb opened for studies  

The Not so Hidden Life of Blessed John Juvenal Ancina

12 Amazing saints celebrated in September

‘Do an Exorcism on the Bell?’ After Mocking Christians, Paris Places Olympic Bell in Notre Dame Cathedral

African Archbishops: ‘They Are Sending Us Missionaries of Evil’

Cardinal Presides over Sitting Eucharists

Northern Irish priests keep hope as vocations slowly rise

Always ready to cede territory to Jihad, Bishops in Nigeria want return to regionalism to solve country’s problems

Socci: Was Benedict XVI attempting to be Ambiguous about Papal Primacy for Union with the Russian Orthodox Church?

Journey to the Philippines’ historic “bamboo organ”

Downplaying Fatima?Vatican’s HUGE shift on Marian apparitions

Finally! Francis Discovers "Grave Sin"

Pope Francis calls for Catholics to ‘pray for the cry of the Earth,’ says it ‘has a fever’

“The Devil has been unleashed” Exorcist Unmasks Satan

How We Know Truth, and Why It Matters

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev describes crackdown on Ukrainian Orthodox Church as SATANIC

Homosexual Pregnancy: Swiss Bishops in Ecstasy

Iraq’s feuding bishops

Craig Huey: Evangelical Christians are America’s SECRET WEAPON for the upcoming elections

Being a good role model perfects your own character and helps others grow in virtue

Orthodox Church blasts Ukraine for passing legislation suppressing any religion with historical links to Russia

“God . . . Is in Control”: Iconic Actress on Cancel Culture, Threats, and the Power of Prayer

‘You Will Resign, or We’ll Make This Ugly’: Idaho National Guardsman Punished for Biblical Values

Catholic college allows female Anglican ‘priests’ to celebrate ‘Eucharist’ inside basilica

Outrage as Vatican drops ‘Before Christ’ for ‘Before Common Era’

Feds Gave Catholic Charities Almost $800 Million That Helped Shelter, Transport Biden’s Migrants into U.S. Communities

Catholic college students in Michigan should avoid Jesuit priest mixing yoga and Ignatian spirituality

The priests of the Nicaraguan dictatorship

The Satanic Roots of Abortion: Just Another Form of Rebellion

Doctors and neonatal nurse save life of 25-week preemie born on flight to Beijing

Mom Changed Her Mind During Abortion and Saved Baby Jesse

Iowa Supreme Court UPHOLDS state’s heartbeat law, says there’s no right to abortion in state constitution

“I’m Prepared to Die”: Biden-Harris DOJ Celebrates Concentration Camp Survivor’s Felony Conviction Over Pro-Life Advocacy

Saved Through Childbearing

Woman Finds Birth Mother’s Diary Entry From The Day She Was Born

Poland: Prime Minister Tusk acknowledges that majority is against expanding abortion

The UN insists that killing preborn humans is a human right… and Poland is its latest target

The Democrat Abortion Convention

He supported abortion to birth until he watched it: ‘We think we know, but we really don’t know’

Abortions on the rise since Roe reversal thanks to abortion pill spike: report

Government of Norway announces plan to expand abortion limit 

“Unmistakable presence” of EVIL causes some doctor to stop performing ABORTIONS

Democrats Call Woman a “Heroine” for Killing Her Baby in an Abortion

Assisted suicide advocate disappointed more Californians aren’t dead

12-year-old Christian girl forcibly converted by Muslim man who kidnapped her in Pakistan

Khan’s London: Man in Wheelchair Stabbed to Death with Machete 

Vienna school principal: 'Girls wear headscarves out of fear'

Taliban bans women from speaking, showing bare faces in public

The Sad Truth About IVF

‘They are sending us missionaries of evil’: Clerics lament Western homosexual push in Africa

Trump plans to criminalize GENDER TRANSITION surgery on minors without parental consent if elected

Doctors Quit British Medical Association Over Its Support for Puberty Blockers

CANADA: Pastor Found Guilty Of 'Criminal Harassment' After Protesting Drag Queen Story Hour For Children

Wyoming Republican governor sued for firing doctor who supported ban on child ‘sex changes’

Canada’s LGBTQ police state targets a pastor and his Christian organization fighting to protect the innocence of children

“Y’all Sucked the Good D***s for These Seats”: Undercover Footage From RuPaul’s “All-Ages” Drag Show Exposes Blatant Child Abuse

Resistance to the Never-Ending Gender Agenda

Harvard to offer fall course on ‘Queering Education.’             8/31


The Story of the Martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist

St. Sabina

Saint Augustine, Doctor of the Church

Augustine’s Pilgrimage to Truth

‘Once-in-lifetime’ tour of St. Bernadette’s relics will bring Lourdes to all of Ireland  

The Holy Eucharist – the highway to heaven

Amsterdam bishop says young Catholics are going back to ‘roots of the faith,’ want traditional liturgy

A Priest’s Message to His Brother Priests: We Can Stop the Hemorrhaging of Catholics

Syria: A Large Statue of Our Lady on a Mountain 60 Metres High

Our Lady of Akita’s Final Warning

The "Spirit" of Vatican II - Michael Davies

Eucharistic Adoration with a ... Piece of Bread

This author may have discovered the original painting of Our Lady by St. Luke

Nagasaki Cathedral bombed in WWII to finally replace bell

Why China’s recognition of an 95-year-old bishop could be a very big deal

‘The Pope and the President’: new exhibit charts friendship between John Paul II and Ronald Reagan

Canadian pastor celebrates paying off $300k+ in COVID fines for refusing to close church

The Infallible Exegete and the Magisterium of the Church

Jesus Warned Us: In the Last Days, People Will Ignore Prophetic Warnings

Can the Carmelite Convent of Lisieux Be Saved?

Beautiful: Ohio State Football Team Leads Revival on Campus Leading to at Least 60 Baptisms (Video)


Trump Praises God for Saving Him From Bullet: “How Can You Say It’s Luck?” [VIDEO]

DHS: Nearly 300,000 Children Missing Under Biden/ Harris. The Minors May Have Been Trafficked  

Pope Francis says deliberately opposing migration ‘is a grave sin’

Why Synodality is a Sham

Archbishop: Africa’s “Vehement NO” on Women Deacons, LGBTQ+ Guided by Scripture, Church Teachings

‘Totalitarian and Unconstitutional’: Tampon Tim’s Ban on Christian Teachers Set to Hit Schools in Just Months

The De-Christianization of Spain Under Socialism: A Daily Reality Intensified in Catalonia

Diabolical Disorientation vs Radical Reorientation: Part II

Parents Fight Back With Rising Use Of Religious Vaccine Exemptions For Their Children

They had given up hope, but a phone call caused ‘seven years of heartache’ to disappear

1 in a 15 Million Miracle: Couple Welcomes Quadruplet Girl Babies

Sylvester Stallone reveals his mom tried to abort him: ‘The hanger didn’t work’

Top Myths DEBUNKED: Human prenatal development

Post-Roe infanticide numbers continue to rise, thanks to TELEHEALTH ABORTIONS

Female caller tells her abortion story: ‘The most painful experience of my life’

Abortion Center Staffer Assaults Pro-Life Advocate, Police Arrest the Pro-Life Person Instead

Tim Walz donated nearly $100,000 to organization that trains 'abortion advocates'

Final Democrat Platform Promoted Abortions Up to Birth Nationwide, At Taxpayer Expense

At Least Nine States Have Pro-Abortion Ballot Measures for November, With Some Facing Lawsuits

New Mexico is Trying to Recruit More Abortionists to Kill More Babies 

Radical Islam Braying the Donkey Party 

Transgender Athlete Who Competed in Male Division Until Recently Causes Major Controversy at Paralympics

Swiss Transvestite: The Illusion Is Over - Francis Should Receive Him         8/29


Saint Joseph Calasanctius, Founder

Pope Benedict, Monica and Marriage 

St. Monica

The Persevering Prayer of Monica

More reverence for the Blessed Sacrament

Syro-Malabar summit calls for Eucharistic unity and political action

Bishop Schneider Announced New Online Library: 1000 Years of Catechisms

Why all the fuss about Latin? Because it is fruitful not just for Catholics but for civilisation too


The Young Catholic Women Bringing Back Veils, Sales exploding

Bishop Strickland warns of apostasy ‘at the top’ of the Church

Where people are most religious

Why Pope Francis sent a Venezuelan cardinal to a Eucharistic congress

Vatican Falling Apart: Staff Cries "Alarm," "Demotivation," and "Confusion"

The Catholic cathedrals of Ireland: take a look at these architectural gems of the Emerald Isle

The Deep Church Meets the Deep State in Chicago

Saving Face: Vatican Announces Chinese’ Recognition of Bishop

Holy C-suite? The rise of the diocesan COO

“Christian parents have the right to raise their children in accordance with their faith”

Biblical Illiteracy Is At Astonishingly High Levels In The Church, New Study Reveals

Archbishop Ends up as Parish Priest

Knowing the Scriptures and Having the Power of the Spirit Are Two Different Things

Keep looking, keep asking, keep seeking!

Spain: Salesians Turn Beautiful Church into Spaceship

Spitting in the face of Ugandan martyrs: Pope Francis massively pushing LGBTQ in Africa

USA: Adoption becomes more difficult for Christians


There Is Much To Pray About as Foreigners Rise Higher Above Us As We Sink Lower, And Even More To Pray About As Truth, Even The BIBLE, Is Now Considered 'Hate Speech'

Ukraine to BAN CHRISTIANITY unless Ukrainian Orthodox Church cuts ties with Moscow

India’s Hindu Supremacist Regime Weaponizes Anti-Conversion Laws to Terrorize Christians

Under Tim Walz, Minnesota Banned Christians From Teaching In Public Schools

For years, Democrats have been openly calling for Americans to be forced into REEDUCATION CAMPS… mass extermination of conservatives and Christians may follow

Bohemian Grove: America’s Occult Establishment That Must Be Overthrown [VIDEOS]

Christians “More Likely to be Shaped by Culture Than to Influence It.” This Must Change

Texas Megachurch Lists 30 Bedroom, 31 Bath “Parsonage” for $15 Million Dollars

‘That could’ve been me’: Woman abandoned as newborn mourns other babies left to die

Every Abortion Ban Allows Treatment for Ectopic Pregnancies

Free Speech Victory for New York Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Ohio judge criticised for blocking state’s pre-abortion 24-hour wait period

In Secretly-Recorded Speech, Abortionist Reveals the Horror of How Abortions Kill Babies 

Caritas President demands: Health insurance companies should reimburse abortion costs - Church remains silent!

Media glorifies the notorious late-term abortionist who views pregnancy as a 'disease'

Women in India have died from egg harvesting, casualties of largely unchecked fertility industry

Catholic nonprofit denounces 'horrific attack' against crisis pregnancy center

Pro-Life Group Opens Special Baseball Field for Disabled People

Oprah once thanked her dying mom for not aborting her. Now she says there’s ‘no American dream’ without it.

9 States Will Vote on Ballot Measure to Allow Abortions Up to Birth. We Must Reject Them 

Veterans Affairs Canada exposed for pressuring veterans to choose assisted death

German Catholic Church to fund migrant rescue boat Sea-Eye 5

How Qatar spreads chaos in the Middle East and fuels Islam in Europe

Federal court backs Christian teacher who refused to call kids by transgender ‘identity’

Florida can enforce ban on puberty blockers, trans surgeries for kids: appeals court

Canadian pastor convicted of ‘criminal harassment’ for protesting drag queen events targeting children

LGBTQ™ Propaganda Roundup: Spare the Rod

Priest Approves Transvestite Show in Church Square            8/27


The Black Madonna: Our Lady of Częstochowa

Saint Bartholomew, Apostle and Martyr

St. Bartholomew evangelized the mountains of Armenia, whence the sons of Noah spread over the earth

Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

St. Teresa of Jesus Jornet Ibars

Saint Zephyrinus, Pope and Martyr

Saint Joseph Calasanz’ Story

Saint Louis IX, King of France

Help for the Lost from St. Anthony

Courage in the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Greatest Mystery on Earth – The little-known secret that connects Fatima to Medjugorje – Video

3 Lessons from the life of St. Monica for the modern Christian

Two Songs to Our Lady of Częstochowa

Pius XII on False Liberty: "Liberty..really a duty..becomes a rein to one's impulses..detriment to others..such..freedom is a revolt against the laws made by God, a revolt against God Himself"

Bishop Strickland warns of apostasy 'at the top,' says Fatima consecration not done properly

Bishop Strickland: Open Your Eyes!

Next Consistory: 7 December?

VATICAN CANCELS LATIN MASS: “We want gay blessings and empty pews.”

Orthodox churches boomed during pandemic, since half of them didn't close for Satan

Bishop Strickland: Cupich’s failure to mention Jesus at the DNC ‘harmful to the whole world’

Childhood Abuse Made Her a Man-Hating Lesbian. Christ Healed Her and Set Her Free

WATCH: Rochester Bankruptcy Case Leaves Survivors Waiting For Justice

Milone on Cardinal: Hundreds of Thousands of Euros Indeed Put into Personal Bank Account

Scottish bishops push back on lawmakers’ assisted suicide proposal

Freed priest speaks of time in Russian captivity

Catholic meeting in Italy reports record numbers

India’s Hindu Supremacist Regime Weaponizes Anti-Conversion Laws to Terrorize Christians

No room for apathy: The church must stand in the gap for preborn human life

Are We a ‘Godly’ People? 

Not Happy: Marxist Pope Francis Decries ‘Wave of Populism’ in Europe

Ex-Synod Interests only Those Who Want to Replace Catholic Teaching with Heresy

Uncertain Trumpets: Cardinal Cupich and Pope Francis

House of Horrors: Infamous Orphanage’s Abusive History Ran Deeper Than Ever Known

Incitement against peaceful prayer meetings at the LKH Bregenz

Woman with disability says she’s been bullied for having a child: I’m ‘more than capable’

‘Miracle’ baby born to prostitute in Hungary adopted thanks to Catholic nuns, Human Life International

Ohio judge rules informed consent and 24-hour abortion waiting period cause ‘harms’

Iowa Supreme Court rules there is no constitutional right to abortion, upholds heartbeat law

Over 700 patients get $56m settlement from IVF business after embryos destroyed

Kamala Harris Promises to Impose Abortion on All 50 States as President

Abortionist Warren Hern speaks about committing late abortions: ‘I love it’

Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Vandalized After Democrat Convention

‘Trojan horse’: Group campaigns to legalize assisted dying for mental illness in Canada

Biden admin appointee wants to “queer” NUCLEAR WEAPONS instead of focusing on national security 

Court Rules in Favor of Christian Teacher Forced to Use Trans Pronouns

Spitting in the face of Ugandan martyrs: Pope Francis MASSIVELY pushing LGBTQ in Africa

HORROR: Military Parents Lose Custody of 16-Year-Old Autistic Son After Refusing to Let Him Transition to a Girl – Son is Currently in Foster Care Living with ‘Non-Gendered’ Chaplain Named “Lavender”

Jack Daniel’s announces it’s dropping woke, pro-LGBT policies ahead of exposé

Death Of Woke: Queer Activist Video Game Funded By The EU Can't Find Players

Richard Dawkins defends biological reality

Now Scientists Are Claiming the Y Chromosome Is Slowly Vanishing              8/26


Saint Rose of Lima’s Story

The Enigmatic and Ecstatic Life of Rose of Lima

Why St. Rose of Lima had a devotion to St. Bartholomew

Saint Philip Benizi, Servite Priest

The Holy Spirit has ways for every generation to find Christ

Study of St Wilhemina's Remains Published: No Decomposition

Archbishop Viganò, Pope Francis and 'peaceful and universal acceptance'

Respected Catholic Theologian Calls For Resignation Of All New Zealand Bishops

Boston’s new archbishop leans into transparency, trust in God’s grace to face challenges ahead

Harrison Butker slams Cardinal Cupich for not mentioning Jesus during DNC invocation

Seminaries Are Doing More to Open Doors for Older Vocations

"Radical Change" of Church after Vatican II - Cardinal Burke's New Book

Ex Opus Dei priest to Pope Francis: I should not be suspended for correcting your errors

'Most endangered Christians on the planet': Pastor, NGOs deliver $400K in medical supplies to Nigeria

Nicaraguan regime shuts down over 25 Catholic orders and groups

Breaking Down the ‘Wall of Silence’ About Persecution of Christians

Baltimore ‘cooking priest’ opens Gastro Social restaurant in Little Italy

Nearly Half of All Migrants Are Christians

Exorcist: Yes, Voting for the “Lesser of Two Evils” Is the Moral Thing to Do

We should look for ways to treat coma patients – not reasons to kill them

Those Who Feel Eternity: Goodness and the Religious Life

Considering the skilled trades? 5 Catholic schools in the US

Human Sacrifice May Appear More Sterile In Our Modern World, But It Is No Less Barbaric

Pope Meets Ousted Peruvian Archbishop, Member of Scandal-Plagued Group

Bologna Cardinal Gives Rupnik Green Light to Complete Mosaics

If Harris Wins, It’s Nuclear Winter for the Family

Caritas Luxembourg received millions in bank loans in midst of fraud

Arkansas Supreme Court rejects ballot initiative to enshrine abortion as constitutional right

Contemplative nuns reveal the secret wisdom of motherhood

Ohio law protecting preborn babies with Down syndrome is still in place, and the media is angry

Texas Medical Board Protects Disabled Babies From Abortions 

Woman arrested TWICE for SILENTLY PRAYING outside abortion clinic in Birmingham receives apology and settlement from police

While Planned Parenthood Kills Babies in Free Abortions, Pro-Life Group Holds Diaper Drive for Moms in Need 

Hundreds of babies are surviving abortions and being left to die in Canada, but no one seems to care

Democrats Double and Triple Down on Abortion

Wondering where abortion will be on the ballot in November? Read this.

Abortion pill use in Alberta far exceeds official records, data show

New York archdiocese warns against ‘dangerous’ pro-abortion, pro-LGBT ‘Equal Rights Amendment’

EXCLUSIVE: Million Person March Coast to Coast against SOGI announced for Canada (Video)

Christians are Being Blocked From Adopting Kids Because They Won’t Push the Trans Agenda

Protest works: US motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson drops woke criteria again

Clerical Abuse Crisis Shows No Signs Of Abating

Get Woke, Go Broke: Disney Cancels Gay Star Wars Show After One Season             8/23


The Immaculate Heart of Mary

Courage in the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Ad Caeli Reginam: Encyclical of Pope Pius XII Proclaiming the Queenship of Mary

St. Andrew the Scot

Saint Symphorian, Martyr

Scientists Make Breakthrough Discovery After Analyzing Shroud of Turin…Burial Cloth Does Date Back to Time of Jesus

Palestrina’s Regina Coeli

Warning of Europe without Christianity at St. Stephen’s Day in Budapest

France: Traditionis Custodes Is Not Respected

Vatican orders Finland’s only Latin Mass to be moved from historic cathedral to modern church

Surge of Young, Conservative Priests Could Make Aging Liberal Clergy ‘Extinct’


Six Reasons Why Mary is Our Queen

Exorcisms, Bishops, And Alcoholics.

VIDEO: Leading Exorcist Explains How to Vote for the ‘Lesser of Two Evils’

Viganò accuses Italian cardinal of connection to Freemasonry, says he ‘subjugated’ Benedict XVI


Quimper: The End is Near

Germany: “Confession Is Practically Dead”

The Sobel couple received an answer from the Catholic Office Berlin-Brandenburg, but not from Bishop Koch

Cardinal Burke condemns gender ideology as ‘attack on reason and nature’

These 5 virtues will distinguish the righteous from the wicked at the Last Judgment

Unsheathe the ‘Two Swords’ of Christianity

Camino conflagration blamed on badly behaved pilgrims

Paraguay: Former Catholic Chapel Becomes First "Ecumenical Center"

Ukrainian parliament approves law BANNING the country’s biggest Orthodox church

New law banning Russian Church in Ukraine defended by country’s top Catholic archbishop

Actor Tim Allen Chronicles His “Amazing” Journey Reading the Bible 

Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio owes his ‘election’ to McCarrick

Scottish bishops address Parliament on assisted dying bill

New ATM technology is coming that will enforce vaccine compliance before you’re allowed to access bank deposits this is a prepatory part of the roll out of the Buy & Sell Beast (Rev. 13.17) System

What has happened to British justice and will our Church speak out or continue its descent into two-tier Catholicism?

The Best ‘School Choice’ Might Just Be Homeschooling

Brazilian Priest Abused Young Girls, Forced One To Have Abortion

Workers Find Newborn Baby Abandoned in a Ditch

When she realized that women were choosing abortion out of fear, she set out to help them

Texas Medical Board Protects Disabled Babies From Abortions

Chuck Schumer Wants to End the Filibuster to Pass Bill for Abortions Up to Birth Nationwide

WND EXCLUSIVE: Videos capture nefarious and illegal behavior trying to railroad abortion into state constitution

Four women slammed pro-life laws at the DNC. Each one distorted the facts.

Pro-life leaders express disgust with 'fully booked' mobile Planned Parenthood unit at DNC

Woman attacked by group says one tried to ‘grab’ her preborn baby ‘through her stomach’

Germany - The country where a wasp is better protected than a child

Trump says he won’t enforce federal law banning distribution of abortion pills by mail

. . . Former Planned Butcherhood President at DNC: Abortion Makes Women ‘Unstoppable’

Kamala Harris' fight against pro-life pregnancy centers

Tim Walz is So Radically Pro-Abortion, He Signed a Bill Allowing Forced Abortions

'Qur'an Says She Must Kill Me': Former Politician Tomas Lundberg on Trial for Challenging the Islamic Takeover of Sweden

'Oh Allah, Count Them, Kill Them One by One, and Do Not Leave a Single One of Them' (Video)

Trump to announce he will criminalize ‘gender transitions’ without parental consent if elected

Texas nurse fired after revealing alleged illegal Medicaid use for child transgender hormones

Judge: Virginia School District Must Allow Transgender Student On Girls' Tennis Team

World mercilessly mocks biology denier Neil deGrasse Tyson for claiming DNA has nothing to do with gender

Top Biden-Harris Official Calls For 'Queering Nuclear Weapons'

LGBTQ Pride activists in the U.K. arrested for child sex crimes

Michelle Obama Voices Support for Childhood Transgenderism at DNC         8/22


St. Pius X

Saint Pius X and Restoring All Things in Christ

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Foundress

John-Henry Westen Talks To Experts About The Shroud Of Turin

Huge Mother Teresa exhibit coming to JPII national shrine

Fr. Ripperger: Bishops’ enormous power against demons can affect politics in their dioceses

Surge of Young, Right-Wing Priests Could Make Aging Liberal Clergy ‘Extinct’

“Not a human but a divine idea: marriage between man and woman and its indissolubility”

Viganò Interview: "I Do Not Reside in a Fixed Place"

BREAKINGArchbishop Viganò reveals name of Cardinal he says is a Kingpin in Vatican Corruption

Excommunicated archbishop says he fears for his life; condemns ‘supranational powers’ manipulating Church and State

Vatican Monsignor Praises Roman Rite Pilgrimage

Roche and Viola (Dicastery for Divine Worship) Forbid Latin Mass in Helsinki Cathedral (Finland) - celebrated (for the moment) in another Church

Bishop Gracida: "There was Never Universal Acceptance of the Validity of Jorge Bergoglio" & 5 Simple Dubia Questions for Gasper's "Universal Acceptance" Greatest Theologian of All Time Salza

The Problem of Evil

Nigerian Catholic bishops call for ‘immediate’ end to liturgical abuses in the Church

Churches attacked on French island amid rising ‘Christianophobia’

The Apprentice Apostle

Spectacular Cross Made of Drones over Budapest

Bad timing: Why Venezuela’s new nuncio had to meet Maduro

Polish bishop: We should actually say that we are experiencing an attack on democracy

Ukraine Bans the Country's Largest Religious Organisation

Two priests and a baby? What's happening at an Ohio parish?

Pakistani Archbishop Removed Amid Financial Corruption, Sexual Abuse Allegations

Cardinal Cupich’s opening prayer for Democratic National Convention failed to address the obvious

Priest Causes Stir With "Mass and Aperitif"

Christians in Pakistan reeling year after horrific attacks

245 clergymen already expelled from Nicaragua

Nicaragua forces 1,500 churches, nonprofits to close

Who’s to Blame? Historic American Church Transformed into a Mosque

Persecution watchdog calls for US sanctions on Azerbaijani ‘torturers’

Concentration camp survivor and six other pro-lifers found guilty in Michigan FACE Act trial

Biden and Harris Want This Concentration Camp Survivor in Prison for 10 Years for Protesting Abortion

Baby Isaac Was Saved When His Mom Changed Her Mind in the Middle of the Abortion

Pro-life groups counter Planned Parenthood’s bus with life-affirming support near DNC

Ripple Effects: AZ’s Voter Pamphlet Swaps Term ‘Unborn Human Being’ for ‘Fetus’

Alberta pro-life group calls out Danielle Smith for remaining silent on abortion

Evangelical leader says he supports ‘rights of the preborn,’ but killing them should be ‘safe, legal, and rare’???

Lawsuit: Teen with Down syndrome was beaten, deprived of food, and locked in a cage

Brits fear being pressurised into assisted suicide by overstretched NHS

Image for Fr. James Martin’s LGBT event shows Pope Francis washing Christ’s feet, homosexual ‘couples’

Conservatives finally had enough of woke corporate tyranny when formerly beloved companies began grooming children with explicit talks and Drag Queen Story Hours

DNC features 'gender-neutral prayer room,' repurposed 'all-gender' women's rooms  8/21


Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux

Saint Bernard of Clairvaux: The Mellifluous Doctor

Why is St. Bernard called the “Honey Doctor”?

The Theologian versus the Rationalist: Bernard and Abelard

The Three Messianic Miracles

Advice to Parents by St. Alphonsus

Famous Visionary of Akita Goes to Heaven

Four religious martyred in Democratic Republic of Congo beatified

The Early Church Was… CATHOLIC!

WATCH: Startling New Report Is A Dire Warning For The Church  11  min.

Bishop Strickland: 3 CHANGES to the Novus Ordo   11  min.

Medjugorje Today: “Our Lady sees that we are building a world without God – The world is in danger of self-destruction”

Are the Dominican Sisters of Pontcallec Facing a General Liquidation?

Churches attacked on French island amid rising ‘Christianophobia’

“The atheist ideologists of neo-Marxism devalue the role of women as mothers”

Collusion with the Mafia? Dean of the Theological Faculty "Suspends Himself"

Is the Vatican’s China diplomacy strategy, or chaos?

Priest stabbed by 16-year-old boy in Ireland

Calvinist wine: Not all fruits of the Reformation are as bitter as the rest

US Bishop Celebrates Homosex-Eucharist

EXPOSED: Catholic Cardinal's Disgusting "Prayer" From DNC Night One Absolutely Ripped To Shreds like the children the Demonrats sacrament, Abortion, does

Accident or intention? At the Democratic Party Convention, Cardinal Cupich hides the pectoral cross

Vatican Suspends Archbishop

US Olympic champion: I want to draw attention to God

Silver Trumpets Blown On Temple Mount/Shocking Shroud Of Turin Discovery/Did An Earthquake Prevent An Attack On Israel?

Tectonic Shifts: Did God Use An Earthquake In The Middle East To Thwart An Attack On Israel?

Bishop Eleganti: Pope Francis promotes ‘synodality’ while acting ‘authoritarian’

Italian Court Slaps Francis Because of His Double Standards

Interview: Toronto Catholic school trustee Mike Del Grande relates years of fighting leftists

Hillbilly Politician: J.D. Vance’s Difficult Childhood and His Conversion to the Catholic Faith

Tim Walz’s obsession with the so-called ‘weirdness’ (aka Catholicism) of JD Vance

Catholic University Hosts Fundraiser for Tim Walz

Church of England Increasingly Dropping Word 'Church' to Be More 'Modern'  

Actress Gina Carano reveals how she healed from miscarriage: ‘I needed to get on my knees’

These 22 Pro-Life Youth Just Changed Thousands of People’s Minds on Abortion 

EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Calls FBI Director’s Bluff, Demands Evidence of Investigations Into Pro-Abortion Violence

Pro-life Democrats counter Planned Parenthood's mobile abortion clinic at DNC

Planned Parenthood Offers Free Mobile Abortions On Streets Of Chicago During DNC

CEO of Planned Parenthood Giving Away Free Abortions Makes $327,733 a Year Killing Babies

Eugenics on Full Display in Chicago as Democrats March the Streets Dressed as Abortion Pills [VIDEO]

Doctors Who Do Assisted Suicide Say They Like Helping Patients Kill Themselves 

Cardinal Müller Presents Antidote to Sterile Gender Ideology

Woke culture destroying US military comes from the top: defense industry leader

“Retaliation”: Nurse Who Blew the Whistle on Child Sex-Change Program Says Texas Children’s Fired Her

International Paralympic Committee under fire for allowing TRANSGENDER athlete to compete against women

Francis-appointed bishop to offer pro-LGBT Mass for heterodox group advised by Bishop Stowe

Tim Walz believes 10-year-olds can choose their own gender, young men should be allowed in female restrooms

British founder of LGBT ‘pride’ group charged with over 30 counts of child sex crimes

Dance Group Disqualified for Opposing Gender Ideology - Wants Investigation

Trans woman Nadia Brönimann regrets gender-changing surgeries

Pope Francis urges Ugandan LGBT activist to 'keep fighting for your rights'          8/20


Unveiling Christ: Shroud Mysteries Revealed

For a departure from the Eucharist

Saint Helen, Empress

Saint Helen and Pope John Paul II

St. John Eudes

Saint Clare of Montefalco, Virgin

St. Hyacinth of Poland was graced by key visions of Mary through his holy life

Exorcist Fr. Ripperger reveals the importance of the Holy Eucharist in the spiritual battlefield

Revelations – Austrian Mystic: “At Death for several minutes we see a film of our life…Answers Question: “Do we have a chance to save ourselves even after living a sinful life?”…

Sister Sasagawa, and Our Lady of Akita and Knock

Sister Agnes Sasagawa, Seer of Akita, dies on Feast of the Assumption

Bishop Sheen Interview 40 Days Before His Passing   20  min.

Canada: Young Adults Defy Secularism in Church - Latin Mass Parishes "Bursting at the Seams"

Trad Carmelite Nuns Need Your Help!

We ought to be aware of how the Holy Spirit prays in and through us

Cardinal Müller: “God created all men and women in his image and likeness”

French Diocese Has Shut Down Demonic Exhibition in Church


Six Women Detained or Imprisoned in Nicaragua’s Crackdown on Christians

Seminary: Formation Becomes Indoctrination

Scottish Bishops highlight ‘chilling’ economic incentives of assisted suicide 

Middle East Christians Prepare for a Possible New Conflict

Catholic priest ambushed, stabbed multiple times in 'frenzied' attack

Nigeria: 20 Catholic medical students were deliberately kidnapped – high ransom demands

Amazing ‘Jesus Revolution’ Reported in Iran – Mosques Close as Muslims Turn to Christianity

Christian Pakistani woman attacked after being accused of desecrating a Quran

Spanish Bishop Accused of "Transphobia" For Stating What Is Obvious

Abiding in Christ Through Life’s Toughest Trials

US City Overrun by Mites After ‘Biblical Emergence’ Sees Some Areas Quarantined 

Sincere Christians Should Never Vote for a Democrat

The Ongoing War on Western Civilization

French Diocese Has Shut Down Demonic Exhibition in Church

Priest-Physician Says Vatican Wrong to Open Door to Euthanasia

Vatican's communications department once again uses art by ex-Jesuit Rupnik

More Rupnik Art Appears In Pope Francis' apartment

SICK: Vatican Uses Rupnik Image to Celebrate the Feast of the Assumption

It’s Time for a Modern-Day Black Robe Regiment to Fight for Freedom Once Again

'Catholics for Harris-Walz' event cancelled without explanation 

Evangelicals for Harris call for deconstruction of WHITE JESUS, say white evangelicals need to DIE

Catholic Bishop Urges People to Get Involved in Pro-Life Efforts

UK police pay Catholic woman £13K for wrongful arrest over silent prayer 

India’s pro-life movement encourages large families in response to pro-abortion barbarity

MUST SEE: 32-Week Old Unborn Baby in the Womb Smiles to Daddy’s Voice in Ultrasound (VIDEO)

Jailed rescuer: Pro-lifers are shining the light of truth and life in the darkness

Alabama sets up boxes where mothers can anonymously dump their unwanted newborn babies

Thought Crime: UK's New Leftist Govt To Ban 'Silent Prayer' Near Abortion Clinics.

AP blames pro-life state laws for medical negligence… then admits that it happens everywhere

Planned Parenthood Reaches a New Low: Bus Traveling to DNC Will Offer Free Abortions and Vasectomies at DNC in Chicago

Austin City Council votes to use half a million in taxpayer dollars for citizens’ abortion travel

US Democratic Party Convention - The 'Bus of Death' is coming to Chicago

Certified Death Cult: DNC Attendees Will Have Opportunities For Free Vasectomies and Abortions

REPORT: Canadians requesting assisted death are rarely denied, often killed in under two weeks

American Society of Plastic Surgeons rejects transgender surgeries for minors

BREAKING: Supreme Court Upholds Injunctions Blocking Biden-Harris Admin’s Transgender Title IX Rewrite

How Can We Save Our Kids from the Trans Activists? We Asked a Mom Who Beat Them

Kamala Harris Website Offers Nine Pronoun Options For Campaign Applicants But Zero Policies   

‘Where Do the Breasts Go After Top Surgery?’ Pro-Transgender Surgeon Flaunts Patients’ Amputated Breasts

The UN and EU are targeting Bulgaria for moving to protect children from the LGBT movement    8/19


Saint Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary

St. Stephen the Great

Saint Roch, Confessor

Saint Roch: Patron Saint of Bachelors and Dogs

Holy Eucharist Carried in Procession on Mississippi River

Exorcist Fr. Ripperger Details The Importance of the Eucharist in Spiritual Warfare

A Novus Ordo Priest Comments on a Roman Rite Pilgrimage

US Bishop Cozzens: Eucharistic Congress “exceeded our expectations in every respect”

Byzantine icon in Rome’s Pantheon restored to glory

Lay parliament to help pick new Swiss bishop

Bishops' Conference Condemns Massive Liturgical Abuses

Archbishop promotes interfaith event instead of the Assumption

When the cathedral chapter of St. Gallen elects a bishop...

New Bishop with Interesting Expertise

EXCLUSIVE: Vatican wrong to open door to euthanasia, says LCP whistleblower

Vatican seeks understanding with China for peace in Ukraine

Expelled for Sex and Fraud - Another "Doctrinally Conservative" Founder

WATCH: Startling New Report Is A Dire Warning For The Church

Franklin Graham says 'Evangelicals for Harris' group misleading people with ad showing his father

Billy Graham's granddaughter joins 'Evangelicals for Harris,' quotes Isaiah to blast Trump supporters

Legal War Looming Over Town’s Decision to Attack Christian Meetings

Pope Makes Time To Meet With “The Rich And Famous” On Climate Change

‘This is sick’: Vatican uses Rupnik image to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption

Father Rupnik Art Appears on Vatican Website Again — and in Pope Francis’ Apartment

Pope Recognizes Marxist Maduro as Legitimate Head of Venezuela

Non-Defenders of the Faith: Christianity Under Assault in England

Cross Vandalized in Tréport, France

US Catholic university suspends male swimming team after gambling probe

Is the Pontifical Academy for Life really an ‘academy’ at all?

The shocking reason why some hospitals refuse to treat extremely premature babies

Hospitals are Saving More Premature Babies Than Ever Before

Human life begins at conception. This is a fact, not a partisan bias 

Actress Gina Carano reveals how she healed from miscarriage: ‘I needed to get on my knees’

Must see Woman Tries to Steal Prolife Sign

New Mexico spends $400 thousand to recruit out-of-state abortionists

Montana Supreme Court says minors have a ‘right’ to abortion in ‘radical and out-of-touch’ ruling

The number of abortions in the USA was declining. Here’s what reversed the trend 

Man Jailed for 18 Months After Chanting ‘Who the F*** Is Allah’ During England Riot

Canceling the Crusades: Emasculated Westerners Grovel at the Feet of Muslims

“In my view, it is completely wrong that a secular state should integrate Islam”

Family of Christian woman kidnapped, sold into sexual slavery pressured to drop murder charges

@LepantoInst..monkeypox “outbreak” is only a threat to a certain type...@KiernanTroy If this is the case Pope Francis will mandate a vaccine for the roman curia

Massachusetts passes radical pro-LGBT ‘equality’ bill seeking to completely redefine the family

VIDEO: Olympic Boxer Who Failed IBA Gender Tests Reveals Dramatic Feminine Makeover

Paralympics approves ‘transgender’ male to compete against women for first time

Supreme Court asked to take up cases, and decide to protect women's sports from male invasion

No Room at ESPN for Women Defending Women’s Sports

Harris Campaign Website Asks Job Applicants for Neo-Pronouns              8/16


PROOF | The Image Made Without Human Hands: Secrets of the Shroud of Turin

How the Assumption and the book of Revelation are connected

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Assumption and the Resurrection

The Dormition icon: Christ cradles Mary’s soul in Heaven

St. Alipius

Whe…n God enters our time, all time becomes bigger, wider, richer

A Marian View To the Church Crisis

This is why roses scare away the devil

Archbishop Aguer: Young people are showing the world the importance of Catholic tradition

Catholic religiosity of James Tissot’s visionary art attracted adoration and scorn

Is the Pontifical Academy for Life really an 'academy' at all?

Bishops' Conference Condemns Massive Liturgical Abuses

Josquin des Prez’ Ave Maria

Frank Pavone: An Open Letter to the United States Catholic Hierarchy

Nigeria’s bishops decry ‘alarming’ rise in liturgical abuses

The Sin Of Remaining Silent When God Commands Us To Speak

Pro-Life Leader Calls on Catholic Bishops to Urge Catholics to Vote Pro-Life 

Complaints about ‘organized religion’ misunderstand the duties we owe to God

Chaplain of Polish Athletes: Mass Banned at Olympics in Paris

NJ diocese and priests sue State Department over visa policy change

Summer reads recommended by the Catholic Herald (Part 2)

Democrat States are Blocking Christians From Adopting Children

Oklahoma Democrats and Establishment RINOs Push to Remove Republican Ryan Walters from Office After He Orders Teachers to Place a Bible in Every Classroom (VIDEO)

Is A.I. Jesus a Helpful Tool or a Digital Antichrist?

Kamala Harris Has Engaged in “Blanket Discrimination” Against Christians. As President It Would be Worse

France warns of “very high terror threat” for Catholics on the Solemnity of the Assumption

Third-wave feminism has influenced the Christian Church, warns Pastor Steve Cioccolanti

Prominent Televangelist Acquires a Third Jet, Valued at $17.5 Million 

Assumption: Panama Archbishop Invites to Visit Pagan Temples

Canada Denies Home Health Care for Man With COVID, Now He May be Euthanized

Planned Parenthood’s grisly organ-trafficking operations revealed in video previously SUPPRESSED by then-Attorney General Kamala Harris

‘Unborn human being’ stays on voter pamphlet as Arizonans decide on ‘constitutional right’ to abortion

Abortion Groups Used Fraud And Deceit To Place Infanticide On State Ballot, Pro-Life...

Kamala Harris Has Flip-Flopped on Everything Except Abortion Because She Wants Abortions Up to Birth 

Tim Walz Gave Almost $100K in COVID-19 Funds to ‘Abortion Doula’ Trainers

Abortion Groups Used Fraud And Deceit To Place Infanticide On State Ballot, Pro-Life...

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation’s strategy: Abort more minority babies in the name of ‘equity’

Alabama IVF clinics urge SCOTUS to strike down decision recognizing humanity of embryos

UK prime minister pledges support for legalizing assisted death

Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose Sex Changes for Minors

John Deere, Harley Davidson and the filmmaker exposing the woke Marxist takeover over corporations

Christian Dance Academy Disqualified After Performing Routine Criticizing “Gender Identity” Demands Investigation

Francis Received Female Ugandan Homosexual Activist

INSANE: British doctors now instructed to ask MEN if they are PREGNANT      8/15


Vigil of the Feast of the Assumption: The Victory Is Hers.

Can feast of Assumption bring turn-around in Holy Land?

St. Maximilian Kolbe

War and immigration make this Feast Day of St Maximilian Kolbe poignantly relevant  

St. Maximilian Kolbe almost left seminary to join the army

Saint Eusebius, Priest and Martyr

Colombia: Did a Eucharistic miracle occur in Bogotá?


Living Tradition in a Novus Ordo World

Italy: Cardinal Finds an Alternative to Latin

When God enters our time, all time becomes bigger, wider, richer…

Bishop Schneider offers prayer of reparation for blasphemous Olympic opening ceremony

Number of Catholic Priests for Nigerian Diocese Surpasses 400 With 23 New Ordinations

During the COVID Panic, Our ‘Shepherds’ Worked for the Wolves

Indian Bishop: Vatican recognition makes Marian shrine the “Lourdes of the East”

Women, host a Rosary brunch to build community (Video)

Five Unbelievable (but True) Catholic Miracles That Scientists Can’t Explain, On Worry or Anxiety, and More Great Links!

Seeking the Stylite

What Does It Mean to Be Catholic?

Archbishop promotes interfaith event instead of the Assumption

Two Examples of Decadence in the German 'Synodal Church'

Pope Francis Wants to Humanize the Church Instead of Helping Sinners Repent, Part 1

Pope Francis Wants to Humanize the Church, Instead of Helping Sinners Repent, Part 2

Holy CBS profiles new Catholic 'megachurch' in Fresno. But where's the charasma?

Greece: Fires also destroyed monasteries

Will a Buffalo Catholic Church Become a Mosque? Here’s What to Know

Scotland’s only Catholic boarding school closes with immediate effect

Iran’s Jesus Revolution? Mosques Close as 1 Million Muslims Accept Christ

300 U.S. Christian Leaders Denounce India’s ‘Extreme’ Persecution of Christians

The Sin of Remaining Silent When God Commands Us to Speak

Trump: ‘I’m More of a Believer’ in God Since Shooting… 

Gold Medalist Turns Olympic News Conference Into Worship Concert, Sings Powerful Praise to Jesus

New Whistleblower Book, ‘Shepherds for Sale,’ Sends Regime Christians into ‘Attack’ Mode

$210 Million St. Paul Archdiocese Bankruptcy Settlement Approved – Largest in the Nation

If You Don’t Think Leftist Black Churches Are Bought and Sold by the DNC, Watch This

The Olympic Games closing ceremony was a homage to lucifer

Thanks to Dobbs, States With Pro-Life Laws Have Experienced Massive Abortion Declines

Hero 911 dispatcher talks woman and friend through safe delivery of baby boy

Church Fights Washington State Mandate Forcing It to Fund Abortions

Abortion and the Constitution

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation’s strategy: Abort more minority babies in the name of ‘equity’

Proposed Democrat Party Platform Mentions Abortion 13 Times, God 0

There is nothing ‘normal’ about Democrat extremism on abortion and transgenderism

Abortion now on the ballot in AZ; Secretary of State holds photo op to celebrate

Today in History: Muslims Beheaded 800 Christians for Refusing to Renounce Christ

61-Year-Old Brit Gets 18 Month Prison Sentence For Chanting "Who The F**k Is Allah"

Can a church become a mosque?

‘ANTI-SCIENCE’: Former Health Officials Slam FDA Duplicity on ‘Puberty Blockers’ in Light of New Evidence

American Society of Plastic Surgeons Becomes First Major U.S. Medical Association to Frown on Sex Changes for Children

From Bathrooms To Olympics, An Evil Depopulation Agenda Is Being Shoved Down Our Collective Throats as Gender Confused Suicide Rates Remain higher Than The National Average

Cardinal Duka: Homosexuals Abused Paris Olympics – like Nazis and Communists

Gay Priest-Painter Makes New Icon for Father James Martin’s LGBT Event

Lesbian couple in Poland charged with BRUTAL long-term abuse of 4-year-old boy

Ohio judge upholds statewide ban on transgender treatments for minors

The Tranny Infection Spreads to the Paralympics

Francis and Homosexuality: "There Is Something Personal at Stake"                8/14


The Dormition of Mary, Mother of Christ

Louisianans celebrate Assumption with 2-day river procession

St. Hippolytus

Pontian, Hippolytus, Pope and Anti-Pope, Saints Together

Blessed Michael McGivney’s Story

Saint Radegundes, Queen of France

The life of St. Edith Stein, philosopher and Carmelite nun martyred at Auschwitz

How to celebrate the Knights of Columbus founder’s feast day

Saints upset people: the cause of World War II heroine Sybil Kathigasu  

How the Loss of Children and the Demographic Collapse Are Linked to the Loss of Tradition

Sudden Death: Nuncio to the EU and Friend of Latin Mass

How Modernizing the Church Gave Rise to Christophobia

What Is the Word of God Saying to You?

U.S. Bishops Reject Accusations of ‘Complicity’ in Illegal Immigration

 I Sent Them Evidence that THEY ARE to EVERY BISHOP and WHERE TO LOOK

There is Much Hope: My Experience at the National Eucharistic Congress

Holy Land’s top Catholic turns to upcoming Feast of the Assumption after Israel’s latest military strike

“Eagles instead of chicken wings” – when 1200 young people celebrate the Eucharist

Argentina faces complex vocational decline

Cardinal cautions US Catholics on temptation to ‘disengage from politics’; reminds them of ‘duty’ to participate and ‘bring light to our nation’

Should Popes, Cardinals and Bishops Use "Coded Language"?

South African Bishop Warns of Growing Threat from Jihadists

The Failure of Interreligious Dialogue with Islam

Money-grubbing illegal alien trafficking American Swishops reject prosecution's claims that their faux-Catholic nonprofits facilitate illegal immigration. Watch bus nun Sr. Pimento bark at press flunkies'

Is Francis the pope? The argument from public heresy suggests not

Did Vatican II Endorse Indifferentism?

Francis Uses "Sedevacantism" to Manipulate

"In the manipulative language of the Vatican, “missionary” means “to promote indifferentism” and “prophetic” means “to adapt to the regime.”"

Sedevacantism Debate!

‘We pray intensely for the healing of the schism’

Bishop Ciro Quispe Lopez: New Accusations

Rise of AI is ‘evangelical moment’ for Catholicism: a time to endorse and resist

Stunning rendition of gospel song by Olympic gold medalist

IHOP restaurant pays $40k to Christian employee fired for not working on Sundays

Occult “Spirituality” & Values Manipulation Injected In Schools by UN

The “Pontifical Academy for Life” Now Allows Euthanasia?

Pontifical Academy for Life’s ‘Little Lexicon’ raises questions

Without The Certainty Of Truth, People Have No Solid Ground To Endure Deception

Despite What the World Claims, Marriage and Family Lead to a Happier Life 

First teen with Down syndrome to compete in Miss Teen USA wins Miss Congeniality Award

Harrison Butker Defends His Pro-Life, Pro-Family Views: “I Stand Behind Them”

Big sister and her husband adopt her little brother from foster care: ‘I’m going to be that person’

They Gave This Baby Just a 10% Chance of Surviving, Now He’s Healthy and Happy

Abortions drop to almost zero in Texas thanks to near-total ban

Kamala Harris Promotes Population Control: We Need to “Reduce Population”

The shocking reason why some hospitals refuse to treat extremely premature babies

Pro-Life Organization Slams U.S. Army for Calling it a Terrorist Group, “This is a Despicable Slander”

Planned Parenthood opening new facility on Kansas-Missouri border

“Dear Archbishop Koch, unfortunately we have not received a response to our three emails”

Despite denials from CNN and other media, late abortion and infanticide is happening

Euthanasia Now 5th Leading Cause of Death in Canada as Over 15,000 People Killed 

Assisted suicide now ‘routine’ in Canada with death delivered in about 11 days, new report finds

Assisted death of woman with ‘mental disorders’ delayed as her father pleads for her life

British Politicians Want to Legalize Killing People in Assisted Suicides

Illinois Halal Festival: The Stealth Invasion of Sharia into America (Video)

Trump, Vance must continue to be criticized for betraying truth on abortion, same-sex ‘marriage’

Conservative professor WINS lawsuit against college that fired him for criticizing woke ideology

Prominent atheist Richard Dawkins banned on Facebook for 11 days after affirming biological reality

EXCLUSIVE: California District Allows 12-Year-Olds to Transition Without Parental Involvement, Denies It

The media ignores attacks from trans-identifying men while amplifying the LGBT narrative

Detransitioner sues Planned Parenthood for giving her testosterone after 30-minute visit

Bulgaria bans LGBT propaganda in preschools and schools

Britain Has Started Testing Men for Pregnancy

Tim Walz supports normalization of PEDOPHILIA in the LGBT community       8/13


Saint Clare of Assisi, Foundress and Abbess

Saint Clare’s Testament

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal’s Story

Jane Frances de Chantal and her Visitation

Saint Philomena, Virgin and Martyr

Saint Lawrence’s Story

Songs of Praise: when it comes to prayer, the Psalms provide something for everyone

'I was wrong'

Two Prelates 'Deny' Involvement in Attempts to Bann Holy Mass

Bishop Strickland: The Church is meant to save souls, not provide a ‘false peace’ to the world

Bishop Strickland: Lives of the apostles remind us that ‘to whom much is given, much is expected’

Falsely Accused Priest Exonerated Days before his Death

Fr. Chad Ripperger warns AI is being used to make fake videos of him on YouTube

Catholic bishops defending social justice initiative also donated to groups promoting ABORTION and LGBT

Seven Deadly Sins: Lust and the havoc that it has wreaked through history

Even Regime Ideologues Are Censored

'Insoluble conflicts' – Poor Clares abandon monastery in Bautzen

Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio is an ‘anti-Pope,’ Benedict’s resignation was ‘certainly invalid’

Christians Arrested In Paris For Driving Around A Bus Carrying The Message “STOP ATTACKS ON CHRISTIANS”

The Catholic Church in Nicaragua: Beacons of Resistance in the Face of Ortega’s Repression

Manners Are the Adhesive Glue That Binds Society Together

Can the Majority of Churches Be Trusted to Instill a Biblical Worldview? 

San Francisco Church Replaces God for Yoga, Laser Lights and Bobby McFerrin to Attract People

Critical Race Theory Organizers Plot Their Return to the Classroom

Pastors on Payroll: Over 50 PREACHERS Praise Heels Up Harris Using the Exact Same Talking Points

How Can Pro-Lifers Win? We Asked One Who Does

Conjoined twins lived for an hour after birth: ‘I told them they were beautiful’

Planned Butcherhood Had Women Make False Rape Claims so Their Abortions Would Be Tax-Funded

Tim Walz left EIGHT babies who survived botched abortions to DIE, government data shows

Paris Olympics honors promoters of discriminatory abortions weeks before Paralympics

‘Pull Off A Leg Or Two’: Planned Parenthood Staff Discuss Harvesting Baby Parts In Unsealed Footage

Journalist Releases Planned Parenthood Baby-Organ Selling Video Kamala Harris Used Power of Her Office to Hide

Tim Walz removed reporting requirements for born-alive abortions in Minnesota

Judge upholds Ohio law banning underage gender transitions, protecting girls’ sports

Massachusetts Legislature Unanimously Passes Radical LGBTQ Bill Redefining Family

Iraq Proposes Lowering Legal Age of Marriage for Girls to Nine

Weird Girls Claiming to Be Men Will Vote for Heels Up Harris So They Can Keep Having Abortions

Olympic Committee Chairman Complains There is ‘No Scientifically Solid System’ to Identify Men From Women 

Bulgaria: Church welcomes ban on LGBTQ content in schools

FDA official recommends approval of puberty blockers despite suicide risk for gender-confused youth

Richard Dawkins’s Facebook Account Deleted After he Posted that Genetically Male Boxers Should Not Fight Women

Olympics Pres: We Would Screen Out Men if Science Could Tell Men and Women Apart

Male Boxer Imane Khelif Takes the Gold in Women’s Boxing at the Woke Paris Olympics After Beating China’s Yang Liu (VIDEO)

‘He scares me’: Megyn Kelly decries Tim Walz’s radical stance on trans surgeries for minors

Watch: ‘Normal’ Tim Walz Supports 10-Year-Olds Getting Transgender Care

The new Olympic sport: Woman beating

Dude Wins Olympic Women’s Boxing Gold        8/12


Saint John Vianney, Curé of Ars, Confessor

St. Edith Stein

Saint Edith Stein’s Witness to the Cross

Is it St. Edith Stein or St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross?

Saint Romanus, Martyr

Eucharist Survives Church Fire: ‘A Work of God’s Extraordinary Providence’

Latin Mass order takes legal action after bishop orders the community out of diocese


EXCLUSIVE: Vatican officials deny involvement in rumored Latin Mass crackdown

Carson Daly Says ‘I’m Not Missing Mass Again’ After Watching Fr. Mike Schmitz Video on the Eucharist

Fasting for Renewal and Revival

Teach Your Kids the Mass: Part 5

Eminent philosopher is received into the Catholic Church

French Police Arrest Christians for Billboard Campaign Against Olympics Blasphemy

Catholic priests band together to raise money for pregnancy crisis centers with 'Concert for Life' tour

Young Catholic ‘Rocky’ TikToker who took on renowned Protestant theologian – and won

WATCH: Boston Clergy Abuse Victims Frustrated by Pope’s Choice of Bishop Richard Henning

Pontifical Alchemy Doesn’t Work

Pope Francis: Resistance only by “Small Groups”, a few Sedevacantists

Are Religious Leaders In Israel Getting Ready To Sacrifice A Red Heifer?

Zionism is incompatible with Christianity: here's why

Is Brazil due a ‘metropolitan makeover’?

The Same Worldview Battle We Face Today Has Been Raging For 6,000 Years

Nine-year-old model with Down syndrome is ‘spreading joy wherever she goes’

Vatican clarifies stance on patients in vegetative state; stays firm against euthanasia

‘Allowing the death of a baby after it’s born’: Is it actually happening, and is it legal?

‘We Took the Life of Our First Daughter’: Regret, Redemption After Abortion

'Rip off a leg or two': Video exposes how Planned Parenthood harvests baby organs

Tim Walz Removed Requirement to Try to Save Babies Born Alive After Abortion

German Caritas Calls for Abortion Costs to Be Covered by Health Insurance

Planned Parenthood cuts back on NYC abortion services despite governor’s massive subsidy

Kamala Harris Tried to Censor Video Exposing Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Parts

From Killing The Unborn To Mutilating Children, With So Many Courts Caught Up In The Luciferian Scheme, We May Have To Wait For The Heavenly Court Of Justice To Bring The Hammer Down

Court Will Decide if 23-Year-Old Woman Will be Euthanized

Worshipping Madness: The New World Order Demands A New god

Iraq Is Legalizing Child Marriage at Age of 9 Years Old (Like Their Prophet Muhammad)

Hyper-sexualisation, ‘trans’-formation and evangelisation: just your average summer of sport  

Planned Parenthood Sued for Malpractice for Selling Teen Girl Trans Hormones

What motivates Pope Francis’ attempts to normalize homosexual relationships?

Pontifical Academy Against Life: Member Calls for Justifying Homosexual Sins        8/9


Saint Cyriacus and his Companions, Martyrs

St. Dominic

Saint Dominic’s Battle for Truth

St. Dominic preached the fullness of the Gospel and refuted the errors of his time

Blessed Peter Favre of Villaret, First Jesuit Priest

Protective glass installed for Pieta before Jubilee 2025

Statue of Virgin Mary destroyed by vandals at church in Westminster diocese

Medjugorje: The Two Prayers that were dictated from Heaven and came to earth with Mary to be recited each day…

Polish shrine eyes record-setting year

Vatican approves devotion to 16th-century Vailankanni Marian shrine in India

Is Israel on the Verge of the Gog-Magog War?

Transalpine Redemptorists Take Bishop to Court

Mass on one of Norway's highest mountains

Dante’s Divine Comedy Reimagined: Sacred Artist Shares Beauty of Catholic Faith

France’s most beautiful rood screen is an authentic survivor

The Same Worldview Battle We Face Today Has Been Raging For 6,000 Years

The Curious Case of a Stealing Priest - and the Role of Cardinal McCarrick

'The last word in history is spoken by Jesus Christ'

How To Detach While Loving People

7 Saints to turn to for healing from cancer

Does Pope Francis need a new batch of cardinals?

Why Has The United States Been Shaken By So Many Unusual Earthquakes Lately?

Life after death is real! Here are 5 examples of people that met Jesus during near death experiences

Harrison Butker defends pro-family speech when pressed at training camp: ‘I stand by what I said’

Christian athletes openly express faith at Paris Olympics: US gymnast Biles attributes success to divine gift

Some Thoughts on Christian Art

Why The Majority Choose To Be Oblivious To The State Of Our World

American Theocracy: Politics Has Become Our National Religion

Minnesota Catholics React to Walz as Harris’ VP Choice

Olympic Superstar Simone Biles: “I Wouldn’t Be Here Today” Without Adoption

His daughter died by abortion at 20 weeks. Watch his heartbreaking story.

Supporting the Right to Life in South Dakota

The day before her scheduled abortion, a young Rwandan mom learns the truth and embraces life

‘Rip off a leg or two’: Undercover video exposes how Planned Parenthood harvests baby organs

EXCLUSIVE: Kamala Harris Sent Agents to Raid Pro-Life Journalist’s Home After She Met With Planned Parenthood, Emails Show

Praying with Protestants

Corporate Media Claim There’s No Such Thing As Late-Term Abortion But Cry When It Is Paused

Why would a state with dozens of abortion survivors in recent years stop reporting them?

Planned Parenthood cuts back on NYC abortion services despite governor’s massive subsidy

Planned Parenthood Building New Abortion Biz Near Arkansas to Get Around Abortion Ban

Israeli Group Practices Red Heifer Ritual In Front Of Al-Aqsa Mosque

Islam vs. The West: 'Spain is Christian and Not Muslim' (Video)

German Catholic Church to fund migrant rescue boat Sea-Eye 5

Islamized France: 'Are You Jewish? I'm Moroccan… I'm Going to F*ck Your Mother… You Dirty Piece of Trash Jew'

Faithful Catholics protest Fr. James Martin’s LGBT conference endorsed by Pope Francis

Another Female Boxer Makes ‘XX’ Protest Sign As “Male” Defeats Her To Reach Olympic Final 

Hospital SUED for kidnapping a boy with autism and facilitating his TRANSITION despite family’s disapproval

Across The Globe, Pointing Out Men Can’t Become Women Can Land You In Jail

Bulgaria bans LGBT propaganda in schools

Walz Described Trump’s Ban on Transgender Troops as ‘Wrong’                    8/8


Saint Cajetan of Thiena, Founder

Saint Cajetan, Founder of the Theatines

10 Saints who were friends with each other

God proves His presence

How St. Therese dealt with loneliness as a child


Eucharistic Congress a Blessing for the Church — Now What Must be Done?

Paris Is No Stranger to Sacrilege

Archbishop Aguer: St. Paul shows us how to boldly proclaim the Gospel to a confused world

Melbourne: A Bishop Confers Sacrament of Confirmation in the Roman Rite (Pictures)

Why is There Purgatory?

“The Warning” Apparitions in Garabandal, Spain…Narrated by great the Ricardo Montalban

Catholic memorial service held for one of the three murdered Southport girls

We are pleased that the young men of TFP Student Action were outside the gates of Georgetown this past Saturday to protest this conference and the blaspheming of Holy Mass

Kyiv auxiliary bishop at youth festival in Medjugorje: End wars through prayer and fasting

Famous Philosopher Sings Requiem for the West: "Lord Don't Give Them Peace"

Catholic bishops defending the CCHD gave grants to pro-abortion, pro-LGBT groups: report


Tucho Praises the Syncretistic Shrine of Vailankanni, India

Thirteen clerics detained in Nicaragua as local Church haemorrhages priests through persecution

Catholic Church in Chad wants information about arrest of priest

Americans who regularly attend church are mostly politically conservative

Cardinal Presides over Novus Ordo in a Garden

Destroying womanhood has become commonplace in our woke society

Pope Francis visits nun who brings transgender individuals to the Vatican for papal audiences

Faithful priest calls on Catholics to hold Olympics accountable for ‘deliberate attack on Jesus Christ’

Six arrested with CitizenGo bus escorted out of Paris over Last Supper parody

How Tim Walz Took Aim at Churches, Other Faith-Based Groups

Caritas Luxembourg may be ‘fake president fraud’ victim

A-Cross America Relay launches the largest spanning Pro-Life event in the world

Florida woman sues Google for deplatforming her shortly after she sent pro-life email

When we want to protect them, we call them ‘unborn babies.’ But not when we want to kill them.

Texas Abortions Drop From Thousands a Month to Zero After Abortion Ban

Abortion numbers up since overturning of Roe v. Wade: Report

‘Conspiracy against rights’: How the DOJ is ‘twisting’ an old law to harshly penalize pro-lifers

Tim Walz Visited Planned Parenthood With Kamala Harris to Celebrate Abortion

'Every three days a new Islamist village enters Germany!'

Detransitioner Sues Medical System that Left Her “Permanently Disfigured” – Says Pro-Trans Bias Led to Double Mastectomy

Missouri AG opens investigation into gym for allowing biological male to use women’s private spaces

Harvard to Offer Class Examining Medieval Texts Through Lens of “Queer Theory”

Nasty Truths About the Treatment of Gender Confusion

The Erasure of Women in Sports

Disney Stock Loses 49% of Value over Three Years

Transgender: Tim Walz Signed Law to Strip Children of Parental Protections             8/7


The Transfiguration of Our Lord

Pope Saint John Paul II and the Transfiguration

7 Symbols from the Transfiguration, explained by Benedict XVI

The Transfiguration of Jesus reveals to us the ‘eternal now’ of His own glory

St. Hormisdas Pope

‘America’s Notre Dame’: A Magnificent Living Monument to Mary and Her Assumption

Cardinal Burke consecrates America to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

"The Traditional Mass as a Conclave Issue: An Obstacle for Cardinal Parolin"

In leaked letter, Venezuelan cardinals call for ‘civic resistance’ against Maduro

Young Catholics aren’t ‘schismatic’ for preferring the Latin Mass to sappy Novus Ordo Masses

Clear ideas on the pope's infallible magisterium.."Fr. Le Floch, superior of the French Seminary in Rome, announced in 1926: The heresy which is now being born will become the most dangerous of all; the exaggeration of the respect due to the pope and the illegitimate extension of his infallibility.' One of his students was none other than the future, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre"

Assumption of Mary - Invitation to the prayer novena to the Mother of God

Avoid bad habits with this quick morning spiritual exercise

Was 80 year-old Cd. O'Malley axed for recent warnings about using Francis's beloved MonsterArtist Fr. Rupnik's PervMosaics



Donald Trump: 'Religion gives you hope'

Bold Conservative Majority on Local Idaho Library Board Forces Leftist Staff Resignations

Tucker Stumbles Across Fatima

Connecticut Catholic Priest Bikes France’s ‘Circle of Death’ to Raise Funds for Inner-City School

Novak Djokovic: Sign of the cross after Olympic victory

Against Catholic Zionism

This is the Vatican reaction?

Vance: 'Weird' that Democrats want 'sexually explicit books in toddlers' libraries'

Cross to Crescent: The Quiet Islamic Conquest of American Churches and Christians

Jimmy Lai Remains in Solitary Confinement After Hong Kong Trial Delayed Until November

Cutting off what cuts us off from God

Transvestites in "Consecrated Life" - With Francis' Approval

Alevda King: Christians Need to Vote for Christian Values, “Vote With Your God Hat On”

Shocking undercover Planned Parenthood video exposed, 8 years after it was confiscated

Pro-life medical group launches program to educate US doctors on abortion pill reversal

Olympic archer competes while 6 months pregnant: ‘Fighting together with my baby’

12,000 Viable Babies are Killed in Late-Term Abortions in America Every Year

US Transportation Secretary Buttigieg: Legal abortion gives men more freedom

Illinois’ billionaire pro-abortion governor mandates insurance coverage for abortion

Quebec study reveals over 10% of babies aborted in second trimester are born alive

Tim Walz Signed Bill Allowing Infanticide, Letting Babies Die Who Survive Abortions

Pornography should be banned because of its undeniable link to sexual violence

Tim Walz Signed an Executive Order That Made Minnesota a Sanctuary State for Child Gender Abuse [VIDEO]

LGBT movement is getting away with blatant indecent exposure 

Trans hype among young people – a headache caused by social contagion        8/6


The Dedication of Saint Mary of the Snows

St. Addal

Saint Dominic, Founder

The Story of the Dedication of Saint Mary Major Basilica

The Finding of Saint Stephen's Relics

Saint John Vianney’s Story

7 Queens, princesses and royal women who were saints

Blessed Frederick Jansoone: The Bridge of Ice, and the Guardian of Notre Dame du Cap

More ways Christ was prophesied throughout the Old Testament

The Virgin’s Warning in the Apparitions of Akita Are Beginning to Be Fulfilled!

How St. Louis of France would feed the poor before he ate

Pope Benedict and the Curé d’Ars

An Entire Diocese Atones for the Paris Blasphemy on August 11

Even Jesus had to deal with ‘galling’ activist attitudes

Bishop Strickland: Faith brings us an ‘everlasting joy’ the world can’t possibly offer

"Shock"? New Archbishop of Boston

Faith Can Bring Us Emotional Healing


Bishop Strickland: Don’t listen to Church leaders who want to ‘reshape’ God’s commandments

Next False Bishop for the Poor Clares of Belorado

Holy Wilton to Georgetown Gay Sex Event: ‘You are having synodality – the vision proposed by Francis that sincerely and openly speaking and listening to one another under the guidance of the Holy Spirit is the way the Church grows in perfection’

Cardinal Gregory praises, celebrates Mass for Fr. James Martin’s heterodox LGBT event

The Danger of Treating Christ as a Joke

SKY SCROLL: Kurt Nauck decodes the prophetic messages inscribed in SOLAR ECLIPSES

Post-Catholic Ireland: One (!) seminarian in Dublin archdiocese

Less-considered ‘Problem of Good’ highlighted by anniversary of young priest executed by Nazis

American Olympic medalists in Paris known for leaning on faith

Novak Djokovic proclaims ‘God is great’ after winning Olympic gold medal

Decathlon medalist thinks of rewarding God as in Parable of Talents

Syro-Malabar summit convened after 8-year break

Alelluiah! Vatican finally condemns most disgraceful Olympics opening ceremony in history

Keeping Catholicism Weird

Indian Nationalists Replace Statues of Saints with Hindu Idols

That time when Cd. McCarrick yelled at Fr. John Mattingly’s childhood abuse account and so he started embezzling Church money?

The complicated case of Queen Isabella’s beatification cause

Rupnik’s center denounces ‘cancel culture’ of removing disgraced priest’s images

Over 300 Pastors Come Together to Fight Abortion

She spent her teen years raising her sister with Down syndrome, and has no regrets

We Need More Pastors and Churches to Speak Out Against Abortion More Often

Iowa’s heartbeat abortion ban officially takes effect, thousands of babies likely to be saved

States are Funding Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to Help Women, Save Babies From Abortions

Indonesia expands abortion in attempt to lower maternal mortality… but they might get the opposite

Biological father wins shared custody of son in sperm donor battle

Swiss government “kidnaps” children and threatens parents with jail time for opposing transgender mutilations

MSNBC: Encouraging families to have children is ‘racist’ … or something    8/5


Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor

The Saint Who Fulfilled all the Prophecies about Him

St. Eusebius of Vercelli

Saint Stephen I, Pope and martyr

Jesus calls us to testify to Him, even if it means persecution

What devotion to Mary will do for you

The Plenary Indulgence of the Portiuncula, or, Our Lady of the Angels

How Mary’s name is a “bitter sea” to demons

The Virgin’s Warning in the Apparitions of Akita Are Beginning to Be Fulfilled!

WATCH: Father Altman’s INSPIRING sermon at Traditional Eucharistic Revival

They Hated the Eucharistic Congress and Loved the Olympic Blasphemy

Reason and Order Discouraged in US Seminary?

Teach Your Kids the Mass: Part 4

Comrade (Bishop) Seitz Claims U.S. Catholics Need To Be ‘Reeducated’ On Illegal Immigration

Flooding: Hundreds of Relics Rescued by a Man

EXCLUSIVE: Pastor Who Predicted Trump Would Be Shot In The Ear Makes New Bombshell Predictions

How the Jesuits canceled one of their most faithful sons, Father Paul Mankowski

Olympics: 3 Cardinals and 24 Bishops Demand Apology

Life After Death Is Real! Here Are 5 Examples Of People That Met Jesus During Near Death Experiences

Father James Martin’s conference, endorsed by Pope Francis, to host pro-LGBT speakers

WATCH: Lawsuits Against Saginaw Diocese, Former Bishop, And Former Priest Have Been Settled

Massachusetts Bill Would Eliminate ‘Mother’ And ‘Father’ From Birth Certificates

Amazon unleashes Mark of the Beast-style palm payment system called ONE 

Texas Abortion Ban Saves Tens of Thousands of Babies, Zero Women Have Died

Pregnancy Center Sues California So It Can Save Babies From Abortions

Adopted actress Kristin Chenoweth celebrates her ‘Gotcha Day’: ‘I’m forever grateful’

Three Pro-Life Advocates Sentenced for Protesting Abortion as Biden Targets Pro-Life Americans

Donald Trump’s Record Was Solidly Pro-Life, Kamala Harris’ Record is Solidly Pro-Abortion

Tucker Carlson slams Kamala Harris as a 'wild-eyed abortion fanatic'

Colleges Across America Offer Radical Courses On Witchcraft And Divination

17-Year-Old Female Volleyball Player Who Was Paralyzed with Brain Damage After Brutal Spike by Transgender Opponent Slams Olympics

Furor Over Italian Boxer Angela Carini’s Fight With a Tranny Rages; Here’s What You Need to Know

Olympic Drag Queen No Regrets About Woke Demonic Opening Ceremony

The Orgiastic Paris Olympics Mimics Belshazzar’s Blasphemous Feast

Florida Volleyball Coach Suspended After Allowing Her Son to Play as a Girl     8/2


Saint Peter's Chains

Sanctus Petrus in Vincula

St. Alphonsus Marie Liguori

Francisco Guerrero’s Ave Virgo

Bishop Strickland: We must remain anchored to Jesus against the evil infiltrating the Church

Bishop Strickland: Betrayers and Heretics / Saints and Martyrs

Curia Bishop: "Verified Sins of Clergy Must Be Made Public"

‘Theatre of Satan’: Cardinal Burke condemns Last Supper parody in Paris

Nigerian Catholic bishops: Olympic ceremony was ‘deliberate’ attempt to ‘demean’ Christianity

Papal Visitor: Medjugorje adheres to new Vatican guidelines

The Nuns of Belorado Have Spoken Again

Polish bishop backs protest over religion class cuts

Refreshingly honest account of Queen Victoria: from foibles and failings to her sense of duty and religious leanings

Rosary-Praying, Scapular-Wearing Russell Brand on His Christian Faith -- 'I Don't Belong to Myself Anymore, and That Is True Freedom'

"God can change things in an instant. Pray without ceasing and never stop believing."

First Time: Layman Elected Abbot in USA

Vatican judge named in mafia corruption probe declares innocence

Venezuela's bishops: The will of the voters must be recognized

Today in History: Outnumbered Christian Knights Defeat Hordes of Sadistic Muslims

"Cardinal Müller Removed in 2017 for Financial Irregularities" - Report

Sex-Crazed Maine Priest Humiliated by Vatican Over Series of Scandals

The Paris Olympic Show: An Act of War Against Christian Civilization

2024 Paris Olympics organizers issue formal apology to Christian groups over Last Supper mockery

Google Slammed Over "Soul Crushing" AI Olympics Ad

In The Face of Olympics’ Mockery of Christianity, Olympic Runner Highlights Pro-Life Values

African teenager chooses life one day before abortion after listening to pro-life presentation

Group of 7,500 pro-life doctors plan to offer online class on ‘abortion pill reversal’

Premature Baby Becomes NICU Nurse in the Same Hospital That Saved Her 20 Years Ago

Guardian reports Trump ‘lied’ about abortion at conference – he didn’t

EXCLUSIVE: Catholic Group Urges DOJ to Investigate Pro-Abortion Attacks on Churches, Pregnancy Centers

Woman Rushed to ER After Planned Parenthood Injures Her in Botched Abortion

Pro-lifers warn IVF kills more babies than abortion, slam Ted Cruz for supporting it

Assisted suicide: Canadians are being bullied into lethal injections in places of care

Spain considers approving assisted death for people with mental illness

Saskatchewan euthanasia deaths jumped over 30% from 2022 to 2023: data

State Law Would Replace ‘Mother’ With ‘Person Who Gave Birth,’ And Replace ‘Father’ With ‘Other Parent’

BOMBSHELL FDA Email Turns Transgender ‘Health Care’ Narrative on Its Head

Kamala Harris loves transgender child mutilation and other degenerate LGBT perversion

Biden’s Radical Title IX Rewrite Goes Into Effect, but Blocked in 26 States

Don’t be fooled: BlackRock is still pushing ESG under the new name ‘transition investing’

“This is Unjust!” – Biological Male Boxer Viciously Beats Female Opponent and Forces Her to Quit in Tears Within Seconds at Woke Olympics (VIDEO)

Homosexual Feelings: Francis "Spiritually United with Homosex Conference"

Swiss court has ordered that parents provide legal documents to enable daughter's "transition" surgery

Grooming the next puppet: Over 1,100 pro-LGBT political leaders endorse Kamala Harris for president

Pope Francis tells pro-LGBT conference: 'I will be spiritually with all of you'

Woke Pastrix Praises Her Polyamorous Congregants, Polyamorous Lutheran Preacher      8/1


Saint Ignatius of Loyola calls us to be soldiers of Jesus Christ the King

Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Founder  

Ignatius and His Companions of Jesus

Sts. Abdon and Sennen’s stubborn refusal to honor pagan gods earned them the crown of martyrdom

A different reason to look to Lebanon: Meet soon-to-be Blessed Stephen

Shroud of Turin experts reveal its stunning connection to the Gospels

3,000 Catholics join Cardinal Burke to reconsecrate America to Immaculate Heart of Mary

Katie Ledecky Is Devoted to Mother Mary — and Other Insights Into Paris Olympics’ Praying Athletes

What are the Four Last Things?

Hundreds of Catholic Relics Rescued After Philippines Hit With Flood

Reparations prayed for Paris: Catholics organise Rosary by French consulate in Edinburgh – another planned for London

Bishops Can Denounce Olympic Scandal - Why Not the Worse Sins of Francis' Synodal Church?

Pope Francis rewards disciplinarian who announced Viganò’s excommunication with title of archbishop

What Pope Francis Misses About the Nature of Faith

Top bishop maker, Cd. Prevost, in hot water for failing to inform authorities of priest accused of molesting 9 year old girl

CCHD Defenders; Defending the Indefensible: Bishops Approved Grants to Wicked Organizations

Have you got what it takes to compete in the ‘Rosary Olympics’?

President of the Vatican Court Suspected of Aiding the Sicilian Mafia in 1992

What’s behind the Spanish Poor Clares’ erratic behavior?

Catholic bishops and local church leaders issue joint statement and prayer after Southport attack

Pèlerinage en Quebec

Brazilian Bronze Medal Winner Quotes Bible Verse in Sign Language

Spanish bishop condemns ‘scandal’ of apparent pool-side Mass, priest apologizes after outrage

Scranton Priest Found Guilty of Sexually Abusing Two Minors Under Canon Law

Clergy Sex-Abuse Victim Cries Foul Over How Kamala Harris Treated Him Two Decades Ago

Kamala called 'most vile anti-Catholic threat of any leading candidate for president in American history'

Anti-trafficking network run by nuns reports abuses worsening due to Ukraine and Gaza wars  

Will Turkey Try To Invade Israel Once The End Times War In The Middle East Spirals Out Of Control?

Olympic Committee bans top surfer from using Christ figure on surfboard

Elon Musk Labels Himself A ‘Cultural Christian’ — But What Does That Mean?

New quarter turns its back on 'In God We Trust'

Godless Women Leaders Are a Judgment From God   

Mocking scenes at the Olympic opening recall excesses in French history

National Day of Remembrance on September 14 Will Remember 63 Million Babies Killed in Abortions

Egyptian Olympic fencer inspires by competing at 7 months pregnant: ‘You make all of us proud’

Pro-Life Mom Will Appeal 3-year Prison Term for Protesting Abortion

Sometimes All It Takes is a Basic Explanation

Nebraska Supreme Court upholds law protecting preborn children after first trimester

Biden judges sentence mother to 41 months in prison after protest outside abortion center!

‘Safe Haven’ or ‘Baby Moses’ laws exist in every state, so why are babies still dying in dumpsters?

Pro-life expert debunks claim that abortion restrictions are linked to maternal deaths

New Data Proves Biden Weaponized Justice System to Target Pro-Life Americans

Help protect vulnerable seniors from being targeted by Canada’s euthanasia regime

Is the Islamization of Europe a Conspiracy Theory?

“A WOMAN IS GOING TO DIE!” Woke Paris Olympic Games to Allow Alleged Male Boxers with XY Chromosomes to Fight Women!

Pro-LGBT staff resign as new Idaho library board purges sexually explicit material for children

EXCLUSIVE: Organization Fighting Radical Gender Ideology in California Sues School District for Withholding Public Records

U. Arizona accused of soliciting minors for LGBTQ+ program without parental consent

Again: Francis Visits Transvestite Activist Sister Geneviève Jeanningros

Weird: Drag Queens for Kamala Launch Music Video

Olympic “Christ” Threatens To Sue Critics Over “Last Supper” Backlash               7/31


St. Peter Chrysologus

Spiritual advice from a mystic, a poet, a doctor, St. John of the Cross

Saints Abdon and Sennen, Martyrs

Blessed Solanus Casey’s Story

Saint Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre

Christians must make reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the blasphemous Olympic ceremony

Venerable Bruno’s 4-step spiritual program for the busy person

Covadonga: Papal Master of Ceremony Celebrates Roman Mass (Photos)

How does a Christian meditate?

Bishops’ Indemnities Revisited

FEATURE: An encounter with the resilience and spirituality of Lebanon’s enigmatic Maronite Catholics

Nicaragua ordinations bring hope - but is it enough?

Is This Rome's New Tactic to Destroy Holy Mass?

WATCH: Strickland BLASTS Bishops Defending the Scandal-Plagued CCHD

Vatican Bishops’ Synod launches survey, but deletes the results!

Pope Francis silent on Olympic opening while scandal-plagued Vatican archbishop defends it

Pope Francis Stays Silent Over Olympics Blasphemy Rites – But Not Out of Cowardice

Bishop praised by pope disputes court ruling on abuse case

New book ‘Young Aelfred’ is a captivating and truly Catholic adventure for children of all ages

3 Holy habits recommended by the founder of Opus Dei

Carlo Acutis: Swiss Bishops' News Portal Calls Relics "Pure Perversion"

French soul searching begins as weird chaos of Olympics’ opening ceremony sinks in  

Two actors from the Olympic opening ceremony confirm: It was a Last Supper performance

Cardinal Müller: "Actors of Paris Olympics Are Severely Mentally Disturbed"

Cardinal Müller denounces the Olympics opening ceremony - "the mockery of the Last Supper was an act of spiritual terrorism"

16-Year-Old Athlete Defies Olympic Officials, Proclaims Truth About Jesus as She Wins Medal

Watch: UFC Champ Boycotts Olympics After 'Disgusting' Opening as Backlash Hits Organizers Hard

Both Catholic laity and clergy give voice to demonstrations against Venezuela’s stolen election

Priest Warned Sexually Abused Child He Would ‘Burn In Hell’ If He Told

"The woke ideology in the West is characterized through and through by hatred of Jesus Christ!"

Priest offers Mass by swimming pool for children’s summer camp in Spain

WATCH: History of the Vatican Financial Scandal

“Dragonfly Apocalypse” — Thousands of Dragonflies Swarm Beachgoers at Rhode Island’s Misquamicut Beach

Trump slams Kamala Harris, Democrats for anti-Catholic bigotry: ‘They’re really after the Catholics’

Brazilian surfer reportedly told by Olympics he can’t use boards with image of Christ on them

Armed Militia Terrorizes Christians with the Blessing of India’s Hindu Supremacist Government 

‘Reproductive freedom’ shouldn’t result in death for other human beings

Iowa’s heartbeat abortion ban officially takes effect, thousands of babies likely to be saved

Baby Born at 25 Weeks Shows the Amazing Humanity of Unborn Children

Young mother shares powerful story of keeping baby after rape, defying Planned Parenthood

Shocking Report Shows 137 Babies 28 Weeks or Older Killed in Colorado Abortions Last Year

NY Church Plans Supreme Court Appeal On Abortion Coverage Ruling

7 MPs punished for voting to remove UK child benefit limit that’s coercing women to abort

Kamala Harris is a Radical Abortion Activist With a Long History of Targeting Christians

Man who assaulted elderly pro-lifers at Planned Parenthood has been arrested

Pete Buttigieg: Killing Babies in Abortions is a Great Thing “So Men Can be Free”

Temporary restraining order prevents parents from starving adult daughter to death

Christian 16-year-old boy sentenced to hanging in Pakistan for 'blasphemy' against Islam, petition launched to save him

Nebraska Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Bill Restricting Abortion, Gender-Altering Procedures

VICTORY: California Dad Wins Custody of Son, 4, Over Mother Who Sought to Raise Him Nonbinary

Transgender 'Female' Allegedly Attacks Women's Shelter, Stabs Warden Grusome scene Organs Exposed

Caught: Leading Actor Called Opening Ceremony "The New Gay Testament"

REPORT: Trans Boxers Cleared to Compete as Women at Olympics

Author Explains How the Left Took Over America’s Classrooms

Church of the Nazarene expels theologian over LGBT advocacy

 UK High Court Upholds Govt. Emergency Ban On Puberty Blockers                     7/30


Twelve Promises of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus’ story

Saints Nazarius and Celsus, Martyrs

Saint Titus Brandsma’s Story

Bishop Strickland: Greater devotion to the Eucharist will ‘pull us away from sin and darkness’

Blackout in Paris - But Not for the Basilica of the Sacred Heart

Blackout Plunges Paris into Darkness After ‘Debauched’ Olympics Opener… but Basilica Shines Alone…

Archbishop Viganò Calls Emanuel Macron’s Wife a ‘Transvestite’ and Mocks Michelle Obama as a “Muscular Man in a Wig” While Condemning the ‘Satanic Olympics’

Bishop Slams Woke Olympics’ Non-Apology: You Insult Billions of Christians While Claiming ’Tolerance’

EXCLUSIVE: Bishop Rey tells Christians to make reparation for blasphemous Olympics opening ceremony

French Bishops Deplore ‘Derision and Mockery of Christianity’ at Paris Olympics

50,000 Christians Pack Angel Stadium for Worship and Prayer

JD Vance’s Catholic conversion inspired by this Saint – and the wreckage of the modern age

New Catholic trade school aims for debt-free alternative to college


Anti-Christian Olympic Opening Ceremony Heralds The Rise Of A Neopagan West

Did The Opening Ceremony For The Paris Olympics Foreshadow The Coming Of The Antichrist?

Paris Olympics Issue Justification Instead of an Apology

Anybody paying attention to what just happened in Israel? 

Pro-life advocate gets 41 months in jail for trying to save babies at Planned Parenthood clinic in NY

Population Control: More U.S. Women Are Getting Permanently Sterilized Because They Never Want To Have Children

Kamala Harris Opens Her Presidential Campaign on RuPaul’s Drag Race (VIDEO)

‘Spectacular’: Jill Biden Praises Drag Queen ‘Last Supper’ Olympics Opening Ceremony

Catholic Charities and Obama Foundation Affiliate Colluding with City of Chicago on Replacement Migration

Islamization of Canada: Goodbye Crucifixes, Hello Hijabs

Britian's Royal Air Force Bans 'Crusaders' Nickname for Fear of Offending Muslims.

Convicted Rapist Booed At First Paris Olympics Beach Volleyball

Does Disney's Dramatic Decline Reflect Growing Public Opposition To Woke Activism?

Christian U.S. Soccer Player Thrown Under the Bus by Lesbian Teammate as Olympics Get Underway

Top Pro-Tranny Group Declared “Transitions” Were “Medically Necessary” to Manipulate Insurance Companies

Women’s competitive cycling DESTROYED by transgenders after three male “transwomen” take top spots at Washington’s Marymoor Grand Prix bike race

…Gaslight: We Didn’t Mean to Offend!

Florida Judge Botches Transgender Decision                     7/29


Saint James the Greater, Apostle

Saints Joachim and Anne’s Story

St. James’ courageous martyrdom has inspired the conversion and pilgrimage of many

July 25, 2024, Our Lady appeared to the visionary Marija and delivered the following message for the world “I have chosen YOU”

Bishop Strickland: High-Ranking Prelates are Leading Souls to Hell

Archbishop Aguer: Spiritual joy is not a naive happiness that downplays the reality of evil

The “Universal Call to Holiness” Was Always There

Hildegard of Bingen: O Fire Of The Holy Spirit, Comforter | O ignis Spiritus paracliti

New Priestly Seminary for the Roman Rite in Tanzania, Supported by Bishop Schneider


‘Some definite service’: How an English diocese is unleashing growth

Bishop Attacked and Left Tied Up on the Side of the Road

Jerusalem’s Latin Patriarch tells Christians to heed ‘call’ to live in Holy Land despite continual conflict

Nun: “We women are by no means excluded from Eucharistic adoration”

Deacons by deceit: What happened in a Nigerian diocese this month?

Vatican says Latin Mass parishes in Virginia diocese must offer Latin Novus Ordo once a month instead

The Problem Is "The Internet" - FSSP Superior General NO

Philippine Catholics praying country remains world’s only State – excluding Vatican – not to legalise divorce

Texas Judge Temporarily Stops Horrific Dehydration and Starvation of 28-Year-Old Woman

Texas Catholic church cancels funeral date for Margo Naranjo after learning she’s not dying

The big Hollerich-Caritas scandal - 61 million euros embezzled

Bishop quits as Belgian Church’s point man on abuse

Pope Pius XII Wanted the Catholic Church’s Most Depraved Clerical Sex Predator to Be “Treated” 

Now the Chaldean Catholic Church also officially rejects the blessing of homosexual couples

JD Vance’s Catholic conversion inspired by St Augustine – and the wreckage of the modern age

Science, Pseudoscience…and Miracles

U.N.: Nicaragua Banned Nearly 8,000 Catholic Events in a Year, Tortured Priests

The Values That Made Western Society Great Came From The Bible

“All Men are Created Equal”: University of Oregon Loses Key Motion in Free Speech Case

New ‘God’s Gang’ cartoon tries hard to explore interfaith dialogue and relations – but fails

Spanish-Catholic portal criticizes “the ultra-heterodox German diocese of Essen”

Fatima shrine rules out removal of Rupnik mosaic amid growing pushback against his art

The Grey Wolves of Modernist Ambiguity

Ben Carson gives perfect defense of pro-life position in powerful Tucker Carlson interview

Great-grandmother days away from federal prison: ‘I know what God has called me to do’

Woman Devastated by Abortion Helps Other Post-Abortive Women Find Healing in Christ

HORRIFIC: Men allegedly covered up woman’s botched abortion death, then drowned her children

Army’s “Apology” For Calling Pro-Life Americans Terrorists Just Makes It Worse

Landlord again attempts to evict Virginia abortion facility owned by ‘Abortion Queen’

Radical abortion, LGBT activists attack showing of pro-life film ‘Baby Olivia’ in Italy

Richmond City Council Votes to Turn School Building Into Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz

Authorities uncover more victims of Canadian man who sold suicide kits online

This Ex-Gay Christian Campaigns for Therapy Freedom

‘Transgender’ YouTube celebrity leaves ‘MrBeast’ channel over pedophilia allegations

District Takes Down ‘LGBTQ Resources’ Link to Org With Transgender Surgery Information After Daily Signal Exposé

U.S. Olympic Soccer’s Tierna Davidson Blasts Christian Teammate for Criticizing Trans Movement

Women’s soccer team in Sydney has 5 biological male players — and they’re undefeated.

President of Italian Bishops Praises "Queer Family"

‘Truly humiliating moment’: Three drag queens help carry Olympic torch to Paris     7/26


WATCH: Jonathan Roumie Reads the Bread of Life Discourse

Saint Christina, Virgin and Martyr

St. John Boste

Saint Sharbel Makhlouf’s Story

Saint Apollinaris of Ravenna, Bishop and Martyr

St. Apollinaris endured torture and martyrdom to spread Christianity at the command of St. Peter

Saint Brigdet of Sweden: Co-Patroness of Europe

St. Bridget of Sweden

Saint Bridget, Sweden’s Charitable Bibliophile

How love can be strengthened by Holy Communion

The Eucharist Is the Source and Summit of Catholic Higher Education

Was the Congress a ‘revival’?

Round-up: How secular media reported the Eucharistic Congress

10 Things to Know About the 2024 International Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador

FSSPX Celebrates Mass in Colombia's Most Important Marian Basilica


Lila Rose Recalls Life-Changing Encounter With Jesus Christ in the Eucharist

The Grey Wolves of Modernist Ambiguity

Chaldean bishops praise Iraqi prime minister for reinstating patriarch but decry ‘agony of Christians’ in country

The war catastrophe and the persecution of the Church are the events of the secrets already foretold in Fatima

Diocese of Gary ‘able to dream’ after $150 million gift for Catholic schools

Quebec’s Cardinal Lacroix returns to ministry after Vatican sex abuse investigation ends

25% Less: Vatican Imposes a Novus Ordo per Month

Chicago church engages the community with “driveway Masses”

‘A first shelter’ - Priest’s ministry helps Cuban refugees in Spain

Bishop Strickland: Catholics have a duty to ‘expose treachery’ of prelates ‘leading souls to hell’

Rumours and Facts about the Document against Holy Mass That Wasn't Published

No, Pro-Life Laws Have Not Worsened Public-Health Outcomes for Women

Little Flower’s Carmelite community faces ‘profound changes’

Chaldean Cardinal Rejects "Blessing" of Homosexual Couples

Elevation Church collects over $100M in tithes, offerings in 2023 as attendance soars

Two Cities in America

Church in Paris Set on Fire, Excrements on the Floor

Knights of Columbus Covers Rupnik Art at John Paul II Shrine Pending Sex-Abuse Investigation

Nigeria: Four Men Fraudulently Obtain Diaconal Ordinations

Abortion Pill Reversal is a Medically Valid Process That Saves Babies From Abortions

After birth at 22 weeks, micro-preemie finally heads home: ‘A baby miracle’

A Woman Says That An Angel Showed Her 4 Major Things That Are Going To Happen In 2025

Heavily Catholic state in Austria cannot find any doctors to commit abortions

Kamala Harris Tried to Shut Down Pregnancy Centers, Raided a Pro-Life Leader’s Home

No Matter How Hard She Tries, Kamala Harris Can’t Hide Her History Of Abortion Extremism

Kansas Supreme Court Reaffirms Total Devotion to Unfettered Abortion 

Police deployed as abortion activists hurl insults and condoms at ‘Baby Olivia’ screening in Italy

Kamala Harris Can’t Name a Single Abortion Limit She Supports

Breaking: Turkey Declares Hijab Mandatory, 'Commandment of Allah,' 

How should faithful Catholic parents respond if their child comes out as homosexual?

New Hampshire bans body mutilating trans surgeries for under-18s, boys from girls' sports

New Hampshire’s GOP governor signs 3 bills to roll back transgender agenda, vetoes fourth

Swiss ‘Catholic’ Website Offers Church List for ‘Gay Blessings’

Court fight over same-sex marriage aims to bring down landmark ruling that made it legal

UNWOKE: Microsoft ditches its “business critical” DEI team as the WOKE WAVE begins to unravel

Police: Delaware Catholic School Teacher Sent Nudes to Student via Snapchat

'I Lost My Son': Musk Says He Was Tricked Into Approving Puberty Blockers         7/24


The Eucharist brings together

‘To love and serve the Lord’ - The Eucharistic Congress concludes

Saint Mary Magdalen, Peniten

Mary Magdalene’s Marvelous Metanoia

3 Honors given to St. Mary Magdalene, according to Aquinas

Saint Lawrence of Brindisi’s Story

Saint Lawrence of Brindisi’ Bible and Cappucino

Saint Victor of Marseille, Soldier and Martyr

Friars come to the rescue during a hitch in a huge procession

‘Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament’ — The Eucharistic Congress, Days 3 and 4

The Wages of Vatican II in Italy: Without priests or faithful, the Diocese left behind by the enemy of the Latin Mass, Abp. Viola, is crumbling

Vatican grants two-year extension for Latin Masses in Diocese of Arlington

Priests are shepherds we need, chosen by and mystically united to Christ

New Catholic priests in the US are embracing theological orthodoxy, eschewing progressivism

Crisis Afoot? Go to the Roots

For God's sake: 'lay down your weapons'!

Jorge Luis Borges: Something Alarms Me about Father Bergoglio

African seminarians warned to reject ‘revisionism’ and ‘detach from materialism’

America Needs a Prayer Meeting

AMAZING: How Father Altman got Trump the statue of St. Michael the Archangel

'Cultural erasure': Azerbaijan destroys Armenian churches, heritage sites after Nagorno-Karabakh war

Those Who Feel Eternity: Truth and the Intellectual

"Bicycle Service" in a Bavarian Church

Highest numbers of resignations in Hamburg, Berlin and Limburg!

Vatican to investigate Peru bishop over claims of affairs with multiple women

Newly published Document: Vatican Officials Took Homosexuality of Marcial Maciel Seriously

Vatican’s Archives Shed Light on the Legion of Christ Scandal

Vatican: Cross-examination in London real estate case ended that lost 100 million euros

@father_rmv..likely Democratic nominee..believes Catholics are unfit to serve on our nation’s courts..Kamala Harris’s Anti-Catholic Bigotry | National Review

Catholic priest in Ireland disallows pro-abortion politician from receiving Communion

She instantly regretted taking the abortion pill. That’s when a Sidewalk Advocate offered help.

Colorado Planned Parenthood plans to close because it can’t find medical staff

Lawmakers outraged after army training slides list pro-life groups as terrorists

U.S. Army Secretary admits presentation calling pro-lifers terrorists has been in use for 7 years

Another state in Mexico has decriminalized abortion

Abortion Cheerleader Kamala Harris Would Impose Abortions Up to Birth on All 50 States

EXCLUSIVE: Top Pediatrician Promoting Trans Procedures for Texas Kids Now High Ranking NIH Official

UK report debunks claim that halting puberty blockers increases suicide in gender-confused youth

Outed Priest Sues Gay Dating App Over Alleged Privacy Violations        7/22


Saint Arsenius the Great, and the Silent

Saint Vincent de Paul, Founder

St. Margaret of Antioch

Saint Apollinaris’ Story

Saint Jerome Emiliani, Founder

Saint Mary MacKillop’s Story

The existence of God can be known through His creation

Researchers make sensational discovery in Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulchre

FULL TRANSCRIPT: Archbishop Viganò addresses Traditional Eucharistic Revival event

Cardinal Sandoval Sends Letter to Pope in defense of Traditional Latin Mass

Why the Attempt to Ban the Latin Mass Is Failing

Roman Rite: Arlington Carmelites Turn to Suspended Priests for Mass

Vatican grants two-year extension for Latin Masses in Diocese of Arlington 

‘The Body of Christ’ - The Eucharistic Congress, Day 2

Wrongly Parked Car: Police Stop Eucharist

Can the Blessed Sacrament revive the American Church?

Teach Your Kids the Mass: Part 2

Living the Catholic Life

A Miracle: A Bishop Who Didn't (!) Betray His Priest

Beloved French Priest Accused of Sexual Assault

Nigerian bishops warn about EU agreement that could force abortion upon Africa

Bishop Strickland: "Silent shepherds" betray Christ through their apathy

Cardinal Parolin visits war-torn Ukraine

A Nanny-Church to Match the Nanny-State

A new Mount Carmel in Oxfordshire: the young friars following St. Teresa of Ávila

Chaldean Catholic bishops call for unity

Catholic bishop warns communism is ‘imminent’ in Mexico, says government rigged election

Tucker Carlson, Franklin Graham credit God with Trump's survival: 'God is among us'

Amsterdam: Tucho Reaffirms Negative Verdict

BREAKING: Massive Fire Engulfs Dallas Area Church Led by Trump Supporter Pastor Robert Jeffress (VIDEO)

A Bishop Blesses New (!) Mosaics by Father Rupnik

Globalists are attacking Africa’s families, but this Catholic man is pushing back

Godless: View Co-Host Joy Behar Bashes Trump For Mentioning God, Says His Bandage “Should Have Been Over Mouth” (VIDEO)

Bethany Christian Services: Meet the Organizations Exposing the Truth About Adoption and Supporting Families In Need  

The Ominous Resurfacing of ‘Christian’ Antisemitism

Little girl born at 24 weeks reunites with nurses who cared for her in the NICU

Premature Baby Born at 22 Weeks Heads Home. “He’s a Miracle”

Foster parents sue US state of Vermont

Young widow whose husband died on their honeymoon has delivered their baby boy

97% of Women Who Visit Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Have a Positive Experience 

Doctors said our lives would be ruined if we didn’t abort him. They couldn’t have been more wrong!

Italy Offers Women 1,000 Euros a Month if They Reject Abortion, Keep Their Baby

Pro-life advocate Mark Houck raided by FBI now seeking JUSTICE

Here’s Something the Media Won’t Tell You: Pro-Abortion Candidates are Losing

The media’s favorite diversion tactic about ‘taxpayer-funded abortion up to birth’

Satanic Pro-Abortion Sculpture in Houston is Beheaded

Switzerland Promotes New Suicide Pod for People to Kill Themselves

Parents Objecting To Pornographic Materials In Schools Are Facing The Tyranny of Cancel Culture From The FBI On Their Doorstep To Being Fired After LGBTQ Smear Campaigns

Catholics rally to pray the rosary outside Knights of Columbus hall as LGBT 'prom night' was going on inside

The Stonewall Riot Hoax

Polish Priest Who Organised World Youth Day Charged With Sex Abuse

CDC, Pfizer affiliate sponsor pro-LGBT public school event for fifth-graders           7/20


The Agony of Abraham

Saint Camillus of Lellis, Founder

Saint Camillus de Lellis’ Story

St. Frederick

Saint Alexis of Rome, Confessor

Saint Francis Solano’s Story

The Witness of the Carmelites of Compiègne – Le Temoinage des Carmelites de Compiègne

Our Lady of Banneux and the Prayer to the Virgin of the Poor to alleviate suffering

On the Feast of Our Lady's Humility, I Don't Accept the 'New Face' of the Catholic Church

Archbishop Viganò: We must pray for those misled by ‘usurper Bergoglio’

‘I am the living bread’ — The Eucharistic Congress, Day 1

Cardinal once jailed by communists criticizes Vatican's 'silence' about China's persecution of Catholics

Schneider: Already Pius X Was Not Vigilant Enough in the Appointment of Cardinals

Bishop Barron’s ‘10,000 Holy Hours’ prayer campaign cruises past 7,000 mark

A Nanny-Church to Match the Nanny-State

Grave Injustice: Traditional Priests Stripped Of Faculties, Kicked Out Of Diocese

Cardinal Sandoval Implores Francis Not to Suppress Roman Rite

What happens when bishops call the USCCB ‘duplicitous’?

Woman shoots man in church as faithful gathered to pray rosary  

How To Pray for the Enemies of Holy Mother Church

Great Is the Mercy of God

Jesus Christ Is Donald Trump’s Security Detail

CL: The Bergoglians Rebel Against Bergoglio

The Catholic running mate with the Hindu wife

Nicaragua: Ortega's regime closes Radio Maria

The Enemy of the Holy Mass: Vittorio Viola

Parents Sue Vermont for Denying Them Adoption License Because of Their Christian Views

Physician warns of chilling links between ‘brain death’ and organ harvesting

WATCH: Abortion survivor shares powerful story of hope and forgiveness

Parents are more likely to abort babies diagnosed early with heart defects… unless they get this

The Media Hides How the Abortion Pill Hurts Women

Refusal of Communion to minister over abortion vote causes rift in Irish Church

Poland is One of the Only Countries in Europe to Protect Babies From Abortions

High school shuts down ‘well-being center’ run by Planned Parenthood after parental outrage

The media says no one supports ‘abortion after birth.’ Yet, language in some laws might allow it.

There are no new doctors for abortions in Tyrol

Congressional committee demands answers on Army briefing that labeled pro-lifers ‘terrorists’

Planned Parenthood pushes abortion pill regimen beyond FDA-approved limit: report

Poland: A Former Organiser of World Youth Day Arrested for Sexual Abuse

Thomas More Society slams new California law forcing schools to hide ‘gender transitions’ from parents

Cardinal Gracias: "Francis Especially Concerned About Homosexuals"        7/18


Our Lady of Mount Carmel

St. Carmen

Saint Bonaventure, Doctor of the Church

The Seraphic Doctor: Saint Bonaventure

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha’s Story

Saint Anacletus, Pope and Martyr

Saint Camillus de Lellis: The Great Revolutionary of Charity Towards the Sick

The Revival, the Eucharist, and the Pew data

WATCH: Why Have Catholics Lost Faith in the Real Presence?

By an Inch: Trump, JP II and Fatima

Archbishop Viganò suggests assassination attempt on Trump due to his anti-globalist stance

The Pope as the Custodian of Tradition

What Do You Mean There’s No More Wine?


New Zealand bishop expels traditionalist order

Famous Mexican Producer Defends the Mass: Many Mexicans Long for Roman Rite

Women at the Foot of the Cross and Beyond

US bishops, Vatican call for prayers and peace after Trump assassination attempt

Miraculous? Donald Trump’s bloody ear and the prayer that preceded it

Fr. Charron (He Was There!) & Bishop Strickland React to TRUMP Assassination Attempt

EU economic deal pushes ‘secularistic ideologies’ on Africa, Nigerian bishops warn

Religion is essential for the good of every person, family and state. Here’s why

Eucharistic Congress: ‘We’re ready’ for Indianapolis security

Switzerland: Church Desecration Becomes a Matter of Habit

Francis, McCarrick, and Illusions of Change…

Christian democracy in Europe: An interview with Catholic historian Charles Coulombe

From now on, revenues from church taxes will decrease

‘Parishioners Are Devastated’: Police Charge Taxi Driver With ‘Hate Crime’ After 42-Year-Old Landmark ‘Jesus Child’ Statue Beheaded at New York City Catholic Church

Trump appoints a devout Catholic as his running mate: JD Vance

Harrison Butker responds to tennis legend Serena Williams after she insulted his Catholic beliefs

Second Vatican Council: Only Four Survivors Left

Canada’s anti-Christian media treats evangelicals like a leper colony

She knew she was adopted… but learning she was an abortion survivor changed everything

Allyson Felix and Pampers co-create nursery for athlete moms at Paris Olympics

Heroic Priest Denies Communion to Pro-Death Politician

Texas gives millions to pregnancy resource centers – and here’s why

Minnesota Pro-Life Advocates Stop Democrat Measure for Abortions Up to Birth

Krytia Freeland’s ‘Free’ Contraceptives

NYC plans to stop treating bodies of 2nd and 3rd trimester aborted babies as ‘human remains’

It's about time the US joins other countries and move away from gender treatments for children

Report; John Deere trains staff to snitch on those who object to men using women's restrooms

Trudeau’s government is sinking millions into pro-LGBT groups as you get poorer  7/16


What does the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist mean?

Saint John Gualbert, Founder

Saint John Jones’ and Saint John Wall’s stories

Louis and Zelie Martin’s Ecclesia Domestica

Read St. Thérése of Lisieux’s profound offering of herself

Vatican honours Our Lady of Walsingham with new national feast day

How Irenaeus would have reacted to the digitalization of our lives

Orange Day and Saint Oliver Plunkett, the Last Martyr of the Protestants

How the Rule of St. Benedict helped establish Christendom

2 Months with the Eucharist: Now what?

WATCH: Why Have Catholics Lost Faith in the Real Presence?

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Issues A Grave Warning About Pope Francis

Is John XXIV Already Under Way?

The Time Is Now

How Kenya’s Catholics Faced Backlash Following Fiducia Supplicans

Synod on Synodality: Guiding Document Skirts Hot-Button Topics, But Does It ‘Open The Door’ To Big Changes?

Process Theology: The Issue with Fiducia Supplicans

Rouen: Cathedral to reopen today after fire in crossing tower

Archbishop’s Excommunication Fuels Revolt Against Rome

EXPOSED: Jaw-dropping financial and sexual corruption in the Church

Pope to preside over interfaith meeting at Indonesian mosque

Teach Your Kids the Mass: Part 1

Christians in occupied Jerusalem see marked surge in Israeli settler attacks

Satanic statue beheaded at University of Houston.

Bishop Defends for Obscenity that Demeans Our Lady and Every Birthing Mother

For Innsbruck Bishop Glettler, Linz's scandalous painting is a 'kind of corrective' to previous Marian figures

New film shares story of Texas church members who adopted 77 children

Communism is ‘Imminent’ in Mexico, Bishop Says

Poll Shows Majority of Catholics Oppose Church's Pro-Migration Stance -

BREAKING: Senator Chuck Grassley Releases Shocking Records Confirming HHS Placed Children to Sponsors Linked to MS-13 Gang

Globalists are attacking Africa’s families, but this Catholic man is pushing back

Archbishop of Canterbury and wife chose life for daughter despite pressure to abort

Polish Parliament Rejected Bill to Legalize Evil of Abortion – By Only Three Votes

Wisconsin Supreme Court unanimously rules for pro-lifer’s free speech near Planned Parenthood

After Massive Criticism, Fort Liberty Walks Back Slide Claiming Pro-Life Groups are Terrorists

Are Pro-Lifers Helpless Now, with Nowhere to Go?

The Truth About Abortion In America

Three People Show Up to ‘Biden For President-Reproductive Freedom’ Rally at Pennsylvania State Capitol with Legislators

Illinois college town’s new Planned Parenthood punctures young woman’s uterus

The Fraud Triangle: Why Wouldn’t People Who Kill Babies Also Steal Elections?

Modern liberalism misuses Islam to undermine Christianity in the UK

France’s Recent Elections and New Islamic Yoke

France: Muslims Celebrate Defeat of the French Right By Marching in the Streets, Calling for Death to the Jews

OMG: Disney Internal Documents Show Promotion of Pride Events for Children That Involve Fully Naked Men on Bikes (VIDEO)

Forbidden Fruit and the Classroom: The Huge American Sex-Abuse Scandal That Educators Scandalously Suppress

Baltimore Megachurch Launching Investigation After Dozens Allege Childhood Sex Abuse

Why are transgenders so prone to violence.

John Deere sponsored LGBT ‘pride’ event for children as young as 3      7/12


Saint Pius I, Pope and Martyr

Pope Benedict on Saint Benedict

St. Benedict of Nursia

Saint Benedict and His Option

Saint James, Bishop of Nisibis

Saint Bellarmine on Trial: Setting the record straight

A Sixth Century Saint Still Speaks to Us


Statue of the Child Jesus Beheaded at Catholic Church in New York City

BREAKING: 1000-Year-Old Notre Dame Cathedral in Normandy Has ‘Caught Fire’ – Authorities Say Possible ‘Religious Attack’

Watch: Black Smoke Billowing Out Of Rouen Cathedral In France 

The fight for tradition after Vatican II is as old as the council itself

'The beauty of the Mass in the extraordinary form evangelizes'

Pope’s Restrictions Spark Resurgence of Interest in Traditional Mass Among Youth

Holy Mass: Archbishop of San Francisco Opposes Ban

You Did Not Irretrievably Botch Your Life.

Beware the DDF’s Mystical Ruse


Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter has elected Father John Berg as its new Superior General

Syria: Very Unusual Novus Ordo Priestly Ordination

Bishops reject priests’ challenge to liturgy ultimatum

Bible lessons for all students in the US state of Oklahoma

Mom of 3 tries to block 'Abortion is Healthcare' protester with her body as USCCB monstrance goes by in MIssouri

French Cardinal: Strange Decoration

‘Crushingly poignant’: Iraqi crosses damaged by ISIS added to Westminster Cathedral exhibition

Day of Remembrance of the Wolyn Massacre

25th Anniversary of Ordination: Priest Celebrates as Techno DJ in Ibiza

Nicaragua’s Ortega regime shuts down Radio Maria as anti-Catholic persecution continues

The Jesuits Come Home to Roost

Knights of Columbus to cover Rupnik art

Christian persecution continues in Gaza as death toll climbs

Sostituto Peña Parra: "I Knew About the False €5 Million Invoice" and that "It Was Not Honest"

Australian bishop attends bail hearing over sex abuse charges

Pro-life activists help block anti-life, anti-family proposals at Western hemisphere summit

Ominous Signs In Our Godless Nation, Most Christians Have Become Strangers And Foreigners In This World Now Ruled By Satan With Most Christians Persecuted, Hunted & Martyred Until Jesus Returns

Mom says her ‘baby boy is alive today’ because of her state’s pro-life laws

Read this pro-life rescuer’s powerful courtroom speech prior to FACE Act sentencing

‘Joy and gratitude’: Couple set to welcome second set of twins by embryo adoption

The government should not hinder women from choosing abortion pill reversal

U.S. Army Presentation Lists Pro-Life Organizations as Terrorist Groups

Mom flown from Idaho to Utah for pregnancy complications wakes to learn they dismembered her son

Senate Republicans Block Democrat Bill for Abortions Up to Birth Nationwide

Her mother’s dark secret and her own miscarriage cemented her compassion for women in crisis

New York City is Dumping Rule That Requires Burial for Babies Killed in Late-Term Abortions

Don’t Be Fooled: The Abortion Industry’s Goal Isn’t to Protect Women’s “Health”, It’s Unrestricted Abortion

Pro-life organizations in Florida are mobilizing to defeat ballot initiative that seeks to legalize unrestricted abortion in the state

My daughter, miscarried at 14 weeks, taught me that every human being has value and purpose

Surrogates have more than double the risk of pregnancy complications than natural mothers: study

Planned Parenthood, Big Abortion Will Spend $100 Million Over 10 Years to Promote Killing Babies 

Planned Parenthood blatantly advertises abortion pill weeks past FDA-approved limits

Damaging effects of assisted suicide culture reach far beyond the clinic doors

Hospital Staff Told Woman With Spina Bifida to Kill Herself Instead of Getting Treatment

Modern liberalism misuses Islam to undermine Christianity in the UK

UK Labour MP Who Urged Islamic Grooming Gang Victims to 'Stay Silent for Diversity' Sworn in on a Quran

Persecuted ex-Space Force commander calls for eliminating woke ideology from U.S. military

Texas Supreme Court rules in favor of Christian judge who refuses to officiate same-sex weddings on religious grounds 

Ripple Effects: Federal Judge Rules Taxpayers Won’t Pay for Medical Mutilation

Senate Judiciary Committee Votes Against Biden Judicial Nominee Who Can’t Say if Chromosomes Determine Sex

CDC joins Pfizer affiliate in sponsoring pro-LGBT public school event for fifth graders  

Toronto police refused to arrest NAKED Pride parade perverts because “it’s not in the best interest of the community”

Francis Appointed Homosex Propagandist for Ex-Synod’s Study Group on 'Controversial Issues'

Hospital worker: California is pushing radical ‘LGBTQ+’ training on state employees

Report: U.S. Military Hides Push For Trans Surgeries, Queer Exploration Among Soldiers’ Kids

Woke Pastor Reveals Support for “Ethical Non-Monogamy”’ and . . . “Threesomes”?

Has the Influence of the Tranny Movement Peaked?

Why 'Queers for Palestine' support those who want to kill them      7/11


Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr

St. Veronica Giuliani

Saint Augustine Zhao Rong’s and Companions’ Stories

Myriads of Martyrs for China

Saint of the Day Quote: Martyrs of Gorkum

Why did Sts. Louis and Zelie have their wedding at midnight?

Archaeologists uncover 1,500-year-old depiction of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments

Objective Beauty of the Traditional Latin Mass Evangelizes

The movement for the Latin Mass is about far more than nostalgia  

Vatican Bans Latin Mass in Marian Shrine for Thriving Spanish Walking Pilgrimage

Monsignor Eleganti: Liturgical Changes Were Brutal and Excessive

‘Traditionis Custodes’ 3 Years On: Pope Francis’ Latin Mass ‘Motu Proprio’ Has Generated Division, Not Unity

How the Catholic Church Adopted the ‘Heresies’ of Jan Hus, a Reformer It Burned at the Stake

The Ghost of Synods Past: The First Synod of Arles

The Four Virtues Needed in this Church Crisis

Material Poverty, or an Impoverished Spirituality?

Holy Family parish school hit by Israeli military in Gaza  

Francis in Trieste: Priest Denies Communion in Hand

Mel Gibson to Archbishop Viganò: 'You are a modern day Athanasius!'

Montichiari: Tucho Approves Castrated Version of an Apparition

Evangelical drug lord blamed for four Brazilian parishes inexplicably closing their doors

11 Christians sentenced to combined 90 years in prison in Vietnam go missing

Despair? The Pope of the "Poor" Uses the Methods of the Rich 

‘I didn’t lie’ but ‘I was not honest,’ Peña Parra tells UK court

The largest Polish Catholic open-air youth festival has started again

A new chapter for the Augustine Institute

“Eco-Theology”: The Latest Leftist Disease That’s Infecting Christianity

Is Germany’s church tax ‘miracle’ over?

Vatican issues text underpinning controversial Synod on Synodality October meetings

Keeping up Christian appearances in a hypocritical world of illusory performances

Dying FrancisChurch: - Since Monsignor Touvet de facto replaced Monsignor Rey as Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon, not a single seminarian has entered the diocesan seminary this year.

New ‘Instrumentum Laboris’ Focuses on How to Implement Goals of Synod on Synodality

That All May Be One

Liberal bishops throw tantrums over cuts to pro-abortion CCHD program

Oregon Blocks Mom From Adopting Children Because of Her Christian Faith

Woman Harmed by Abortion: They Don’t Care About Women, Just Selling Abortions

Pro-life group sounds alarm as Ireland sees ‘colossal’ increase in abortions

Republican Party Committee Adopts Platform Saying 14th Amendment “Guarantees” Right to Life

The GOP’s ‘Pro-Life’ Party Platform Does Nothing To Protect Unborn Babies

Vandals associated with Antifa and Jane’s Revenge reach settlement with Miami pregnancy center

Massachusetts Runs Ads Telling People to Not Visit Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Canadian hospice society provides ‘Guardian Angels’ to protect patients from euthanasia

Canada Euthanizes Over 15,000 People as Deaths Increase 15% 

UK woman admits to murdering son in effort to legalize assisted suicide

Luxury car exec threw newborn baby from window to her death, feared motherhood would ruin career

Cross-dressing fired Biden official escapes jail time for third case of stealing airport luggage

Trans Kids Are The New Fashion Accessories Among Hollywood’s Most Deranged Moms

Planned Parenthood Exploits More Children With Trans Hormones Than Anyone

Cologne City Deanery takes part in the LGBT event 'Cologne Pride'

Italian priest to ‘bless’ homosexual activist ‘couple’ after civil union ceremony         7/9


Saint Pantænus, Doctor of the Church and Apostle to the Indies

Saint Thomas More, Martyr

St. Maria Goretti

John Paul II’s Homily on the Hundredth Anniversary of Maria Goretti

Saint Goar, Priest and Hermit

Saint Palladius, Apostle of the Scots

St. Grimbald

Saints Cyril and Methodius, Apostles to the Slavic Nations

Origen and the Problem of Posthumous Condemnation

Four tips for happy holiness with St. Philip Neri

More priestly ordinations in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina


Fr. Nix: "[Cardinal] universal consensus..Clement..rather than [Pope] Urban. Antipope Schism..universal acceptance..does not withstand the test of history.”

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Is Found Guilty of “Schism” and Excommunicated by Marxist Pope Francis

Excommunicated Archbishop Warns Marxist Pope and Globalists Conspiring to Destroy the Church

@ElizabethYore Good question! Viganò Ousted from the Church While Sex Predator is Welcomed From

Viganò to Bishops: ‘If You are Silent, the Stones Will Cry Out’

New Abbot of Norcia: “Let's Be Prepared for a Long Winter in the Church”


Do you need to be a canon lawyer to know what heresy is? We are obliged separate ourselves from a heretic, not pledge obedience to him.

Conquer the Demons of Sadness

Sister Eulalia Is the Only One Left

Immerse yourself in the new renaissance of artistic Catholic creativity

Dicastery for Divine Worship forbids the Traditional Mass in the Basilica of Covadonga, the closing Mass for the largest Traditional Catholic pilgrimage in Spain

Facts from France: No New Seminarians in Toulon

Former Vatican auditor Libero Milone renews legal battle over wrongful dismissal

Elvis Presley and the Miracle of the Rosary

'We are looking to Jesus' - Holy Qurbana at the Eucharistic Congress

Catholic church in Oregon allows Buddhists monks to lead 'meditation' before the altar 

Church of England Scrambles to Defend £1 Billion for Slavery Reparations

Bishop of Linz Asked to Participate in Penitential Rosary Because of the Abomination in His Cathedral

Fico praises Orban and emphasizes Slovakia's Christian roots

Scandalous connection between Pope Francis and Theodore McCarrick?   

Silk sheets and a fighting bull - schismatic Poor Clares racked up €45k in debt

Keeping up Christian appearances in a hypocritical world of performance

Faithful Catholics prayerfully protest sacrilegious ‘Pride Mass’ at New Jersey church


Irish pro-life bishop Doran: “Killing changes the character of society”

Pro-Life Family Tours Abortion Hot Spots Across The Eastern Seaboard

After two abortions, she shares her testimony to help others heal

FAZ: Abortion seekers must endure criticism

Pro-Life Group Helps Peru Save Babies From Abortions

Three More Pro-Life Activists Sentenced for Tennessee Abortion Clinic Protest

Queensland orders mass purge of sperm donations amid fertility industry controversy

J.D Vance: I Support Access to the Abortion Pill Mifepristone

FBI Targeted Pro-Life Americans, Now It’s Eliminating Conservative Agents

Dutch couple dies in dual euthanasia… and neither had a terminal diagnosis

Christian educator in Ireland spent more than 400 days in prison over refusal to use transgender pronouns

School Board President Takes Stand on Girls’ Sports After Tranny Runner Win: “We’re Excluding Girls”

'Satan has overplayed his hand,' Abby Johnson says of Planned Parenthood's gender business

Disney Plus Actress Tatiana Maslany: Parents Have No Rights When It Comes to Transitioning Children [VIDEO]

California Courts ‘Sealed My Case to Hide Their Corruption’ as Ex-Wife Seeks ‘to Castrate My Son,’ Father Warns

Toronto Catholic school board staff attend city’s grotesque ‘Pride’ parade

Another Federal Court Rules Against Teen’s ‘Only 2 Genders’ T-Shirt

3 Ways Feminism Laid the Groundwork for Transgenderism 

Gay Is Queer and Queer Is Gay

Activist Judge Blocks Law Protecting Minors From Filth Online               7/8


St. Elizabeth of Portugal

Saint Anthony Zaccaria’s Story

Blessed Peter of Luxemburg, Bishop and Cardinal

Chanting the Lord’s Prayer in Scotch Gaelic

To the “Catholic Clergy” Who Said “It’s OK” to Take “the Vaccine.”

Cardinal Müller Reaffirms: Top Vatican Official Thinks "No Mass better than Latin Mass"

Catholic Bishops Join Forces with Social Justice Warriors to Prop Up Scandal-Plagued Charity

Roman Rite: "Francis Doesn't Understand that We Are No Longer Stuck in the 1960s"

Has the Nicaraguan Church been bullied into silence?


Bishop Strickland calls for instant removal of all Rupnik art after Lourdes' bishop delays

Appeal to priests: Resist ‘blessings’ for homosexual ‘couples,’ even to the point of shedding blood


When Francis' beloved Gay New Ways claims, ‘The Church Can’t Operate Without Gay Priests,' it's a reminder of how much the Church needs to operate without gay priests

Mexican Priest Brings "Possessed Doll" to Eucharist

Over 200 Christians arrested in Eritrea in past twelve months

As Christians continue to be killed in Nigeria, the West remains largely silent

Buenos Aires Has Seven (!) Auxiliary Bishops

MUST WATCH: Residents of Idaho Town Parade Crosses After Chamber of Commerce Banned “Religious Symbols” from Parade

Seeking ‘well-being’ instead of God as our goal will lead to hell

Rupnik art dispute more complicated than it appears, argues art historian  

Croatian Catholics revolt against the controversial Virgin Mary statue in Linz!

Obscenity to Remain in Linz Cathedral until 16 July

Can A Nation Stand When Its Spiritual Foundation Is Broken Down?

‘God had a plan for my life:’ Abortion survivor shares powerful story

Nebraska Pro-Life Measure Gets Over 200,000 Signatures for November Ballot

Delegate: Trump Campaign To Gut Pro-Life Platform Provisions And Make Abortion A ‘State Issue’

Pro life groups are now openly threatening Trump.

Kaminski: New version of the Pregnancy Conflict Act endangers the foundations of democracy

22 Pro-life Evangelicals Contest UK Elections to Battle Abortion Genocide

7 ways Planned Parenthood misleads women through deceptive marketing

Canadian health care providers repeatedly pressured woman with cerebral palsy to choose death

Pro-life, pro-family advocates rejoice after Malawi court rejects same-sex ‘marriage’

Mississippi District Judge Orders Nationwide Stay on Title IX Gender Identity Revisions

@JhWesten Satan’s hand can be clearly seen in the evil of transgenderism, which is a refusal to conform to the order that has God has created.

Florida police arrest 18-year-old who allegedly did burnouts on LGBT ‘pride’ street mural

Focusing on LGBT 'inclusion' in the military is compromising American national security

The connection between pornography and prostitution is too clear to ignore

Pride Month Goes Out with a Whimper

Child Prostitution Bill Amended Again by Commiefornia Lawmakers

Texas Supreme Court upholds ban on transgender surgeries for minors           7/5


Saint Bertha, Widow, Abbess

St. Elizabeth of Portugal

Independence Day, Pier Giorgio and Elizabeth of Portugal


Flashback: Return to Tradition's Anthony Stine - Single Bishop Could Solve The Francis Problem: An Open Letter To Courageous Bishops: "Aquinas... explicitly taught from the deposit of Faith a single Bishop has the power to expel anyone if certain condition is met even a superior"

"Holy Mass Built Western Civilisation": Monsignor Cordileone Praises British Celebrities's Letter

Cardinal Müller: Vatican official prefers empty churches to cathedrals full of people who reject New Mass

Disappearance of Traditional Mass would impoverish the world both spiritually and culturally

EXPLOSIVE: Cardinal Müller reveals senior Vatican official thinks no Mass at all is better than Latin Mass

Card. Müller: “When a pictorial representation of the birth of Jesus offends believers”

A Mystery? Security Cameras Did not Work When Cardinal Pell Died

Nick Donnelly: "What is the truth about Cardinal Pell's suspicious death?" & Flashback: Did Parolin Threaten Nuncios that they might end up like Pell & was the Mafia Involved?

Two US bishops: Authorities threaten religious freedom with gender-ideological regulations

The day the Syro-Malabar 'liturgy war' didn’t end

Heterodox priest group denied table at USCCB’s Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis

FSSPX: No Consecration of New Bishops

Rome Takes Historic Step Towards ‘Full Communion’ with Conservative Anglicans

Why the Vatican hasn’t settled with Libero Milone

Prosecutor investigates: Was Philippos beaten to death because he wore a cross around his neck?

Uganda names school after extraordinary teenager who offered her battle with cancer to Christ

Beneath the madness: U.S. ripped apart by all-out religious war

The Beast: Worldcoin digital ID ecosystem buildout continues with next wave of grants

A Message Of Wisdom To All Those NEEDED In The Battlefield Of Spiritual Warfare For The Hearts And Minds Of Our Young: NEVER Give Up - Ask The Lord And HE Will Direct Your Path

Indian Franciscan Sisters Worship a Hindu Idol

‘Christians Should Stand Up’: What the Left Fears Most, and Why We Need It So Badly

BioLogos: The Deceptive Agenda to Undermine Biblical Truth With Evolutionary Mythology

Video exposes the disturbing creation of the fetal cell lines used by the medical industry

Blueprint for Life unites pro-life leaders to advance the ‘next phase of the pro-life movement’

Pro-life father of 11 avoids prison time sought by Biden DOJ

CNN’s Jim Acosta cuts off pro-life leader who warned about risks of ‘no-test’ abortion pill

“Pastor” Claims Jesus Would Bless the “Loving Kindness” of “Those Who End Pregnancies”

Couples left without answers after fertility clinic destroys embryos

States With No Abortion Limits Often Hide the Number of Babies Killed

California Planned Parenthood calls 911 on three occasions for injuries but won’t give information

The 'Left' Has Turned 'Science' Into A 'Revolutionary Action Committee' With A Propaganda Army And A Totalitarian Edict In Line With The Perversion Of The 'New World Order'

Faithful Catholics verbally abused by LGBT activists while protesting sacrilegious ‘Pride Mass’

Big Pharma makes huge profits from the transgender movement – and their vaccines could be causing it

Gender-confused ex-McDonald’s worker awarded 7,000 euros after bosses called him by legal name

GROOMER ISLAND: Canadian university to sponsor drag classes for kids at anti-family summer camp on remote island

Judge blocks Biden’s pro-LGBT Title IX rules in 4 more states, bringing total to 14

A Francis’ Friend: James Martin SJ blasphemes with Homosexual "Madonna"

‘Transgender’ male wins Miss Maryland pageant, causing outrage among female contestants

Disney Drag Queen Marketing Executive Admits That Exposing Children to Degenerate “LGBTQ Content” Is an “Unspoken Thing”

Dementia Joe’s Cross-Dressing Dress Thief Scores a Sweetheart Deal

Over 50 people arrested, nine of them minors in violent rioting after Pride Parade        7/4


Saint Leo II, Pope

St. Thomas

Thomas, Apostle and Empiricist

St. Thomas teaches us an important spiritual lesson

Saint Heliodorus, Bishop of Altino

Padre Pio: “Satan Will Come To Rule A False Church”…Vatican Exorcist Fr. Armoth: “Padre Pio was tormented by one issue – the coming of the “Great Apostasy”.

Catholic Church Approves First Millennial Saint

The Holy Spirit is very present on Eucharistic Pilgrimage

How Jesus is the hidden celebrant of every Mass

FULL TEXT: Cardinal Müller’s homily for ordination of new Latin Mass priests

Card. Müller: “When a pictorial representation of the birth of Jesus causes offense among believers”

Ecclesiology and Liturgy are a United Front

UK cultural grandees urge Vatican to keep TLM in new ‘Agatha Christie’ letter

Flashback: Alone it is Bishop Gracida against Francis in the Greatest Church Crisis in History & the Historic Gracida Open Letter

On the Subject of Miracles

Conference commemorates 800 years since St. Francis’ stigmata

St Peter's Basilica: Elderly Canons Are Forced Out

Cardinal Zen: “I am accused of criticising ‘Fiducia supplicans’…”

This faithful priest was canceled for preaching Church doctrine on salvation

What’s behind Venezuela’s new archbishop appointments?

Lourdes shrine taking action on Rupnik art though not removing it yet

Pope Preaching Universalism? Heaven is for ‘Everyone, Everyone, Everyone’

400,000 Germans Quit Catholic Church as Talks Between Vatican, Synodal Way Continue

Napa Inst. Keynote Catholic Bill Barr Laughs Out Loud with Neil Cavuto After Steve Bannon Is Sent to Prison

Anonymous Catholic: "Why I Decapitated the Obscenity of Linz"

Arrested for Reading the Bible: Armenian Christian Sentenced to 10 Years in Iranian Prison

Catholic Georgetown to offer ‘gender-inclusive’ housing in fall

Linz Episcopal Vicar explains: 'No church contribution money was used for this'

The Bible isn’t silent about human life or abortion. Here’s how we know.

Arkansas Awards $1 Million to Pregnancy Centers That Help Moms and Save Babies From Abortion

Pro-Life Father of 11 Avoids Prison Time Sought by Biden DOJ

Governor Glenn Youngkin Vetoes Bill to Replace “Mothers” With “Birthing People”

On Abortion, Trump and Biden Both Got It Wrong

Post-Roe V. Wade: Where Americans Stand On Abortion

Virginia Planned Parenthood staffer laughs casually as woman suffers abortion injury

Iowa Supreme Court Chief Justice: There is No Right to Kill Babies in Abortions

Dems, pro-abortion organizations turn to ballot initiatives to enshrine abortion rights into state constitutions

Woman learns she might have 700 siblings due to sperm donor’s deception

At Least 116 People Dead In India After Stampede At Religious Event

Marvel’s ‘She-Hulk’ Star: Parents Should Not Be Allowed to ‘Control How a Child Identifies’

“We See Everything”: OnlyFans Is Drowning in a Flood of Child Pornography Complaints

Nickelodeon features drag queen in latest LGBT Pride grooming video for kids

A New York Parish Stages "Homosexual Eucharist" on Plastic Boxes                 7/3


Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Feast of the Magnificat

Here’s why July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ

Litany of the Precious Blood

St. Bernardino Realino

Saint Oliver Plunkett’s Story

Lay-driven coalition launched to help ‘restore belief’ in the Real Presence of the Eucharist

‘Helena’: Meet the remarkable woman who found the True Cross

First Millennial to be canonized: "Cyber-Apostle" Acutis

Cardinal Müller: Dicastery for Divine Worship Concerned About Chartres Pilgrimage

Why the Mass is not a play that reenacts the Last Supper

Bishop Strickland: Remember that the gates of hell shall not prevail against Christ's Church

No Ordination because of Latin Mass: Bishop Responds to "Real Ordeal" with Empty Words

Richmond bishop halts only Latin Mass in Charlottesville while awaiting new dispensation from Rome

U.S. Bishops Limit Internet in Seminary – Against "Traditional-Minded" Seminarians

Secrets of Medjugorje Investigation Revealed in Bombshell Report

Blessed Anna Caterina Emmerich: The Medjugorje Prophecy- “Madonna on the Hill Dressed in Armor”

Two paths, one pilgrimage: Meet a Protestant and a grandmother on Eucharistic pilgrimage

Bishop Strickland urges Catholics to oppose 'blasphemies' and corruption from Church hierarchy

Cardinal Zen: Tucho Should Have Pursued a Different Career

Cardinal Zen slams Michael Lofton, defends rejection of homosexual ‘blessings’

Calling Chris Ferrara: Bergoglio needs a defense attorney!

Investigative Reporter Gene Gomulka is starting an investigation into sex abuse allegations against Francis including an email "sent to 367 priests of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires"

“St. Michael the Archangel – Be Our Protection Against Wickedness and Snares of the Devil” – Local Priest Prays for Steve Bannon and America As War Room Host Reports to Prison (VIDEO)

France: Welcome Demons!

Is Germany’s synodal council entering ‘development hell’?

New Catholic Eva Vlaardingerbroek: Just because some bureaucrats have decided against the will of the people that we should suddenly be a minority on our own continent, doesn’t mean we should let it happen.

Angel Studios’ New Film Brings Message of Adoption, Hope to Big Screen

‘Pride’ versus Catholic schools: It’s a full-scale assault and is focusing on our children

A 'sculpture of ugliness' in Linz Cathedral - the figure's head was sawed off on Monday!

False Flag Operation? Obscene Statue in Linz Beheaded

Zuckerberg: Warns AI Companies 'Trying To Create God', But He Will Save Us 

TWISTED: Woman to serve longer prison time for “offending” migrant men who gang-raped a minor

InfoVaticana: In this pontificate, “polarization is undeniably increasing”

Hindu Nationalists Persecute Christian Charities, Including Mother Teresa’s Nuns

WATCH: Former Vatican Auditor Exposes Vatican Financial Corruption

Vatican budget black hole swallows Peter’s Pence

Pastor shot in face speaks out after charges dropped against suspect

Catholic Health System Says It Will Kill Babies in Abortions

“Catholic” Democrat Bob Casey Launches Pro-Abortion Campaign Ad

Irish teacher released after 400+ days in jail over refusal to use transgender pronouns

Tennessee Law Allowing Death Penalty For Pedophiles Goes Into Effect - Only Democrats Oppose It

Megan Rapinoe, Who Demands Trans Athletes Be Allowed to Compete Against Women, Goes Mum When Reporter Presses Her

Pullmann: We Were Told Queer Politics Would Change Nothing. Now Men Publicly Flash Little Kids

SACRILEGE: New York Priest Celebrates ‘Pride Mass’ on LGBT Flag Outside of Gay Monument

Fr. James Martin appears alongside blasphemous images of Our Lady while attending ‘LGBT Catholic’ event

Violent Brawls Erupt at NYC’s Washington Square Park After Pride Parade

PRIDE: SF Police Refuse To Stop Perverts Having Sex In Front Of Children          7/2


Most Precious Blood of Jesus

Saint Junipero Serra’s Story

Peter and Paul’s Eschatological Battle

Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles

Saint Peter was freed from prison to not escape death but to embrace it

May We Become Co-Workers of Saints Peter and Paul

First Martyrs of the See of Rome

Saint Irenaeus, Doctor of the Church

Nazi martyr priest Metzger will be beatified on 17 November

Bishop Strickland: Banning the Latin Mass would be an 'unjust law' many faithful couldn't obey

Cardinal Burke’s Position: Respect Papal Office Even If a Pope Is Failing

Cardinal Burke Condemns Joe Biden’s Reception of Holy Communion, Calls it a ‘Sacrilege’ (Video)

Archbishop Viganò: I accuse Bergoglio of heresy and schism

Christian community in Gaza now under ‘real’ risk of complete ‘disappearance’

The Francis Effect in Argentina: the Seminaries Are Drying Up

German Synodal Way: Vatican demands changes to controversial new Church body

Change the Name, Keep the Heresy: German Bishops Resume Vatican Talks

Do Near-Death Experiences Confirm a Biblical Worldview?

Ring dem Bells: an ancient, important and holy Christian custom

“When I watch this video, I get goosebumps”

Inspiring True Story About Adopting Difficult-to-Place Foster Kids Hits Big Screen July 4

USCCB memo clarifies JPHD layoffs

Why Every State Needs to Follow in Oklahoma’s Footsteps Teaching all Children the 10 Commandments

Police Dept. Ordered to Remove Bible Verses 

Rector of Linz Cathedral Defends Obscene Statue - really?

Rupniks remain on Vatican site despite O’Malley appeal

Joe Biden Wants to Put This Father of 11 in Prison for 11 Years for Protesting Abortion

Iowa Supreme Court Upholds 6-Week Abortion Ban

Trump says he’ll get jailed pro-lifers ‘back to their families’ on his ‘first day’ in office

Countering the myth that emergency abortions are banned in Idaho

Abortion Activists Who Vandalized Pregnancy Center Will be Forced to Pay Settlement

Pennsylvania shows 17% jump in abortions… and Planned Parenthood wants more

Jim Acosta Cuts off Pro-Life Guest in Second CNN Interview-Dump This Week

Trump is Right: Democrats Have Supported Late-Term Abortions and Infanticide for Decades

Abortion pills remain after the Supreme Court’s ruling, but so does the fight for America’s soul

Embattled Australian fertility company accused of using wrong sperm to impregnate patients

FOIA Finds Catholic Charities Colluded with City of Chicago to House Illegal Immigrants

Shocking: Haitian Who Entered US on Biden’s ‘Parole Program’ and Was Indicted For Raping Disabled Child in Massachusetts Freed on Paltry $500 Bail

Today in History: Christians ‘Place Their Hope in the Lord Jesus Christ’ and Defeat Islam

Muslims in France Warn: ‘Islam Is the Future for the West’

Texas Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Child Sex Changes – Majority of Eight to One 

Crooked Hillary Is Coming for the Kids: Here’s the Failed Presidential Candidate’s Next Endeavor

Dell Shareholders Reject Free Market Proposal to Stop Donating to LGBTQ Agenda

AI Chatbot Claims to Be Human on Call With 14-Year-Old Girl, Urges Her to Upload Photos of Herself to Shared Cloud

Georgia Children Are on Frontlines of Intensifying “Transgender” Culture War – More Must Be Done to Protect Them

Montana Judge Strikes Down Law Clarifying There Are Only 2 Sexes

The Brew: There’s No Debating It, They’re Nuts: Interior Dept. Bans Real Sex Terms While SCOTUS Judge Won’t Say ‘Woman’ in Abortion Decision

Author JK Rowling Hits Back at Actor David Tennant and Brands Trans Activists with an Apt Nickname: ‘Gender Taliban’

Biden Regime vs. Sex Change Age Restrictions           7/1


Our Lady of Perpetual Help, (1863)

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and Saint Cyril’s Defense of Mother and Son

St. Cyril of Alexandria

Saint Ladislas I, King of Hungary

Blesseds Vasyl Velykchovskyand Nykyta Budka: Hidden Ukrainian and Canadian Heroes

'THANK YOU, LORD', then Father Gaston Hurtubise died

Mystery from Medjugorje: Did Our Lady Just Reveal that the Secrets are Imminent and that Russia and Fatima are the Key? “This is the decisive issue”

Insecure Narcissism or Greatness in Christ?

Young Aussie Catholics defy Pope, choose Latin as rift grows in Australia's biggest church

Trump-aligned Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Facing Persecution By Vatican For Upholding Truth In The Face Of Great Confusion Under The Pontificate Of Francis

Bishop of Regensburg "Forbids" FSSPX Ordinations

Africa calling: Westerners must accept that Catholicism’s centre of gravity is shifting  

German Church Statistics 2023: 20 million 'Catholics', but only 1.26 million attend Holy Mass

More than 400,000 Catholics left Church in Germany in 2023

Pope Francis Laments ‘Mother Earth Violated and Devastated’

Nuns of Belorado Expel the False Bishop

Liberals HOWL as USCCB Cuts Staff of Scandal-Plagued Social Justice Operation

Nihilism: Tucho Begins an "Anglican Dialogue" Without Canterbury

Oklahoma high court rules against Catholic school ‘evangelising’ with public dollars  

These rape survivors and their children are ‘exceptions’ to pro-life laws, and deserve to be heard

Supreme Court Ruling Leaves Idaho Abortion Ban in Place to Protect Unborn Babies

DEBUNKED: Study claiming Texas’ pro-life law caused more infant deaths is meant to mislead

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Life Act’ Would Outlaw Federal Dollars Going to Abortions

LISTEN: Planned Parenthood staffers laugh on 911 call for woman bleeding after abortion

Supreme Court Punts Biden’s EMTALA Abortion Expansion To Leftist Lower Court

Supreme Court Inadvertently Releases 'Idaho Emergency Abortion' Opinion

German Family Minister and states in favour of legalising abortion – with the exception of Bavaria

Delaware’s lone bishop implores governor to veto assisted suicide bill  

While the Vatican itself is only 109 acres, 1,063 acre rural Vatican property 20 miles from Rome to become an ugly, devastated, and pointless solar farm?

Texas Children’s Hospital whistleblower says doctors committed Medicaid FRAUD while performing illegal transgender surgeries on minors

Dissident Religious Sisters Flout Church Teaching With Blasphemous “Pride Month Prayer Service”

‘Christians Against Trumpism’ Co-Founder Arrested for Soliciting Sex from 15-Year-Old Boy

The Ruth Institute Celebrates Ex-Gay Visibility Month by Amplifying the Voices of People Who Emerged from a Dark, Painful World. Part 3 of 7

LGBTQ+ Activists Erupt In Fury After ‘Homophobe’ Makes U.S. Olympic Women’s Soccer Team

Trudeau gov’t to make all bathrooms in Parliament buildings GENDER NEUTRAL

SURPRISE! Biden's Trans HHS Secretary Just Did Something REALLY Creepy. 

LGBTQQIAAP2S+ Crowd Fear Being Ignored During Showdown

Holy Georgetown U. Offers Gender-Neutral Housing to All Incoming Students          6/27


Saints John and Paul, Martyrs

St. Anthelm

Blessed Raymond Lull’s Story

The Perpetual Virginity of St. Joseph?

This symbol is a hidden guarantee of Our Lady’s triumph over the enemies of Christ

'My dear children, peace is in danger and the family is under attack'

A radiant church dedicated to Mary’s 1st apparition, a bilocation

‘Contemporary for 1,000 Years’: Pannonhalma Abbey Is a Jewel of Hungary’s Medieval Religious Heritage

Give Your Time to God

Helplessness, Prayer, and Renewal: Nehemiah’s Guide

Vatican Document against Holy Mass Was Drafted By A Small Circle

Traditionalist SSPX group distances itself from Viganò and schism comparisons

Traditional monk rebukes heterodox Vatican professor’s attack on the Latin Mass

Details of the New Document Prohibiting Masses in the Roman Rite

The Church and her sacraments offer a remedy to the demonic darkness enveloping our world

WATCH: Would Saint Thomas Consider Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò a Schismatic?

US archbishop calls for calm amid increasingly fraught political atmosphere  

Coptic Bishop Warns West Against Islam: ‘You Are Up Next… My Story Is Your Story’

Potential pitfalls of Catholic Parish Summit’s evangelising spirit

London trial opens in Mincione vs Vatican lawsuit

Return the Ten Commandments to the Public Square

MIRACLE! St. Michael statue on Donald Trump’s bedside table: Fr. Altman tells the story

The Sign Of The Devil Has Appeared In New York City

At Climate Change Conference, Archbishop Paglia Calls for ‘New Planetary Humanism’

Vatican communications head slammed for downplaying Rupnik case: ‘We’re not talking about abuse of minors’

Take a Hammer and Chisel to Rupnik’s Mosaics

Tranny Criminal Get a Free Pass for Targeting Churches While the Traitor Joe DOJ Goes After Christians

Teacher Who Took Student out of School for Secret Abortion Is Fired

Trudeau Liberals called out for targeting pro-life MPs on anniversary of Roe v. Wade reversal

Radical Abortion Activists are Spending $140 Million for Abortions Up to Birth Nationwide

Devastating toll to self-esteem that pro-choice sloganeers rarely discuss  

Michigan Judge Blocks Two Pro-Life Laws That Helped Women, Saved Babies From Abortions

The Toronto Catholic school board is engaged in a witch hunt against a pro-life trustee

Democrats’ War on Pregnancy Centers Shows They’re Pro-Abortion, Not Pro-Choice

"As a father of five with small children, this is more than annoying and unacceptable for me"

The Ruth Institute Celebrates Ex-Gay Visibility Month by Amplifying the Voices of People Who Emerged from a Dark, Painful World. Part 2 of 7

St. Louis Archdiocese Encourages Clergy to Attend Meeting of Pro-LGBT, Women’s Ordination Priests

EXCLUSIVE: Miss Maryland Contestants Push Back After Male Winner Steals Their Crown

Unsealed Court Documents Show Top Gender Medical Organization Twisting Science for Politics, Colluding With Biden-Harris Regime Official

Woke LEGO: Toy Company Offers Drag Queens and Furries for “Pride” Month

Rachel Levine Opposed *any* Age Limits for Trans Procedures

Cities' Sidewalks Transformed by LGBTQ+ Rights Campaign's Agenda -         6/26


Saint Prosper of Aquitaine, Doctor of the Church

St. William of Vercelli

Saint William of Monte Vergine

Blessed Jutta of Thuringia’s Story

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint William of Vercelli

The Unique Holiness of St. John the Baptist

Bicentenary of first sermon by one of the greatest preachers in modern times: St John Henry Newman

Discovered: New Miracle – Young Jesus and the 12 Birds of Clay

How St. Clare saved couple from potential wedding disaster

The Priceless Gift of Blessed Jacques of Ghazir

Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

Viganò’s Astonishing Transformation from Vatican Insider to Alleged Schismatic

Bergoglio under the banner of Antichrist, Viganò under the banner of Christ

Sr. Emmanuel reveals what she knows about the Medjugorje Secrets: “It will be a dramatic time… Evil will show its claws and its fierce face.”

Institute of Christ the King’s Superior received by Pope in Audience today (Updated with communiqué: no news is good news)

Another Holy Mass Axed?

Ordinations increase in France as country continues to buck secular trends

Vignettes of Uganda

Breakaway Spanish nuns excommunicated

‘Terrorists’ Kidnap Third Priest This Month in Nigeria

Great Is the Power of Repentance

Modern artist’s “Holy Hearts” embodies efforts to reach culture

The Pope’s Right-Hand Man

Bugnini’s Ring of Power

Why does Buenos Aires have so many auxiliary bishops?

When the Vatican Gets It Wrong

The Masonic Plan to Destroy the Catholic Church with Ecumenism

Holy See hosts United Nations panel to discuss abolishing surrogacy

Archdiocese of St. Louis releases report on clergy’s use of slaves  

Biden accused of betraying Christians dying at hands of Boko Haram

The Fellow in the Picture Is a Bishop

Scientific American: Homeschooling Parents Need to Undergo Background Checks!

Vatican Prefect Ruffini: “Who am I to judge the Rupnik stories?”

Despite Liberal Media Lies, The 'Minds' Of The Democrat Party Are Anti-Religious, Racist Ideologues With A 'President' Who Is Another Type Of RINO - Religious In Name Only

Overturning Roe v. Wade is Saving Approximately 200,000 Babies From Abortions Each Year 

Micro-preemie born at 24 weeks goes home after 147 days in NICU

Jordan Peterson: Abortion, not gun violence, is the leading killer of children in America

5 biggest lies the abortion industry has told since Roe v. Wade was overturned

US Bishop Burbidge: Protecting the unborn from abortion is ‘the civil rights task of our time’

Democrats Want Abortions Up to Birth in All 50 States

Planned Parenthood Making $40 Million Election Push On Abortion

Planned Parenthood Will Use Your Tax Dollars to Lie to You About Abortion

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee issues directive mandating hospitals to provide “emergency” abortions regardless of upcoming Supreme Court ruling

Kamala Harris Cites God to Defend Killing Babies in Abortions 

Canadian family sues Catholic hospital over refusing to administer physician-assisted death

“Kidnappings and murders are becoming more and more normal, and Islamist terrorists are gradually gaining ground.”

The Ruth Institute Celebrates Ex-Gay Visibility Month by Amplifying the Voices of People Who Emerged from a Dark, Painful World. Part 1 of 7

DOJ Lawsuit Over Banning Sex Changes for Kids Doesn’t ‘Hold Water,’ Legal Expert Says

WATCH: Judge Nominated By Biden Confronted For Defending Pedo As ‘A Person Who Has A Lot Of Good In Him’

These 63 Companies Celebrate ‘Pride’ in LGBTQ Consumers       6/25


Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, Prophet

Pope Benedict and the Birth of the Baptist

Saint Thomas More’s Story

Saint Etheldreda, Queen and Abbess

Our Lady Ta’ Pinu: an Oasis of Hope from the Island of Gozo for the Whole World

Francis: Better No Priest than a Priest of the Roman Rite

In Defense of Archbishop Viganó

EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Viganò confirms he has not and will not attend Vatican ‘schism’ trial

Anarcho-Tyranny Comes to the Vatican: Scapegoating the ‘Deplorable’ Abp. Vigano

Fréjus-Toulon: The Screws Are Being Tightened

Vatican communications prefect: Removing Rupnik art ‘not the Christian response’

Vatican comms chief defends Rupnik art remaining on website

Parolin helps US bishops on Viganò, church/state drama in Italy, and a new real estate deal

A Precursor of Bergoglio: Bernard Besret

Summary justice? What is an ‘extrajudicial process’ means in canon law

Why France’s Catholics are turning to Marine Le Pen  

Parental Rights Leaders Highlight Threats to Kids

Poll Confirms Trump Supporters Appreciate Biblical Values, Biden Supporters Don’t

How we treat people in prison is a reflection of society and ourselves as followers of Christ

Riley Gaines has perfect response to homosexual Democrat’s rant about her opposition to pro-LGBT bill

Australia introduces controversial mind control Ministry aimed at controlling and changing men’s behavior

Women Share How Dobbs Saved Their Babies From Abortions

30,000 Protest ‘Barbaric Practice’ of Abortion in Rome March for Life

Taking It to the Streets: There’s No Excuse for Christian Apathy on Abortion  

Exclusive Interview: Nashville Hitmaker Teams with 18-Year-Old Singer for Pro-Life Anthem

5 biggest lies the abortion industry has told since Roe v. Wade was overturned

Two Years After Repeal of Roe v. Wade, North Carolina Abortion Law Among Strictest in Nation

Abortion increased nearly 25% in Northern Ireland last year

Massachusetts opens a new war against heretics who oppose the sacrament of abortion

Two years after Roe’s fall, why do churches remain silent as abortions continue?

Federal Judge Calls Limited Stop to Biden Rule Forcing Employers to Grant Abortion Leave

Three people plead guilty to vandalizing Florida pregnancy resource centers

Mob Lynches Tourist in Pakistan for ‘Blasphemy’

Extremist Hindu Nationalism Targets Christians and Other Religious Minorities in India

From Fringe Heresy to Dominant Orthodoxy: How the Homosexuality Cult Hijacked America

The LGBT lobby’s ultimate goal is to redefine the family. This lawsuit is just more proof

Head of LGBTQ Democrats in Maryland Busted Trying to Groom a 14-Year-Old Into His “F****t” [VERY EXPLICIT VIDEO]

Ontario Court Awards Transgender (Bio Male) $35,000 After Women’s Salon Refuses “Male Waxing Services”

Creator of Disney’s ‘Acolyte’ Says It’s ‘Really Reductive’ to Call All-Female Witch Coven ‘Lesbians’ Just Because They Make Babies Together

LEGO Celebrates LGBTQIA Pride Month with Drag Queens and Furries             6/24


Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Jesuit Seminarian

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Bent Iron, and Summer’s Solstice

Vatican Denies Archbishop Permission to Celebrate Latin Mass at Australian Cathedral

On Wednesday, the last Mass of the Extraordinary Form was celebrated in Melbourne Cathedral

Viganò: My defense against schism is the same as Archbishop Lefebvre’s

....Viganò May Have More Ammunition up his Sleeve

Catholics hold Rosary rally to resist LGBT 'pride,' thank Bishop Strickland for opposing drag nuns

Old Man from Medjugorje Issued Six Prophecies That Would Happen Before the Permanent Sign – All but ONE have come true.

“Seeing this great kingdom unfold in the world”

Syro-Malabar bishops break ranks over liturgy ultimatum

Priest: Pope Francis is waging a 'war against the Church' at every turn

Francis Discards the Psalms

Meet the Gay Designer Making the Pope’s Vestments

Cardinal Parolin says infamous Vatican-China deal will be renewed at end of 2024

Cardinal Parolin on Viganò: "I Always Appreciated Him as a Great Worker"

Unique Film Breaks Down Communication Barriers to Share Gospel with the Deaf

Is this massive religious organization unknowingly working to bring about the Antichrist?

The Month of June Proves that the World Hates You

The decline and fall of marriage – the last days

African Archbishop: "My Father Was a Polygamist"

Sainthood cause progress for mum who refused cancer treatment to save unborn child

This Little Girl Had a Dream About Jesus Everyone Needs to Watch [VIDEO]

Devotional: Getting Closer to God

The largest donation to Catholic schools in US history

Ben Carson Encourages Faith, Shares Personal Stories at Road to Majority Conference

Polish football fans protest against removal of crosses from Warsaw City Hall

Kentucky baby is 50th to be saved by a Safe Haven Baby Box

Federal court temporarily blocks Biden from forcing Catholic employers to pay for abortions

Premature baby who fit in only Build-A-Bear clothes discharged from hospital

Massachusetts Unanimously Passes Bill That Would Legalize Sale Of Babies By Pregnant Mothers

Multiple families claim surrogacy business scammed them out of thousands

More Than 1,000 Muslims Die During This Year’s Hajj Pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia

Victory: Oklahoma Supreme Court Vacates Protective Order Against Street Preacher Who Criticized Gay Marriage, Denounced Drag Show

Texas Whistleblower Nurse Claims FBI ‘Threatened’ Her After Exposing Child Sex-Change Operations

“Queering” the Catholic Church

Pride Month 2024: How Did We Get Here?

‘Transgender’ inmates are continuing to sexually assault female prisoners      6/21


Saint Silverius, Pope and Martyr

St. Vincent Kaun

Saint Paulinus of Nola’s Story

Saint of the Day Quote: Irish Martyrs

Polish priest martyred by the Communists after WWII beatified in Krakow

Miracles in Malta, thanks to Mary

Our Lady is preparing us for new times and her TRIUMPH … Visionary: “At the moment of death God gives us light to see ourselves as we really are”  

The Traditional Latin Mass: Third rail of the Eucharistic Congress?

Archbishop Cordileone to offer Traditional Latin Mass during National Eucharistic Congress

Can the Vatican Ban the Latin Mass? Catechism Says “No”

Louisiana Passes Law Requiring Ten Commandments Displayed in All Public Classrooms

Bad and Good Catholic Art

It’s Good to Preach to the Choir

Francis is in SCHISM from ALL Valid Popes in History who Reject his Sacrilege of Communion for Adulterers: “[No] Catholic worthy of the name can be in communion with this ‘Bergoglian church,’ because it acts in clear discontinuity and rupture with all the popes of history and with the Church of Christ,”

Viganò charged with schism, calls Vat II and Pope Francis ‘cancer’

EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated

Bishop Eleganti rebukes German bishops’ call to reinterpret Vatican I on papal primacy

PiusX: New Announcement

At War With The World

Spanish nuns accused of schism must appear before tribunal

Biden is a 'cafeteria Catholic,' Cardinal says in rebuke

Unique Film Breaks Down Communication Barriers to Share Gospel with the Deaf

Catholic parishes in Lebanon suffering as country sucked into Israel-Gaza war  

3 young Buenos Aires priests named bishops

‘Why wear distinctive clerical dress?’ – One of the Herald’s chaplains answers your questions  

More Israelis requesting copies of the New Testament after Oct. 7, Messianic Jewish group says

Transgender people in religious life/consecrated life? US bishops prepare a statement

Vatican doubles down on courtship of China

Dutch bishop: Fiducia Supplicans too much ‘in tune with zeitgeist’

Spanish newspaper: Jesuits covered up crimes of priest who abused more than 100 girls

Sex Abuse Questions the Bishops Still Won’t Answer

Pope Francis’ Feel-Good Gospel Fans The Flame Of Radical Gender Ideology

Fr. James Martin's pro-LGBT group publishes article connecting 'Pride Month' to Sacred Heart

Five Syro-Malabar bishops question threat to excommunicate priests who defy Mass change

Moving Crews Train to Become Heroes in the War on Human Trafficking

More Than Half of Jesuit Catholic Universities Promote ‘Pride Month’

NYC 'Bling Bishop' Lamor Whitehead sentenced to 9 years in prison for financial crimes

Catholic Bishops Join Forces with Social Justice Warriors to Prop Up Scandal-Plagued Charity  DISGRACE

Chastity Project’s Jason Evert: ‘Chastity frees you to love’

Family Saves Abandoned Newborn Baby 

Anti-Family Culture Leads to Low Birth Rates

Kansas Should be a Warning to America: Don’t Allow Abortions Up to Birth 

Vatican advocates international ban on surrogacy

Federal Court Rules Biden Can’t Force Christian Groups to Fund Abortions

Jordan Peterson calls abortion 'hands down' the biggest cause of death for children

Comedian says she wasn’t prepared for the grief and guilt that followed her abortion

No More Michigan Abortion Reporting

Notorious Illinois abortion business injures another woman

Islamized Sweden: Parks Transformed Into Mecca

Growing case of kidnappings of Christians in Nigeria: ‘Where is the outrage?’

Canada Wants to Force All Medical Institutions to Euthanize Patients

Trudeau repeats lie that ‘unmarked graves’ were found at Church-run residential schools

Yes, Parents Should Know If Their Child Is Gay

'There will be a reckoning': Hospital sex scandal reaching 'point of crisis'

Ripple Effects: Texas Beats Title IX Rewrite, Billboards Tell the Story of Those Almost Aborted

Cultural shift? US and Canada now show decreased support for the LGBT agenda

Transgender Suspect At-Large Following Double Homicide — Perpetrator Considered “Armed and Dangerous”

TikTok Shuts Down Ads for Bold Feminist Sportswear Brand

‘Pride’ Parades Are Nothing But Massive Humiliation Rituals              6/20


Consubstantial with the Father

Saint Juliana Falconieri, Virgin

St. Romuald

Romuald’s Eremetical Reform

Saint Paulinus of Nola’s Story

Saint Joseph’s Perpetual Virginity and the Apocrypha

Join Rosary novena to Immaculate Heart of Mary to stop WWIII and restore peace

Melbourne: Cathedral Was Packed for 'Last' Mass (Pictures)

"Cyber-Apostle" Acutis soon to be holy

How the IOR became the Vatican’s most bankable institution

Why Does the Nuncio in France Hate the Holy Mass So Much?

“What is new is that church institutions are also participating in the attempt to silence Christians”

Priest gets one-year sentence in French prison for molesting 7 underage boys

The UK ordinariate is getting a bishop. But what exactly is it?

Cardinal O'Malley's Former Episcopal Vicar to "Marry" a Man 32 Years His Junior

More Reasons for Kids Not to Have a Cell Phone

No Excuse For Being Clueless - When Supposed Christians Do Not Even Know What A 'Rainbow Flag' Represents, It Is A Judgement Against Churches That Are Not Truly Teaching 'God's Word' 

Is AI a demonic, transhumanist Trojan horse?

Preborn Is the New Black, and In Vitro Fertilization Is the New Atlantic Slave Trade

Poland’s left-liberal government hits hospital with hefty fine for refusing to perform abortions

Massachusetts launches $1 million campaign to attack pro-life pregnancy centers, promote abortion

Australia Launches Controversial Ministry To Reprogram Men

At Least 80 Christians Killed In Targeted ISIS Massacre In The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Sharia Police and Hatred of Jews: How Primary Schools are Becoming Islamized

Riley Gaines headlines summer bus tour to keep women’s sports free from ‘transgender’ men

Doctor INDICTED for blowing lid on illegal LGBT child “transition” scheme at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston

Biden Regime Sends FBI to Intimidate Nurse Who Blew the Whistle on Texas Children’s Hospital’s Child Sex-Change Program (VIDEO)

NFL Team Sponsors 'National Gay Flag Football League'       6/19


Saint Ephrem, Doctor of the Church

Sainthood cause for Adele Brise, whom Mary told to catechize ‘this wild country,’ will move forward 

Virgin Mary statue begins ‘crying tears of blood’ in ‘divine message’

5 Eyewitnesses Describe Seeing The Miracle Of The Sun

St. Gregory Barbarigo

Saints Marcus and Marcellianus, Martyrs

Ephraim’s Mission of Beauty

Venerable Matt Talbot’s story

God and Science

Boy Becomes Hero of Homosex March in Vilnius (Video) best 10 seconds

Justice Alito's wife expresses desire to fly 'Sacred Heart of Jesus' flag to counter LGBT pride flags

Thousands join Eucharistic Pilgrimage at site of US Marian apparition (Photos)

LOOK: Boston Celtics coach Joe Mazzulla wears pro-God t-shirt after winning NBA title

Bishop Eleganti: Papal primacy must not be defined by ecumenical ‘negotiations’ with non-Catholics

US belief in Real Presence higher than previously thought

FSSP Ordains 7 New Priests

On the road to Chartres: the annual Pentecost pilgrimage has lessons for the wider Church  

Quimper: The Faithful Take to the Streets

Catholicism in Uganda

101-year-old Bishop Gracida and Bishop Strickland offer exorcism prayer for the world

Andrea Grillo: An astonishing interview of the main lay ideologue behind Traditionis Custodes and the desire to ban the Traditional Mass

Archdiocese in Kerala, India, refuses to follow decree from Syro-Malabar Major Archbishop requiring them to face God at Mass

Fire, water, and scuffles: Indian Catholics defy liturgy ultimatum

4 archdioceses celebrate biggest ordination classes in years with joy, prayer, packed Churches

Cardinal Sarah: African Church gave heroic witness against ‘grave error’ of homosexual ‘blessings’

Iraq’s historic Christian heartland recovering from ISIS occupation  

The Synodal Church is Shaping-Up to be Protestantism in Union with a Bishop of Rome

Monsignor Schneider: Fiducia Supplicans Allows Blessing of Abomination

UN Complaint over Pope Francis 'Wiretap'

Faggopope Is Back To Normal

Francis’ Friend and Former Adviser Seen In Sauna for Homosexuals

Eyewitness claims Fr. Thomas Rosica spent 2 hours in homosexual bathhouse

Mincione files UN human rights complaint against Holy See

Editorial: Harrison Butker’s courage highlights a reality of the Catholic Church in the US today

The War On Christians Is Real  8  min.

More Arson Attacks on French Catholics

Candace Owens claims media is ignoring a global 'Christian holocaust'

British Christians often experience hostility, study says

Pakistani Church leaders demand swift action after lynch mob murder of elderly Christian

Protect the Children Part 14: Maintaining a Permanent Parental Overwatch

Abbess Christiana Reemts OSB: “People used to believe...”

More Reasons for Kids Not to Have a Cell Phone

Some Catholic Schools Are Just Safe Rooms for Kids Whose Parents Are Scared of Violent Crime … Not That There’s Anything Wrong with That

‘The Truth About Sex’: How contraception harms individuals and society

God Created Fatherhood and We Need More Men to Step Up to Become Good Dads

President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference took part in the March for Life in Gdansk

My Father Adopted 10 of Us, He Showed What Real Love Is

Southern Baptists Vote to Oppose ‘Willful Destruction’ of Life through IVF

Americans split on morality of destroying frozen embryos created via IVF: poll

Pro-Life Physicians Prepare to Counter Misleading Medicalization of Induced Abortions

Scotland lawmakers approve ‘most extreme abortion buffer zone law in the world’

Report: More Than 171,000 Women Went Out of State for Abortions in 2023

Washington governor to force hospitals to commit ’emergency’ abortions for ‘health’

Colorado’s Democrat governor signs bill expanding state assisted suicide law

25-year-old Muslim man with 10-year-old fiancée talks benefits of marrying a child

Colorado Supreme Court begins hearing Jack Phillips’ case for refusing to bake ‘gender transition’ cake

'Star Wars' spinoff pushing LGBT ideology panned by viewers, loved by critics

Boys Take Track & Field Titles from Girls in Five States

Burn an American flag? No problem. Deface an LGBT flag? PRISON TIME       6/18


Saint Avitus, Abbot

St. Emily de Vialar

Saint Julitta and her son Saint Cyricus (or Quiricus), Martyrs

Saint Marguerite d’Youville’s Story

Saints Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia, Martyrs

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Botulph

Who would you put on your saint super team? (Photo Gallery)

Waiting for Better Times: Last Latin Mass at Melbourne Cathedral

Bishop Strickland: Christians need to be ‘salt and light’ for the world ‘like never before’

Liturgical Extremism: Francis to Ban All Latin Masses

‘Getting to know Jesus’: Eucharistic pilgrims share life on the road

Rejection of the Roman Rite is "Practical Atheism" - Cardinal Sarah

Switzerland: Capuchins Close Olten Convent Founded in 1646

Claiming Religious Freedom, US Bishop Concerned Their Illegal Immigration Gravy Train Is In Jeopardy

Catholic Priests Are the Sleeper Cells in Rome’s Homosexual Revolution

Bee: "'See, if you just dress in a big white robe & wear a giant cross necklace, everyone will totally think you're Catholic,' explained the Pope. 'I met this Chinese refugee the other day who was actually Catholic, he comes upSee, if you just dress in a big white robe and wear a giant cross necklace, everyone will totally think you're Catholic,' explained the Pope. 'I met this Chinese refugee the other day who was actually Catholic, he comes up to me and asks why I handed over the Chinese Catholic church to the Communist Party, and I was like, 'HA! I got you so good!'"

Burke: There Is no Such Thing as 'Non-Liturgical Blessings'

Bishop Strickland: Those who wish to change God’s commandments don’t actually live them

The Problem of Blessing Same-Sex Couples and Its Consequences for the Doctrine and Life of the Catholic Church

Pope Francis faces UN investigation over alleged illegal wiretappings in embezzlement scandal

The Antidote To A Lukewarm Spirit Is To Wholeheartedly Follow The Lord

The Grace of Fatherhood

Easily integrating religious practices into everyday life

Candace Owens vs Piers Morgan: 'I want every single person in the world to declare Christ is King'

France: Persecution of the Church Is Going Well

America’s 1st president was an ally to Catholics

Turkish Constitutional Court confirms: The expulsion of nine foreign Christians was legal

Australian Archbishop decries erosion of religious freedom, growth of abortion and euthanasia

The Masses Are Being Deceived… We Must Speak Up And Share Biblical Truth

A New German Bishop: Priests Are "Currently" Needed for Eucharists

Is Anyone Surprised? U.S. Bishops Vote To Continue Scandal-Plagued, Soros Founded CCHD

America Has a Fatherhood Crisis, Statistics Show

California: Catholic School Expels Entire Family After Patriotic Speech

Leading Dublin church cancels concert by gay choir over concerns about ‘Pride’ affiliation

San Diego Becomes First U.S. Diocese to File Bankruptcy TWICE Due To Sexual Abuse Claims

Polish bishops: ‘No one has the right to decide on the life of another human being’

South Carolina Abortions Drop 80% as Heartbeat Law Saves Thousands of Babies

Massachusetts House Unanimously Passes Bill to Allow Women to Sell Their Babies to Highest Bidder

If We Want to End Abortion, We Need Stronger Fathers

Iowa pregnancy center helps mother save unborn baby with abortion pill reversal program

Massachusetts launches new attack ad campaign against pregnancy help centers

Democrats Support Unlimited Abortions Up to Birth

Supreme Court rules doctors suing FDA over removal of abortion pill safety measures lack standing

Late-term babies who survive abortions in Canada are still being left to die

Michigan will no longer report abortion statistics, as part of its extreme Reproductive Health Act

Today’s Eugenics: A Child’s Life Should Not Be Exterminated Because Of A Disability

Today in history: Christian Spain breaks free from the ‘cruel sword’ of Muslim rule

ISIS kills dozens of Christians in DRC; churches close after latest attacks

Spain: A Priest Refuses Communion to Homosexual Concubines

Canada’s 2nd annual LGBT ‘Pride’ flag walkout day was a roaring success

President Pretending To Be Catholic Meets Pope Pretending To Be Catholic

Francis Was "Star Guest" at a Homosex-March in Rome

Vast Majority of People Will Grow Out of Transgenderism Within 5 Years        6/17


Saint Basil the Great, Doctor of the Church

St. Methodius I

Saint Albert Chmielowski’s Story

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Mark of Lucera

Why Carmelites celebrate St. Elisha on June 14

Justice Alito’s wife caught on hidden mic praising Sacred Heart of Jesus, attacked by media

US bishops must re-commit themselves to ‘Eucharistic revival’

Mary — for a church of miracles, joy and strength

Nuncio to USCCB: Eucharistic encounter can transform wounds

Flow-Chart For Salvation-Emergencies

How to make reparation for your sins and those you love

Pope endorses Artificial Intelligence  Not Wise Just Like Take the Shot

Alleged Abuse Victims Blast Archbishop Bernard Hebda

‘Celibate Gay’ Seminarians: “The fact of the matter is, if a man is running around discussing his erotic appetites, and defining himself by his sin by calling himself “gay”, then chastity is long-since in the rear view mirror.”

“New Beginning” formally turns to Rome regarding Synodal Committee “If it turns out that these are genuine breaches of duty by bishops... all believers could feel encouraged to ignore church instructions..."

Francis Wants an Ecumenical Recognition of a "Papacy Without Content"

Priest: ‘Ordinary Christians will not survive the times’

Bradley out as Steubenville administrator

An Austrian Diocese Hands a Parish Church to "Holy Hydra"

Archbishop Aguer: Church leaders are failing to offer solutions to cultural and spiritual crises

A Priest Born on Flag Day

The People-Pleasing Vatican

Turkey’s highest court upholds expulsion of 9 foreign Christians for 'missionary activities'

Bishops request USCCB study after transgender hermit announcement

A Crime Against Humanity So Horrifying That I Don’t Even Have The Words To Describe It

The Polish Bishops’ Conference publishes an important ProLife pastoral letter

Fathers, Rise to Your Greatness

Ben Watson: If Men Step Up as Fathers, Babies Will be Saved From Abortions

Today’s Eugenics: A Child’s Life Should Not Be Exterminated Because Of A Disability

Lila Rose and law professor Helen Alvaré discuss how focusing on adults’ desires hurts children

Joe Biden’s Policies are Responsible for Abortion Pill Killing and Injuring Women

Evangelical Seminary Toying with Idea of Permitting Same-Sex Relationships

'Grand Tour' Presenter Stands Ground After Calling Rows Of Pride Flags "Oppressive"

Catholic schools in the Philippines are capitulating to LGBT ideology

Biden Rule Extending Title IX to Trans Students Blocked in More GOP States

Trans Christian school shooter's leaked diary reveals anti-Christian, perverse, pro-LGBT sentiments

Why do drag queens never want to read stories to the elderly?

U.S. Special Forces Navy SEALs engage in LGBT Pride prancing on social media as the rest of the world looks on and laughs

Florida Restrictions on Gender-Affirming Care Ruled Unconstitutional

Woke Disney Hopes ‘Inside Out 2’ Will Snap Year-Long Losing Streak           6/14


What You Need to Know About the June 13 Fatima Apparition

Saint Anthony of Padua, Doctor of the Church and Miracle-Worker

St. Anthony of Padua, Come Around — Something’s Lost and Can’t Be Found

Our Lady of Akita’s powerful message to the modern world

Feast of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus: “The Divine Heart guards and loves them by living with them, as they live and abide in Him”

‘Jesus Thirsts’ movie showcases the miracle of Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist

Vienna: Poster Campaign for the Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Living In Fellowship with the Holy Spirit

Pride Month vs. the Hammer of Heretics

‘The Bishop of Rome’: A brief guide for busy readers

Power of Prayer: Washington Archdiocese Celebrates Largest Priestly Ordination Class Since 1960

Canonical Process Absolves Imprisoned Priest

Pope Francis meets with Fr. James Martin, reportedly affirms his LGBT activism

Francis Wants an Ecumenical Recognition of a "Papacy Without Content"

‘Doing nothing is not an option’ - The complicated landscape of the European ‘Catholic vote’

Former US SSPX district superior sentenced to 1-year in prison for molesting multiple underage boys

Boston slum lord archdiocese setting up community with affordable housing [lucrative gov't-backed housing project]

US Bishops: Francis Is Authoritarian, Ruthless Divider

Vatican Hosts Summit On Protecting Human Life From “Climate Change” With Pro-Abortion Governors

The Collapse Of Societies Is First-And-Foremost The Result Of Rejecting God

Protect the Children Part 12: How to Organize and Run a Successful School Board Campaign

Europe’s top human rights court upholds Hungary's ban on assisted suicide in landmark ruling

Desperate Father Forced to Give Up Saving His Autistic Daughter From Killing Herself 

African men pushing back against Western lies about fatherhood, abortion

Indiana Sees Incredible 98% Drop in Abortions Thanks to Abortion Ban

Mary Ann Glendon: Scholar, Ambassador and Friend of the Unborn

Pressured to abort one baby with spina bifida and one with Trisomy 18, they trusted God instead

Democrats Try to Shut Down Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

PURE EVIL: Clinton Judge Mocks 75-Year-Old Pro-Life Activist’s Catholic Faith as She Sentences Her to Prison For Peacefully Protesting Abortion Clinic

Planned Parenthood Covers Up Evidence That It Traffics Teens to Other States for Secret Abortions

Supreme Court unanimously rejects challenge to FDA's approval of abortion drug mifepristone

Some politicians want to make contraception a ‘right’. Others have good reason to oppose it.

Republicans block Dem-backed legislation that makes it illegal for states to restrict access to contraception, sterilization procedures

European Court of Human Rights Rules There’s No Right to Assisted Suicide

Every third primary school student in Vienna is Muslim

Caught in the Crossfire: Israeli Christians Face Hezbollah’s Relentless Attacks

Report: Catholics in Mozambique Reveal Extent of Muslim Violence and Murders for Professing Their Christian Faith

Christians Suffering Shortages of Medicines in Lebanon

Iraqi Court Orders Christian Woman And Her Children to Convert to Islam

Pro-LGBT group’s bid to cancel Canadian Evangelical Christian event over “hateful” Biblical views falls short

Foster Parents Sue Vermont After State Revokes License for Rejecting Gender Ideology

Pro-LGBT group’s annual report warns about decrease in woke laws across US over past year

Argentina's President Milei finally abolishes Gender Ministry

High School Used $10K Grant to Hand Out “Chest Binders” at Pervert Pride Parade, Stock Library With Degenerate “LGBTQ” Books

Former Child Star Sparks Outrage Over Lewd Acts at All-Ages Pervert Pride Festival in LA [VIDEOS]

Catholic schools in the Philippines are capitulating to LGBT ideology

Pervert ‘Pride’ Month Features U.S. Debut of New Sexually Transmitted Ringworm       6/13


St. John of Sahagun

Saint Barnabas, Apostle

Blessed Jolenta of Poland’s Story

St. Anthony prayed to God when he lost his favorite book

St. Catherine’s Letter to Cardinals Under an Antipope

Our Lady of Akita’s powerful message to the modern world

Archbishop of Sydney Warns of 'Law War' against Christians

Some up-and-comers?

Bishop Strickland leads procession through city streets with relics of Eucharistic saints

Justice Alito’s wife says she wants ‘Sacred Heart of Jesus flag’ to counter LGBT flags: report

India: Priests Who Celebrate with their Back to God Excommunicated

Bishop Davies: “We are witnessing an almost catastrophic decline of the institution of marriage”

What to expect from the USCCB’s revised pastoral framework for Native Catholics

Archbishop urges caution about reported Marian apparition

Pope Frociesco Smells "Homosexual Air" in the Vatican

Auxiliary Bishop Mutsaerts: Fiducia Supplicans ‘in accordance with the spirit of the times’

Report reveals widespread harassment of UK Christians in every part of society

False Comedian Tells Children in Francis' Presence that "There Is Only Heaven"

O'Connell Street & Manhattan: Passersby pray the rosary together

The COVID Panic and Vax Killed Three Million People. Many Faith Leaders Played a Role in That.

Truth vs Heresy: Examining God’s Special Relationship With His Chosen People

Trudeau again says nothing after another church suspiciously burns to the ground in Canada

How One Man Transformed Over 200 KKK Members   

Martin Mosebach: Catholic Art Shows Eyeless Dolls

Bishops' CCHD review is matter of dollars and sense

Catholics Urge Prelates to Axe Church’s Social Justice Charity Over Widespread, Gross Abuses

Somali Muslim refugee-turned-missionary: US churches must do more to reach growing Islamic community

How did Catholic Mexico end up electing a pro-abortion, pro-LGBT globalist as president?

Texas Abortion Ban Saves Tens of Thousands of Babies, Zero Women Have Died

Arkansas is Creating a Memorial to Honor the 65 Million Babies Killed in Abortions

Doctor Told Mom, “If You Continue to Carry This Baby, You’re Going to Die.” Mom and Baby are Doing Great Now

Bill in Brazil aims to equate abortion and homicide

Pro-abortion senators: Laws protecting preborn humans are ‘horrific’ and an ‘assault’ on women

Democrats Claim Women Can Only Succeed by Killing Their Babies in Abortions 

The chilling story of how eugenic theory, and later IVF, was pioneered in Britain

Transhumanism: Covid Injections And The Internet Of Bio-Nano Things, Part 4

Poll: Only 19% of Dementia Joe Voters Say Society Benefits From Marriage, Having Children

Castration and artificial wombs: Elites push transhumanism at annual Hay Festival

3 Christians executed by Islamic extremists in Nigeria

Monster Who Murdered 3-Year-Old and Mom Smirks at the Camera as Charges Are Read

Oklahoma Gov. Stitt signs Women’s Bill of Rights into law to protect biological females from WOKE MOB

Doctors, Medical Groups Call For Focus On Mental Health In Gender-Confused Children

Doctors Sign Declaration Calling for the “Immediate Stop” of Gender Procedures for Children

Washington Teens Charged With ‘Felony Vandalism’ For Leaving Skid Marks on LGBT Pride Mural – Face Up to a Decade in Prison!

‘Concerned for My Daughter’s Safety’: 2 More Minnesota School Districts Issue Transgender Guidelines Allowing Boys in Girls’ Spaces

Idaho bar sparks OUTRAGE from LGBTQ+ supporters over promo offering free beers for straight men this Pride Month

Lime Scooters disables riding over LGBT pride display after teens charged with felonies

Meta deletes Instagram post about event exposing dangers of transgenderism for ‘violating local law’ 

Biden launches massive “pride” media campaign blitz to attract LGBTQ+ voters

Pride Month for Criminals

This Just In: “Pride” Inanities

Most Americans Say Transgenderism Is a Political Distraction        6/12


Our Lady Seat of Wisdom, Our Lady of Combermere and the Immaculate Heart

Saint Margaret, Queen of Scotland

Saint Joachima’s Story

St. Michael of the Saints and the Mystical Exchange of Hearts

St. Getulius

Saint Columbkille, the Irish Apostle to Scotland

Saints Primus and Felicianus, Martyrs

Blessed Nicholas of Gesturi

Why the Sacred Heart says “Thy Kingdom Come”

“The Mystery of the Lord’s Bodily Presence in the Sacrament of the Altar”

How the Church Hierarchy Silenced “Germany’s Fatima” – the Hidden Truth about Heroldsbach!

Fatima and St. Margaret Mary’s visions of the Sacred Heart are providentially connected

France: One to Zero for Our Lady

The beautiful (and dramatic) way the Lebanese army honors Mary

“Painted by angels from Heaven” …The Great Rock Miracle of Our Lady of Las Lajas. Truly a Wonder of the World

Romans thank Mary for saving them 80 years ago (Photos)

It’s time to put ‘Boomer Catholicism’ out to pasture and embrace the fullness of tradition

Don Pietro Leone: Is Pope Francis Pope, and If Not, What Then?

How the Church Hierarchy Silenced “Germany’s Fatima” – the Hidden Truth about Heroldsbach!

Bishop Strickland: Cooperating with evil means we are ‘playing with fire’

No Rest for the Wicked

After Eight Years in Exile Fr William Graham Is Credibly Innocent

Impure Thoughts and Morose Delectation

Bishop Strickland: Pope Francis’ record on sex abuse gives ‘artillery’ to enemies of the Church

Rigidity, or Immovable Faith?

Liturgical life of the Germans is stranger than many may think

Time to rethink US approach to who it sends to Vatican as envoy

Persecuted Cuban Priest: The Gospel of Christ Can Help Deliver Nation from Evil

Diocesan Delegation Arrives: Nuns Call the Police

The Bible and the Big Bang

'False impression of unanimity' Germany

Understanding Norms for Discerning Alleged Supernatural Phenomena

The Unique Joys and Challenges of Being a Jewish Believer in Jesus in the 21st Century

Ancient book containing earliest versions of 2 books of the Bible up for auction

“What the Devil Wants Most”: Filmmaker Mikki Willis Exposes the Fight for Your Soul

Public Celebration Of Sin: The Episcopal ‘Church’ Shows Pride In Their Apostasy

Canada: Arsonists destroyed another church

5 Christian Denominations That Have Embraced Sodomite Degeneracy

Bethany Christian Services: Mothers Speak Out  

Alexa PenaVega felt ‘supernatural peace’ after stillbirth: ‘God was just telling us… I am here for you’

Pastor: Christians Have an Obligation to Save Babies From Abortion

Premature baby begins career as NICU nurse in the same hospital that cared for her

No Women Have Died Because of Abortion Bans Since Dobbs

Jailed pro-lifer Will Goodman: It is an honor to be in prison to witness against the abortion holocaust

Study author: Out-of-state abortions up 50% in Washington… so more abortion businesses are needed

WHO Partners With Radical Pro-Abortion Group to Push Abortion Worldwide

Euthanasia is out of control in Netherlands.

A Prayerful Response to Pride Month

Louisiana Gov. Signs Bill Requiring Transgenders to Use Restrooms by Biological Sex

Pro-LGBT group attempts to cancel massive Canadian Evangelical Christian event

A Catholic Gender Studies Program?

Drag Queen Spreads His Legs for a Child at Pervert Pride Fest

Teens Arrested After Scooters Leave Marks on ‘Pride’ Crosswalk        6/10


The Sacred Heart Over America

Consecration to the Sacred Heart with the help of Mary

Saint Claude, Archbishop

St. Willibald

Blessed Franz Jägerstätter’s Story

Saint Robert of Newminster, Abbot

Dappled Things shares new art for the Sacred Heart (Photos)

The Once and Future Christendom

Cardinal Sarah Calls On African Theologians to Resist Western Woke Ideology

Traditionalism, the Charismatic Renewal and the End of Christendom

"And quietly he whispers to you personally: What am I worth to you?"

Expiatory Church of the Sacred Heart on Mount Tibidabo

1500+ Catholics call on University of Notre Dame to rescind award given to pro-abortion Joe Biden

In New Synodal Document, U.S. Bishops Rejoice at Creating a Safe Harbor for Everyone Except Catholics

Bishop "Sincerely" Apologises after "Blasphemy" [against Buddah]  ???

British bishop: “Catholics must end culture of death when voting”

Discernment Rules on Secular Decisions

Brother of ‘Vatican girl’ says new papal-ordered inquest is a ‘farce’

Buenos Aires Cathedral: Supper Theology Leads to Snack Bar Cathedral

Uganda: Four million celebrate Martyrs' Day in Africa

Today in history: King St. Louis XI scores major victory for Christians over Islamic jihad

SPLC Changes Number of ‘Radical Traditional Catholic Hate Groups’ in Latest ‘Hate Map’ After FBI Backlash

Federal judge rules Colorado unlawfully excluded Catholic preschools from state program.."the two parish schools 'give priority to Catholic families seeking to ensure their children receive a Catholic education'"

Eucharistic pilgrimage aims to avoid Rupnik at JPII shrine

New imposed ruler of Communion and Liberation movement releases 17-page ManiFrancisFesto

Former Boston College High School Priest Charged in Connection with Rape of Student

Vatican employee arrested for allegedly trying to sell stolen manuscript

Christianity and Altruism

Couple Banned From Adopting Because They’re Conservative Christians Win First Battle in Court

Empathy Comes Firsthand for Director of This Home for Unwed Mothers

Meet the homeschooling Catholic mother of 12 who established Ethiopia’s first infant daycare

Charleston Diocese aims to bring organization to spiritual direction ministry

Dear Pierre Poilievre: Stop cowering to the left on abortion and the LGBT agenda

A grieving father holds his son after a late abortion: ‘I cried all night in torment’

Arkansas reports zero abortions in 2023, down from 3,000+ three years ago

Baby Born Weighing 1.5 Pounds Defies the Odds, Goes Home After 9 Months in NICU

Planned Parenthood falsely claims killing unborn babies is ‘healthcare,’ shuts down replies

New Billboards Expose How People Survived Abortion or Were Pressured to Have Abortions

Democrats Attack Republicans . . . for Not Being Willing to Force Nuns to Buy Birth Control

BuzzFeed’s attempt to discredit ‘Baby Olivia’ prenatal development video is the weakest yet

Leftists Can’t Say They Support Women When They Defend Sex-Selection Abortions

Parents panic after learning they have weeks to recover embryos in Greek fertility scandal

Disabled Canadian man reveals he’s been offered EUTHANASIA multiple times by hospital staff

‘I have no hatred for the assassin’ – Slovak PM Fico appears for first time since assassination attempt, forgives shooter and advocates for peace in Europe in powerful new message

Woke Culture Declares War on Beauty: Morbidly Obese Female Wins Miss Alabama and a MAN Wins Miss Maryland USA

As Miss Maryland And A Military PR Rep, This Man In A Dress Will Interact With Kids

College Offers “Gender Affirming” Program Will Teach Trannies How to Cough and Sneeze Like the Opposite Sex

Google Snubs 160,000 Men Who Landed at Normandy 80 Years Ago, Instead Celebrates ‘Lesbian Chicana Activist’ on D-Day

Christian foster couples sue Vermont for revoking their licenses because they oppose LGBT ideology

From Profits to Pandering: How Government Turned Universities and Businesses into DEI Bureaucracies

Trans Athlete Complains about Lack of 'Sportsmanship' after He 'Wins' Female Championship 

Biological man feels like a woman and wants to go to the women's gym

Sodomite Commiefornia Democrat Senator Says Gender-Confused Children Are “Our Kids”

Canadian Cancer Society bows to LGBT mob, apologizes for referring to cervix by actual name

Walmart faces social media backlash over “Pride Always Collection” for Pride Month

Washington City Says No to Raising “Pride” Flag

Pride Parades: Not Safe for Work, Not Safe for Kids

Biden Targets Whistleblower For Exposing Sex-Change Operations On Minors.           6/7


Saint Boniface, Bishop, Martyr

Boniface, Belloc and the New Paganism

The Sacred Heart and the Eucharistic Revival

The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer of trust in God’s goodness

Bishop Strickland: Pause and listen for the beating of Our Lord’s Sacred Heart

Who is Our Lady of Divine Love, linked to World War II?

Inside Budapest’s amazing St. Stephen’s Basilica (Photos)

Archbishop Chaput: On the Power of the Powerless

Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s goal is to normalize sodomy

Why Purgatory Is Necessary – Part 2

Priest, 45, Killed in Colombia

Bishop in Pakistan: Stop abuse of blasphemy law

Chicago Augustinian Order Paid $2 Million Settlement Over Rape Accusations Against Priest But Left His Name Off Sex Abuser List

Narrow-Minded Francis Criticises "Dogmatic Narrow-Mindedness of Church"

Cardinal Sarah calls on African theologians to resist Western woke ideology

New Faith: German Bishop Believes that Some People Born in the "Wrong" Body

Priests are the Sleeper Cells in Rome’s Homosexual Revolution

Massive parish theft calls for more internal control, expert says

It’s Not Surprising America Is A ‘Post-Christian’ Nation When You Look At The State Of Our Pulpits

Religious freedom advocates demand Egypt release Christians jailed for using Facebook

No Hong Kong Mass for 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square

Baby girl born in speedy delivery at parents’ favorite seafood restaurant

Merrick Garland’s KGB Is Keeping America Safe From Pro-Life Grandmas 

Republicans Block “Right to Contraception” Bill That Promotes Abortion, Trans Surgeries on Kids

Granddaughter of actor Ricardo Montalban plans to continue family’s legacy of ‘speaking up for life’

African, Middle Eastern countries call out WHO director Tedros for promoting abortion activist group

A Grieving Father Holds His Aborted Son After a Late-Term Abortion 

Pro-life group blasts Trudeau administration for implying that women must use contraception and have abortions to become successful

Melinda Gates is Spending $1 Billion Promoting Abortion, But She Claims to be a Faithful Catholic

Scotland hits new record high for abortions in 2023, nearly 10% spike in one year

Witches drump Tomato soup on Jason Evert after he talks to them about chastity

Canada’s 2nd annual LGBT ‘pride’ school walkout protest a success: pro-family group

Millions March in Uganda for the Martyrs, Victims of Homosexual Lust

Memo to California Progressives: Sex With Children Is a Serious Crime

World’s largest children’s books publisher releases radical ‘LGBTQIA+’ guide targeting K-12 children

Pope Francis again welcomes group of ‘transgender’ males, homosexuals at Vatican audience

U.K. nurses sue National Health Service for siding with transgender employee over allegations of sexual harassment in changing room

The Rainbow Illusion

Is ‘Pride 2024’ a huge flop in Maine?                6/6


Saint Francis Caracciolo, Founder

Blessed Angeline of Marsciano’s Story

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich had visions of a Freemasonic attack on the Church

The Eucharistic miracle along the Camino de Santiago

‘He goes everywhere’ - National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, Philly-style

Pray the Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Viganò Told: “Keep Your Mouth Shut”

Expelled Carmelite Nun Founds Autonomous Monastery

Early photos show the 18th-century renovation of Notre-Dame

Taking stock of the thuribles and ‘accidents of grace’ that descended on central London

Corpus Christi: When the Train Stopped for Christ in the Blessed Sacrament - A Sermon by Fr. Richard Cipolla

Francis Writes to Homosexual Ex-Seminarian: "Continue Your Vocation"

The shortage of priests corresponds to a shortage of believers

Prominent Jesuit Says Why the Jesuits Are Going Downhill

WATCH: Candace Owens reveals what drew her to the Catholic Church

Record 'profits' for WYD 2023, but transparency may be biggest legacy

Homosexual Activist Bergoglio Writes Another Preface

Vienna: Teacher forbids students from reading from the Bible

Protect the Children Part 8: How to Pressure Your School Board to Get the Right Results

Trump Is Converting America's Nuns

Jaco Booyens on How Christians Can Remain Vigilant without Compromise

Is America Becoming An Anti-Christ Nation?

WHO passes invalid health regulations that must be rejected

What’s behind the latest killing of a Christian in Pakistan?

Conceived in rape, Mark is grateful his birth mother chose life

Chastity speaker Jason Evert has been targeted by ‘witches,’ had tomato soup dumped on him

Indiana Abortions Drop 98% as Abortion Ban Saves Hundreds of Babies

Elderly pro-lifer’s husband begs court for mercy as judge sentences ailing wife to prison

West Virginia Abortions Drop 98% as Abortion Ban Saves Babies

Should Those Who Commit Abortion Be Punished?

More pro-life groups and pregnancy centers sue New York’s Attorney General

Quebec’s first March for Life draws 1,500 Canadians in defense of the unborn

Indiana Abortions Drop 98% as Abortion Ban Saves Hundreds of Babies

Mexico's woke new president Claudia Sheinbaum is strongly pro-abortion and pro-LGBT

Talk on Euthanasia and MAiD

‘I was offered assisted dying over cancer treatment’ In Canada, a broken healthcare system is killing patients

Sodomite Charity Penned a Tribute to a “Gay Rights” Pioneer Who Claimed That Pedophiles Were Being Oppressed

LGBT activists attack Italian pro-life group’s headquarters for second time in 10 days

‘Your Children Will Love Us. And Your Children Will Join Us!’ – LGBT Activist 

Maxime Bernier chides Trudeau for shoving 'this nonsense' of 'pride season' 'in our face'

How Bob Iger, DIE Policies, and Wokism Broke Disney’s Trust With America

Study finds suicide risk 12 times higher following genital mutilation

11 NFL Teams So Far Decline To Bow To Pride Month Messaging                       6/4


Corpus Christi and the Poetry of Thomas Aquinas

Saint Clotilda, Queen of France

St. Charles Lwanga and Companions

Saints Marcellinus and Peter’s Story

Saint Justin of Naplouse, Martyr

Pope St John Paul II and the Eucharist

Australia: Over 15,000 participants in Corpus Christi procession “Walk with Jesus” in Syndey

Spectacular Corpus Christi Procession in London (Video)

10 Common Eucharistic practices to guard against routine

Hail Mary - Hala Madrid!

Keep Your Mouth Shut

Colorado high school senior with Down syndrome makes history as commencement speaker

Notre Dame Alumni Demand University Rescind Award Given to Joe Biden

Vatican official says 77% of cases sent to discipline office are about child abuse

Catholic days continue to shrink

Hope For America in the Heartland

Archbishop Aguer: Vatican-established ‘University of Meaning’ is fraught with potential dangers

Slowly but Surely: Francis Has Begun Corrupting Poland

Catholic Priests Are the Sleeper Cells in Rome’s Homosexual Revolution

Pope Francis Names 3 Pro-Gay Prelates to Vatican Doctrinal Office

Abuse Allegations: A FSSPX Priest Arrested

WATCH: More Than 450 Sue Archdiocese Of Baltimore Over Sexual Abuse

Former Finnish government minister once again standing trial for tweeting Bible verses

Poll Shows Majority of Americans Supported Harrison Butker’s Pro-Life, Pro-Family Message

Student temporarily denied diploma after urging classmates to follow Christ at graduation ceremony

After 25 foster families, this 11-year-old has finally found a forever home

Why Are Young Women Are Leaving Religion in Record Numbers?

Special report: Pilgrimage industry on its knees in Holy Land  

Reclaiming ‘Pride Month’: June 2 is ‘Ex-Gay Visibility Day’

Texas Supreme Court upholds Human Life Protection Act after legal challenge

Another Elderly Pro-Life Activist Sentenced for 2020 D.C. Abortion Clinic Protest

Research Confirms 95.9% of Abortions are Killing Babies as Birth Control, Just .4% for Rape

Within 10 Days: Anti-Life Violence against Pro-Life Organisation

House Democrat PAC launches $100 million campaign to promote abortion

The federal government has no comprehensive data on so-called “sidewalk nuisances”

‘Pregnant man’ becomes ‘abortion doula’ to assist others who want to kill their babies

Church teaching and IVF: it’s all about human dignity – buttressed by love, support and information

Children ‘Piled Up and Shot’: Gruesome Details Emerge of Islamic Genocide of Black Africans in Darfur Sudan

France: Zambian asylum seeker will not serve jail time for sexually assaulting 13-year-old daughter of his friend – The victim has since tried to kill herself twice

Citizens Succeed in Keeping Rainbow Flag Off Public Buildings in Los Angeles Suburb

Protect the Children Part 7: How to Effectively Engage Your School Board for Change

Famous soccer player suspended by the French football league for taping over LGBTQ+ logo

Judicial Watch Receives Records Detailing U.S. Air Force Drag Events Paid for By Taxpayers

Woke Defense Department Mistakenly Posts LGBT Pride Graphic for PTSD Awareness Month

In preface to latest book, PervPope Francis tells Fr. James Martin, who defends the rights of men and priests who prefer anal and oral sex with other men, that the Bible is a love letter

Philadelphia Sets Drag Queen Story Time World Record With Only 263 Attending

Next Stage: Tucho "Allows" Homosexual Pseudo-Marriages

Woke Hollywood’s Weekend BO Collapses 66% over Last Year                                6/3


Prayers before the Eucharist by holy children

Mary, Queen of the Earth

St. Mechtildis

Pope John Paul II’s and the Visitation

The Story of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Visitation of Mary was the first Eucharistic procession

Saint Petronilla, Virgin

"So God created man in his own image"

Sainte Jeanne d’Arc, the Mighty Maid of Orleans

St. Joan of Arc - Living Divine Mercy  with Fr. Chris Alar, MIC

Fontgombault Sermon for Corpus Christi: "Communion after communion, our hearts resemble more and more Christ’s Heart."

Scenes of heroic piety impress priest during Eucharistic exposition in New York  

Fr. Donald Calloway "A Perpetual Eucharistic Revival"

John Paul II Shrine mum on Rupnik art ahead of Eucharistic procession

Contemplating Corpus Christi through Raphael’s ‘Stanza della Segnatura’  

Do you know Our Lady of Bliss?

Tragic accident at the Corpus Christi procession: a Swiss man dies

EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Viganò won’t ‘elaborate further’ for now on Pope Francis abuse accusations

Spain: Socialist Regime Bans the Rosary Again

Diocese of Buffalo to Merge a Third of its Parishes

Cardinal Parolin: NATO arms in Russia will lead to ‘uncontrollable escalation'

Archbishop Aguer: Vatican-established ‘University of Meaning’ is fraught with potential dangers

Papa Frocesco: An Italian Bishop Confirms What Everyone Knows

The reality of ‘gay’ seminaries and what’s behind Pope Francis’ ‘faggotry’ remark

Vatican faces backlash for inviting DRAG ARTIST to perform during inaugural celebration of World Children’s Day

Nigerian priest released a week after kidnap

Catholic priest in Poland participates in ecumenical ceremony to bless homosexual ‘couples’

Hong Kong cardinal: Tiananmen massacre left ‘deep wound’

Vatican official says 77% of cases sent to discipline office are about child abuse

Germany: Presiding Bishop Attacks Francis Three Times, Wants 'Positive View' on Sexual Sins

Money rules the German church world!

Kenyan doctor condemns WHO for sterilizing African women with vaccines

Kentucky High School Student DENIED Diploma After Honoring Jesus During “Off-Script” Graduation Speech

Second Jewish School Hit With Gunfire: Alarming Rise of Violent Antisemitic Attacks in Canada Since...

Catholic Experts: Evil new Vatican DeathAcademy book has “misleading and confusing theological and medical information that contradicts established Church teachings on contraception and assisted reproductive technologies.”

Pakistan’s religious minorities enduring modern-day slavery in brick kiln industry

Pro-Life Leader Mark Houck Going After Joe Biden After Biden Tried to Put Him in Prison

Report: Pro-life pregnancy centers provided over $367M in services in 2022

'You Will Not Surely Die': Transhuman Scientists Buy Into Devil's First Lie

Doctors pressured us to abort at every visit, until one spoke words of hope we’d never forget

Texas Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Challenge to Abortion Ban, Babies Can Continue Being Saved

Former ‘Top Model’ Leah Darrow was told her preemie wouldn’t survive. 29 days later he’s still fighting.

Report: Democrat PAC Plans $100M Abortion Blitz to Take House in November

Abortion Pills are Releasing Dangerous Chemicals, Remains of Aborted Babies in Our Water 

Netherlands euthanizes healthy 29-year-old woman to cure depression, anxiety 

Louisiana Catholic Men Stand-Up to the ‘Pride’ Infiltration of Their Small Town this June

Jesuit Father James Martin: Church Would Be ‘Immeasurably Poorer’ Without Gay Priests

Ben Carson: We Have to Protect Our Children From the Leftist Sexual Agenda 

California Democrat State Senator Blasts Her Own Party for Protecting Child Predators in Explosive Speech (VIDEO)

GERMANY: Women's Gym Fined 1,000 After Denying Balding Trans-Identified Male Access to Showers

Another Californian diocese files for bankruptcy due to volume of abuse lawsuits      5/31


St. Joan of Arc

Saint Felix I, Pope and Martyr

Saint Mary Magdalene of Pazzi, Carmelite

St. Maximinus of Trier

Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat’s Story

Saint Cyril, Child Martyr

Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Ursula Ledóchowska

At the moment of Adoration we are all on the same level, on our knees before the Sacrament of Love

Bishop Schneider blesses the construction of traditional Carmelite monastery in Florida

Viganò Accuses Francis of Being a Homosexual

BREAKING: Archbishop Viganò accuses Pope Francis of ‘the same abuses’ as Cardinal McCarrick

Nuncio to Kenya says secular West is ‘self-absorbed’ and has ‘lost its vigour’

“It’s fantastic and it’s noticeable that countless lives are being changed here.”

A template for change? Zero tolerance by the numbers

US Bishops Complain about Autocratic Behaviour of Roman Curia

New clash shows strains in Germany’s ‘synodal coalition’

Nearly 40% of Christians prefer not to tell people about their faith: survey

G.K. Chesterton as Catholic Apologist

Lebanese swimming instructor built floating rosary

Russell Brand Reflects on the Impact of His Baptism After One Month as a Christian

Christian convert in Somalia attacked by knife-wielding Muslim relatives, loses family

Pope’s World Day for Children features drag dancer and Candace Owens’ firing over ‘Christ is King’

Father James Martin says he knows ‘hundreds’ of homosexual priests: ‘They’ve been my mentors’

Connecticut claims religious exemptions to mandatory child vaccinations somehow pose a threat to public health

The ‘Drip-Drip’ Genocide of Christians

UK Silent Prayer Arrests Prompt International Embarrassment

Planned Parenthood Loses Bid to Silence Pro-Life Protestors

South Carolina judge upholds six-week “heartbeat” abortion ban

Rolling Stone pushes more propaganda in attempt to portray pro-lifers as violent

Democrats Can’t Win on Economy or Immigration, so They’re All-in on Killing Babies

Catholic university and bishops sue Biden admin for adding abortion to pregnant workers law

Melinda Gates Plans to Donate $1 Billion to Abortion and Gender Justice to “Help” Girls

Vacationing for the purpose of cheaper IVF is the new global fertility market trend

Letitia James Loses First Legal Battle After She Tries to Shut Down Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Paralyzed then drowned: Veteran exposes the terrifying method used to euthanize people in Canada

Sisters file complaint after ‘non-terminal’ mother was ‘fast-tracked’ for euthanasia

South Carolina governor signs ban on transgender procedures for minors

Clash in the Netherlands: ANTIFA Targets Feminists Advocating for Safety from Men Identifying as Women

Rep. Paul Gosar blasts Biden admin for funding gender transition procedures for underage family members of government employees

Protect the Children Part 5: Understanding Your School Board’s Current Composition

Documentary Details Female Sexual Assault Survivor’s Story of Being Incarcerated With Trans Inmate

Creating A Mentally Ill Nation As Grooming Entities, Including Disney and Nintendo, Are Driving So-Called 'Transgender' Children, Teens And Adults To Suicide And Brutally Gruesome Murders

NATO is a global criminal cabal pushing pedophilia and trans agendas under the threat of economic sanctions and kinetic bombings

Australian LGBT activist seems to promote bestiality to high schoolers. Will Canada follow?

Transgender surgeon promotes castration of teenagers as “an adventure for young people”    

Lola is an Oregon Track State Champion             5/30


Saint Germanus, Bishop of Paris

Bl. Margaret Pole

Venerable Pierre Toussaint’s Story

Saint Augustine of Canterbury, Archbishop

Saint Bernard of Montjoux, or Menthon

The Holy Eucharist and the Hint of an Explanation

Record number of French military baptized at Lourdes

Why young people love the Chartres pilgrimage  

Rome Today Isn’t What It Was

Archbishop Viganò: 'Bergoglio is one of the main activists of the hellish LGBTQ + agenda'

Has the Pope finally completely lost the plot? He cannot carry on governing the Church like this.

Vatican Apologizes for Catholic Missionaries in China, Calls on Communist “Bishops” to Rule the Chinese Church

Resignation of Mgr Mestre: No, it Wasn't Sex, It Was Much Worse

Why did the Pope's favorite suddenly resign? More details.

Catholic leaders beg US bishops to cancel agency funding Marxist, pro-abortion, pro-LGBT groups

Addressing Homosexuality in Uganda, Part I

@holysmoke..@dianemontagna..JUST IN: #Vatican..statement..#PopeFrancis’ comments..“get all the queers out of the seminaries, even those only semi-oriented”. Statement

Transvestite Performs at Francis' World Children’s Day'

Bad odour of the shepherds from the Church Francis left behind

When the Priest Decided Which Parishioners Could Receive the Eucharist

Catholic Cardinal Condemns “Killing Unborn Children” in Abortions: “History Will Judge Us”

Pagan Prayer in Roman Basilica: Francis "Very Happy"

Melinda Gates Spending $1 Billion to Push Abortion Worldwide

‘Hands off the cross’ – Polish football fans target Warsaw Mayor Trzaskowski over decision to remove crucifix from government buildings

Finnish Supreme Court to hear case of politician charged with ‘hate speech’ for citing Bible

Final Decision on Bible Club After 7 Months of ‘Anti-Christian Hostility’

Bring ‘Em Back! Part 15

Backlash against Harrison Butker shows ‘hatred for Catholic morality’: Newman Society president

The assault on Polish Catholics: It’s time to resist ideological extremism

Principal at Catholic middle school censures student’s patriotic, MAGA-themed speech

Jet-Setting Archbishop of Canterbury Accused of Climate ‘Hypocrisy’

Catholic Priest Promotes Video Claiming “God Made Biden”

Live Action’s ‘Truth About Sex’ series exposes ‘Four Big Lies About Sex’ that people believe

Harrison Butker Defends His Pro-Life, Pro-Family Commencement Speech: “I Do Not Regret At All”

Pro-life ministry is educating students across US on fetal development

Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Sue New York AG Letitia James For Trying to Shut Them Down

Mother horrified her presumed missing son was killed at euthanasia business

'Groom These Women': The Persecution of Christians, April 2024 

Fiducia Supplicans is ‘Crowning Achievement’ of ‘LGBT Lobby’ in the Church

“They’re out to Get Us”: Degenerate “Pride” Crosswalk Keeps Getting Damaged by Burnouts

Missouri High Schoolers Asked If They Understand Difference Between Gender, Sex Assigned at Birth 

Newsom weakened California's anti-pedo laws: Now pedos are advertising to children on utility polls in front of schools

New Brunswick premier bans ‘sex-ed’ group from schools after presentation on porn, immoral sex acts

‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Contestant Shocks with Costume Depicting Trans Double Mastectomy

Nintendo introduces ‘transgender’ character in US remake of Paper Mario video game

Trans Runner Takes Girls Title in 400-Meter Dash at Washington State HS Championships

Disney’s Hulu to Stream Gay Dating Show ‘I Kissed a Boy’ for Pride Month      5/28


Saint Bede the Venerable, Father of the Church

St. Augustine of Canterbury

Canterbury’s Augustine, Who Made England Catholic

Saint Philip Neri’s Story

Saint Gregory VII, Pope

O Lux Beata Trinitas

The Solemnity of the Holy Trinity In the Words of the Saints

4 Saints who served in the military

A New Miracle in Lourdes?

Co-editor of the Catholic Herald raises questions about the Vatican's new standards on apparitions

The Polish Model and the Mysterious Encounter with Padre Pio… Only at Medjugorje did she begin to understand.

Pilgrimage to Chartres: Tens of thousands travel to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass

George Weigel: Francis Betrays the Legacy of John Paul II

29 members of Opus Dei were ordained priests in Rome

Guns and Rosaries: dynamic, orthodox Catholicism in Chicago and the United States

He was a soldier in Iraq and became a “Soldier of Christ”

‘Listen, teach, send’ - The USCCB's draft plan for young people

Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis’ Vatican has ‘adopted the ideology of the French Revolution’

Lots of Exorcism These Days

Fernández Attempts to Mend Relationship with Coptic Church in Wake of Disastrous Fiducia Supplicans

‘Dark day’ for Pakistan’s Christians after mob attack

Meet the modern-day ‘devil’s advocate’ in the process of canonization

“On the contrary, we see that Azerbaijan’s genocide against the Armenians is being rewarded”

Who’s responsible for ending the Syro-Malabar liturgy impasse?

English Bishop Bans "Pride" Celebrations in Catholic Schools

Male drag ‘artist’ puts on disturbing performance for kids at [Francis's] Vatican’s World Children’s Day

Murder of American missionaries was ‘incredibly brutal.’

Forced ECT has brought me much suffering: I am offering it up for an end to abortion

Hate Crime Charges DROPPED, No Jail Time for Christian Vet Who Beheaded Satan Statue at Iowa Capitol

Francis’s beloved MonsterArtist Fr. Rupnik’s co-author, Matasa Govekar, still very influential at VaticanNews

Theologian Carl Tru